State of New York
County of Fulton
Town of Caroga
Minutes of a Caroga Town Board Budget meeting held Wednesday October 16, 2019 at the municipal building located at 1840 State Highway #10 at 7:05 pm with the following persons in attendance by roll call:
Supervisor James K. Selmser - Here
Council Member John Glenn - Here
Council Member Jeremy Manning - Here
Council Member James Long - Here
Council Member Kent Kirch - Absent
There were 6 members of the public in attendance along with the Highway Superintendent - Steve Putman.
Supervisor Selmser opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance. The supervisor stated this was a special meeting to hopefully finalize our budget numbers and set up the necessary date for the public hearing.
The public was invited to discuss any issues or concerns they wanted to bring to the boards attention. There were no public speakers this evening.
The board moved into reviewing the latest numbers they received from the bookkeeper after the last meeting. The adjustments were factored in based on what the board had talked about at a prior meeting. Also factored in were the exact numbers in relation to the bonding of the truck. The effect on the taxes were that they tried to keep it where the board had talked about at the last meeting to around the 2% factor. The rate comes out to $1.00 for general, $4.07 for Highway. The Supervisor and Budget director adjusted the fund balance slightly to offset the extra interest expense. The highway was at $1,008,530.00 it was increased to $1,010,080.00. They factored in the change on the grant expense and revenue on the bike trail.
The supervisor stated that $2,000.00 was included for an outside consultant to conduct a payroll study.
The supervisor stated the effect overall on the tax levy is last year the budget was $906,991 and this year it is $926,124 – a difference of $19,133.00. The allowable amount the town could go based on the state formula was $32,000.00 we are approximately $12,000 under that calculation.
The overall percentage in change for the general and highway ended up being 2.2% and the fire contract is a rate of 2.9% the combined calculation comes up to 2.405% based on the revised numbers. Supervisor Selmser explained how the rate was calculated to the board members. If money is carried over from the prior year in our case it was $12,000.00 this allows for the percentage to be somewhat higher than 2%. It is a floating number. The supervisor noted we are slightly over the 2% because of the fire contract that we are locked into.
The board next discussed the date for the public hearing. Supervisor Selmser noted the public hearing is usually held at the regular November meeting. This is a few days past what the state likes. The county needs the information on the Friday following the town board meeting. He noted this gives more of an opportunity for people to come to the meeting.
Council Member Manning had a couple of small changes on the bike stuff.
A7145.1 should be $51,750.00 and
A7145.4 should be $12,650.00 the Total is $64,400.00.
Revenue page 16 – A4889 should be $64,000.00 it will be slightly less.
Council Member Glenn noted three years ago $1,500.00 was put into a grant writer line item. He noted this budget line item A1010.11 did not have any money on it. Council Member Manning suggested putting $5,000 or $6,000 on the line. Council Member Glenn thought most grant writers take a percentage of what they get. Council Member Manning stated they do a flat fee. Council Member Long noted he was successful in the grant he wrote as was Council Member Manning. He was not sure if this line item needed to be funded. Supervisor Selmser stated it is a little on the light side. The supervisor noted there is a possibility of some of the grants being written by Fulton County Planning at a reduced cost. Council Member Manning noted the money can be rolled over into the next year too.
Supervisor Selmser asked if there were any other thoughts.
Supervisor Selmser then stated that what the board has been looking at has been a tentative budget. We would classify this now as a preliminary budget that we would have to have the public hearing on. He noted salaries would have to be published.
The clerk stated she was confused. This document dated 10/8/2019 states it is proposed. All the way through it is referenced as proposed. That is not one of the terms typically used. The term is either tentative or preliminary. The supervisor stated this is what the bookkeeper has presented and controlled it. The clerk read from the Town Clerk manual. “The town board reviews the tentative budget and makes any changes that it deems necessary consistent with law in reviewing the tentative budget the town board may call upon the department heads to explain their estimates. Note that the review of the tentative budget may be adjourned and continued at subsequent meetings but take not string it too long because of the deadline. Once the town board has concluded its review of the tentative budget it need to approve the tentative budget and any changes made there to by resolution. The tentative budget so adopted by the town board becomes the preliminary budget.” The clerk stated it is unclear because the document states it is proposed. The clerk just requested that the correct terminology be used. Two council members were seen to be snickering to each other and the clerk asked if they found this funny.
The supervisor stated what will be announced will be the preliminary budget.
RESOLUTION #2019-107 to hold a public hearing on the Tentative Budget was offered by Council Member Long at a special Caroga Town Board meeting held on Wednesday October 16, 2019 at 7 pm at town hall.
WHEREAS, Council Member Long noted that the board put forth this document as amended tonight: in the A1010.11 adding $1,500.00 and from page 9 A7145.1 will be from $51,250 to $51,750.00 and in A7145.4 downward from $13,100.00 to $12,650.00 and changing on page 16 A4889 from $64,350.00 to $64,400.00 and promoting this budget as the tentative budget and be it further
RESOLVED, that a public hearing will be scheduled for this tentative budget to be approved on November 13th at 7 pm.
Seconded by Council Member Manning
Discussion: Council Member Glenn noted the bond interest had been changed. The supervisor noted that was changed it has the 10/10/2019 date on it.
Supervisor Selmser noted the town received a fax today from the county and the numbers will be included on the new preliminary budget. They were the total assessed value. They are subject to change.
Mrs. Holliday asked about the mowers at the previous meeting. Two were ordered for $17,000.00. The golf course line item equipment only has $10,000.00 in it. The supervisor stated at that meeting that once we have those bills and take possession of it we will make a budget adjustment once we have hard numbers. There is additional money available in a different golf course account. It will be more than enough to cover the two mowers.
Adopted by a vote of 4 Ayes: Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long
The supervisor will have the budget director change the title of the document.
The clerk stated that unfortunately she does not have the information she needs tonight to post this in the newspaper. The supervisor stated she would have it by Friday morning. The supervisor stated he would do the calculations and get a copy to the clerk.
Council Member Glenn asked if the Sherman’s property was closed for the season. The supervisor replied that is closed and locked up. Council Member Glenn asked who has the keys. The Supervisor responded that we have one set of keys. He believed Mr. Ruby still has a set of keys. Council Member Glenn asked to get the set of keys back from Mr. Ruby. The supervisor responded, “We can.”
Council Member Long made a motion to adjourn at 7:27 pm. The motion was seconded by Council Member Manning. All board members were in favor of the motion.
Respectfully Submitted,
Linda M. Gilbert, RMC, CMC
Caroga Town Clerk
Copyright © James McMartin Long 2017–2025