State of New York
County of Fulton
Town of Caroga
Minutes of the organizational meeting of the Caroga Town Board held Saturday January 4, 2020 at the municipal building located at 1840 State Highway #10 at 1:00 pm with the following persons in attendance by roll call the flag salute followed.
Supervisor Scott Horton- Here
Council Member John Glenn - Here
Council Member James Long - Here
Council Member Richard Sturgess - Here
Council Member Donald Travis - Here
Other town department representatives in attendance were: Highway Superintendent – Larry Voght. There were 18 members of the public in attendance.
The Town Clerk Linda Gilbert swore in Council Members Donald Travis and Richard Sturgess, and Town Supervisor Scott Horton. It was noted that the Highway Superintendent Larry Voght was previously sworn in.
Council Member Glenn congratulated and welcomed those that were elected to the board. It is an honor to work with them he stated. “We have a clean slate we can make of this canvas whatever we want to make of it.” He is looking forward to progress in the town and wants to avoid any pitfalls of private interest groups that might get involved.
Council Member Long noted we have a set of traditions that have worked well. The incoming supervisor stated he wanted continuity where he could in a recent interview with the Leader Herald and Council Member Long stated he will hold him to it.
Supervisor’s State of Caroga Address: Supervisor Horton thanked the previous administration and current staff during the transition. He recognized the Caroga Lake Volunteer Fire Company for their tireless efforts during the ice storm and thanked the voters for placing their faith in him and the newly elected officials.
During his address Supervisor Horton noted the town has more opportunities than challenges. He brings a vision of hope and prosperity. He named the challenges: 1) we are financially stable now but without taking action the future may bring situations that will require tax increases. By planning now he is positive the town can avoid those problems. 2) Litigation; as supervisor he will try his best to negotiate and try to avoid litigation every time, and promises to keep his door open. 3) Infrastructure – Town Hall, the Highway Garage, a salt storage shed and roads have been neglected for years. The plan is to first know the cost, then look at solutions. This will take several years to implement but will save the taxpayer long term.
Opportunities: The town is experiencing a growth. To capitalize on our opportunities he asked for the board and the community’s support for his 2020 agenda.
1) To create a Parks and Recreation Commission to develop, improve and support existing recreational opportunities in the town. The golf course, new Wheelerville Bike trail, and support for our existing attractions and development of new events and entertainment will be the commissions charge. The Supervisor noted the Adirondack Motor Enthusiast Club will put on a free ice Racing Show on January 26th here in Caroga.
2) Cleaning up blight; leading by cleaning up our own house first. Projects listed were cutting brush on route 10 by the golf course, painting the Town Garage and neatening up the yard. Displaying flags and planting trees will insure the Adirondack feel of our community
3) Street Lighting – completing the conversion of our energy inefficient lighting to cost saving LED lighting.
4) Continue to look at outside sources of grant funding
These steps and others will help the town on its way to positive change.
Supervisor Horton noted an important and critical topic – Cooperation. For investors to invest in the town they need something crucial: Regulatory Certainty – simply stated this community must commit to stability in government and commit to working together.
Supervisor Horton extended best wishes to all for a wonderful New Year and closed by saying God Bless Caroga.
RESOLUTION #2020-001 Naming Elected Officials and their Positions was offered by Supervisor Horton at the reorganizational meeting held Saturday, January 4, 2020. The town board reviewed the list of elected officials as follows:
Supervisor – Scott Horton
Highway Superintendent – Larry Voght
Town Clerk/Tax Collector/Registrar/Records Management Officer – Linda Gilbert
Town Justice – James Subik
Council Member – John Glenn
Council Member – James Long
Council Member – Richard Sturgess
Council Member – Donald Travis
Seconded by Council Member Long
ADOPTED by a vote of 5Ayes, Horton, Glenn, Long, Sturgess, Travis
RESOLUTION #2020-002 stating Organizational Business – Miscellaneous was offered by Supervisor Horton at the reorganizational meeting held Saturday, January 4, 2020. The following information was examined:
Financial Institutions: NBT
KEY Bank
The Regular meetings of the Town Board of the Town of Caroga will be held on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm, with the exception of Tuesday, November 10, 2020, because November 11, 2020, is Veteran’s Day.
That the Supervisor is authorized to do the following: Invest money anytime that there is money to invest, pay fixed bills such as telephone, electric, gasoline, propane, salaries, contract and insurance, etc., when due. Pay monthly salaries of elected officials.
That Gas Mileage for the year 2020 will be $0.58 per mile per IRS regulations. Detailed logs shall be kept and submitted monthly.
The official town website will be
That the Highway Superintendent is authorized to spend $2,000.00 without authorization, $2000.00 - $5,000.00 with Supervisor approval, over $5,000.00 with Town Board approval, keeping within budget appropriations for daily and weekly supplies.
The official newspaper – The Leader Herald.
If an elected or appointed official is going to be out of town on vacation or to a seminar, etc., for more than 48 hours, the Town Clerk should be notified and it should be marked on a calendar in the Town Clerk’s office.
Holidays – New Years Day, Martin Luther King Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, General Election Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day.
The motion was seconded by Council Member Long
Discussion: Council Member Glenn asked for balances from the bank accounts for the first meeting.
ADOPTED by a vote of 5 Ayes, Horton, Glenn, Long, Sturgess, Travis
RESOLUTION #2020-003 Naming Appointed Positions for the year 2020 was offered by Supervisor Horton at the reorganizational meeting held Saturday, January 4, 2020. The following persons are hereby appointed as officials in the Town of Caroga for the year 2020:
Sanitation Inspector & Code Enforcement Officer – John Duesler
Registrar of Vital Statistics – Linda Gilbert
Dog Control – Howard Dutcher
Youth Director – Colleen Ricciardi
Historian – Richard Nilsen
Building Maintenance Staff – Robert Thompson
B.T.I. Coordinator – John Delesky
Weed Harvesting Coordinator – Gene Centi
Sole Assessor – Victoria Hayner
Golf Professional/Greens Keeper/Manager – Steve Jennings
Planning Board Chairman – Al Kozakiewicz
Zoning Board of Appeals Chairman – Douglas Purcell
Alternate Members to the Planning Board – to be announced
Alternate Member to the Zoning Board of Appeals – to be announced
Code Clerk – Jennifer Blowers
Deputy Town Supervisor – Dr. John Glenn
Deputy Highway Superintendent – Henry Snell
Deputy Town Clerk – Judith Aldinger
ZBA & Planning Clerk – to be announced
Bookkeeper & Budget Officer – Joanne Young
Court Clerk – Thelma Subik
Clerk to the Highway Superintendent – vacant
Seconded by Council Member Long
ADOPTED by a vote of 5 Ayes, Horton, Glenn, Long, Sturgess, Travis
Supervisor Horton noted the board would be doing a top to bottom review of positions in town. It will involve duties and responsibilities of every position and a review of the salaries. There will be help from the Fulton County Personnel department. This usually go into executive sessions. When this does happen (not today) the public will be informed. Last year a 3% increase was budgeted for most positions. The highway department has a contract that is being honored. A few have been set aside for more review. After the board has a meeting and comes to a decision on these salaries anyone with an increase it will be retroactive to the first of the year. If there happens to be a decrease that will take effect at the date of the resolution.
RESOLUTION #2020-004 to set yearly salaries and hourly rates for the year 2020 was offered by Supervisor Horton at the reorganizational meeting held Saturday, January 4, 2020. The following salaries were reviewed and discussed as follows:
Highway is by contract. All other positions will be reviewed. Pay increases will be retroactive to January 1, 2020, and decreases, if any, will be effective on resolution.
Salary Elected & Appointed Officials to be paid quarterly
(1) Budget Officer $2,781.00
(1) Weed Coordinator & Director $16,000.00
Salary Elected & Appointed Officials to be paid monthly
1 – Town Justice $15,810.00
1 – Dog Control Officer PT $5,698.00
1 – Attorney to the Town As Billed
1 - Court Clerk $3,366.00
4 – Town Board Members $3,043.75
1 – Supervisor $10232.00
Salary Appointed Officials to be paid annually
1 – Health Officer ________
1 – Historian $ 652.00
1 – Deputy Superintendent of Highways $2,144.00
Salary Elected & Appointed Officials to be paid bi-weekly
1 – Bookkeeper to Supervisor (secretary) $24,277.00
1 – Town Clerk/Tax Collector $33,040.00
1 – Sole Assessor $25,235.00
1 – Registrar of Vital Statistics $ 773.00
1 – Superintendent of Highways (refuse Coordinator duties) $45,328.00 46,688.00
1 – Greens Keeper (Manager/Golf Pro) per contract
1 – B.T.I. Coordinator $15,680.00 16,150.00
1 – Youth Director $ 5,540.00 5,707.00
1 – Youth Teacher $ 1,540.00 1,587.00
Appointed Employees to be paid hourly
Highway – Motor Equipment Operators )
Starting Rate $16.33 24 Mo. $17.29 48 Mo. $18.23 60 Mo. $19.25 ) by contract
Highway Mechanics – Starting rate $19.83 )
Code Enforcement Officer – not to exceed $30,000.00 $31.83
Deputy Town Clerk $13.26
Laborers (Golf Course I) $14.99
Laborers (Golf Course II) $14.56
Assistant to Golf Professional (Pro Shop) $11.80
BTI Technicians (I) $12.84
BTI Technicians (II) $12.11 - ?
1 – Clerk PT (Code Enforcement) (Not to exceed $8,000.00) $13.64 - may change
Divers senior – has worked for the town previously $23.30
First year starting diver rate $21.99
Tenders – senior $13.23
First year tender $12.85
1 – laborer (Janitorial) $13.65
Boat Wash/Lake Stewards $11.80
Summer Youth/Recreational $11.80
Summer Youth/Recreational Bus Driver $16.50
Summer Youth/Recreational Life Guard $12.20
Seconded by Council Member Glenn
ADOPTED by a vote of 5 Ayes, Horton, Glenn, Long, Sturgess, Travis
The Town Clerk asked when the next payroll period was and how it would be effected. As written right now was the supervisor’s response.
A motion was made to reappoint Peter Kiernan to the Planning Board by Council Member Long. He noted his diligent service to the board – reliably showing up to the meetings and demonstrated judicial temperament appropriate to the Planning Board. He knows other board members want to bring in Matt Cooper and supports him coming in as an alternate. Hearing no second on the motion. The supervisor asked for other nominations.
RESOLUTION #2020-005 to appoint Matthew H. Cooper to the Planning Board was offered by Council Member Sturgess at the organizational meeting held Saturday, January 4, 2020,
WHEREAS, the term of Peter Kiernan Planning Board member expired December 31, 2019, and
WHEREAS, Mr. Cooper is a good member of the community, owns a business in the town, is always there to help people out, and is level headed in his decision making,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of Caroga Town Board appoints Matthew Cooper of Dwyer Lane Caroga Lake NY 12032 to a seven-year term on the Planning Board commencing January 1, 2020 until December 31, 2026.
Seconded by Council Member Travis
ADOPTED by a vote of 4 Ayes Horton, Glenn, Sturgess, Travis with 1 Opposed - Long
Council Member Long noted a vacancy on the Zoning Board of Appeals. Each year there is the expired term of one member. The term of Kenneth Coirin is up this year. Council Member Long noted he has ably served for decades and has served a chair for many years.
RESOLUTION #2020-006 to reappoint Kenneth Coirin to the Zoning Board of Appeals was offered by Council Member Long at the organizational meeting held Saturday, January 4, 2020,
WHEREAS, the term of Kenneth Coirin Zoning Board member expired December 31, 2019, and
WHEREAS, Mr. Coirin has ably served for decades and has served as chairman for many years and is the most experienced person on the board,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of Caroga Town Board appoints Kenneth Coirin of Scott Road Caroga Lake NY 12032 to a five-year term on the Zoning Board of Appeals commencing January 1, 2020 until December 31, 2024.
Seconded by Supervisor Horton
Mr. Purcell Chairman of the ZBA stated the Mr. Coirin has expressed his willingness to continue to serve on the Zoning Board of Appeals. He stepped down as chairman due to his unavailability for one month a year. He brings a wealth of experience to the board.
ADOPTED by a vote of 5 Ayes, Horton, Glenn, Long, Sturgess, Travis
The Supervisor stated the last resolution is to appoint an attorney for the town. Council Member Long moved to conduct interviews of recommended candidates. He feels it would be reckless and “not doing our due diligence in our oath of office” to appoint an attorney that all board members had not interviewed together -collectively. Council Member Long then moved to table any discussion of appointing an attorney and that the board meet with whomever the Supervisor wants and then vote. Supervisor Horton spoke to four attorneys as Supervisor Elect. Dunn & Dunn, Mike Subik, Sal Ferlazzo, and Charles Tallent from Canajoharie. Attorney Tallent does not have the time to work for the town. Supervisor Horton asked the board if anyone wanted to nominate anyone of these individuals. Council Member Glenn having known Sal Ferlazzo and his being familiar with issues in Caroga Lake for the last several years recommended Sal Ferlazzo. Again Council Member Long again moved to table that motion. Hearing no second to the motion made by Council Member Long Supervisor Horton opened the nomination from Council Member Glenn. The motion was seconded by Council Member Sturgess.
RESOLUTION #2020-007 to appoint Salvatore Ferlazzo of the firm of Girvin & Ferlazzo as Attorneys for the Town as Independent Contractors was offered by Council Member Glenn at the reorganizational meeting held January 4, 2020.
WHEREAS, the board discussed naming a town attorney as part of the organizational business being conducted this afternoon, and
WHEREAS, a motion was made to table this resolution by Council Member Long without support of a second, and
WHEREAS, Supervisor Horton reached out to four possible candidates for the position,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Attorney Sal Ferlazzo of the firm Girvin & Ferlazzo shall provide legal services as needed.
Seconded by Council Member Sturgess
ADOPTED by a roll call vote:
Council Member John Glenn - Aye
Council Member James Long - Nay
Council Member Richard Sturgess - Aye
Council Member Donald Travis - Aye
Supervisor Scott Horton – Aye
Council Member Long made a motion to accept the minutes of the December 21, 2019 town board meeting. Council Member Glenn seconded the motion. All board members were in favor of the motion.
Council Member Long moved to reappoint himself as ZBA and Planning Clerk which could be changed at some later date. He stated there are items on the calendar that need to be dealt with. Supervisor Horton asked if anything was scheduled before the regular meeting next Wednesday. Nothing before the next Wednesday was the response. The Supervisor wanted to put that off until the next meeting. He appreciated all of Council Member Long’s service to the town as clerk.
At 1:29 Council Member Long made a motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Council Member Glenn. All board members were in favor of the motion.
Respectfully Submitted,
Linda M. Gilbert, RMC, CMC
Caroga Town Clerk
Copyright © James McMartin Long 2017–2025