State of New York
County of Fulton
Town of Caroga
Minutes of the regular monthly Caroga Town Board meeting held Wednesday February 12, 2019 at the municipal building located at 1840 State Highway #10 at 7:00 pm with the following persons in attendance by roll call. The pledge of allegiance followed.
Supervisor Scott Horton- Here
Council Member John Glenn - Here
Council Member James Long - Absent
Council Member Richard Sturgess - Here
Council Member Donald Travis - Here
Other town department representatives in attendance were: Highway Superintendent – Larry Voght. There were 32 members of the public in attendance.
Supervisor Horton stated that Council Member Long had surgery and is doing well. He wished him a speedy recovery.
Supervisor Horton changed up the format of the meeting by having presentations first.
Presentation by Brian McIntosh of Canada Lake Computers Computer on Cyber Security Services. He noted the Town of Colonie was hit by a ransomware attack. Mr. McIntosh explained that 1) updates are necessary and need to be monitored that they are done correctly. 2) Users need to be trained so they don’t click on the wrong thing and have the information on what to do to get out of it. 3) The need for a universal backup system. As these tools are put in place he can monitor the systems.
Scott Horton asked about windows 7 and 10. Mr. McIntosh noted windows 7 is no longer patchable. He recommended computers using it be taken out of service. It is not an emergency but critical it be done. All Town of Caroga machines are windows 7. Council Member Glenn asked about a backup system. Mr. McIntosh explained he uses a two piece system. Every night all machines back up to a local/mirror drive. Then it uses our internet system during the night to send it out in an encrypted form offsite. There will always be a risk but the backup is the best solution to recover. Council Member Glenn asked Mr. McIntosh about upgrading the town computers but because of their age it is better to replace the systems.
Marcus Harazin and John Olm of the Lake Steward Program and the boat wash station were the next presenters. This is the second year of a three year grant program. They are getting ready for the summer season. The boat wash station is located across the street from town hall. Last year stewards and volunteers educated over 4000 people at the West Lake State Boat launch. There were also inspections done at Caroga Lake Marina. The Caroga Lake Campsite was monitored by someone from Adirondack Water Shed. There were a large number of boats coming out of the Sacandaga along with 30 other places. They need to get the coordinator in place John Olm has offered to do it again. They hope the stewards will come back. If they don’t they will advertise Mr. Harazin stated. Training is done by Paul Smiths. They will run 7 days a week up until Labor Day and on weekends in September. The program is weather dependent if it is pouring rain the stewards are not there. Various reporting is also a part of the job.
Presentation on the Sewer Study by Councilman Glenn noted there was a presentation last year to the town board about the feasibility of a limited expandable sewer system. The town applied for some grant money but was unsuccessful. Last week Council Member Glenn and Supervisor Horton sat down with Scott Henze of the Fulton County Planning Dept. along with Kent Kirch. They will meet on a regular basis. Council Member Glenn believes there is a commitment on the town side he thinks for some kind of system. They will look at designs and reach for grants.
There will be a full time grant writer. They will be bringing in Travis Mitchell he set up the last study. The next meeting is March 4th 9:30 am on the second level at the Planning Department on Montgomery Street in Johnstown. Council Member Glenn wanted to reach out to lake associations to assess and coordinate a comprehensive cleanup/observation as part of the weed harvesting and education part of the weed problem. Invasives are coming in for a reason, because of seeping whether directly or indirectly by septic systems in the area. He welcomed anyone from the lakes who wanted to come into the committee.
Supervisor Horton added one more facet – what we are going to do differently this time. In the Town of Caroga we can’t talk about economic development and some sort of a limited sewer system independently. The two are linked. Kent Kirch is the chairman of the Center for Regional Growth (CRG) and is willing to assist the town in the economic development side. The town does not want residents to have to pay a lot of money. But we can’t go out and get funding for something if we don’t know what the cost is. By doing some preliminary engineering; the better numbers you will have when you go to the public. He thinks there will be some real benefit of property values going up. It would avert the cost of expensive leach fields and in some case you may not be able to develop your property at all. It is a 5 – 10 year plan. This new approach by Council Member Glenn combining economic development and a sewer system makes a lot more sense and is going to make a lot more sense when we go out looking for funding.
Presentation on the Microphone System by Tor Shekerjian. He gave the board members updated information. He went back to the one company and they did better. They cut down on some of the extra equipment. It is a system that is portable, usable, and does recordings. The total cost is $1,828.39 as opposed to $2,810.00.
Mr. Shekerjian has been working with the Highway Superintendent on submitting forms for reimbursement from FEMA for the October 31, 2019 storm. The supervisor had no time to work on this and potentially we are talking tens of thousands of dollars. Ten minutes before the deadline the town had secured a place in line to get the funding. There is another meeting on Monday with FEMA.
Mr. Shekerjian noted in the two day window of the storm Kasson Drive, Fisher and Putman Roads were compromised. The highway department did fix them out of our own funds. Jerry Brown is the Liaison/advocate from the Division of Homeland Security who works with our county to make sure we get our paperwork done the way FEMA wants to see it. The town would be reimburse up to 75% of its actual cost which includes, labor, equipment, fuel, overtime, truck use, and even his time to do the paperwork. The amount was around $30,000.00 seventy five percent of that is $22,500.00.
Supervisor Horton reiterated the agenda items he wants to talk about are: IT Consultant, Public PA System, wage adjustments, talked about last Tuesday, golf course fees and equipment, Parks Lakes, Recreation, and Tourism Commission, and the Wheelerville Bike Trail. He asked if anyone wanted to comment on those or any other items please address the board.
Public Speaking – There were no public speakers this evening.
Department Reports:
Assessor’s Report –A written report was submitted by Vicki Hayner. She is concerned that our equalization rate is still going down. What this means is that the Town of Caroga continues to increase in value. The Supervisor noted as the rate goes down it becomes harder to value the value of the town. He noted the sales tax collected in the town goes into one big pot and is redistributed back through the county based on our percentage of valuation of the town. Sales tax revenue is part of our budgeting figures. The last quarter the town received $180,000.00 we are budgeted for $650,000.00 for this year. Sales tax revenue is extremely important to this town as is the assessment (the total value of the town) in us getting all of our fair share. Supervisor Horton was at the county building talking to other town supervisors; full value assessment does not raise taxes. It could have the opposite effect.
BTI – Mr. Delesky reported they got the chemicals in and the applicators have renewed their licenses for three years. He has received the DEC permit. He still has to renew the town’s pesticide permit which covers BTI and the Golf Course.
Clerk/Tax Collector/Registrar/RMO – The clerk provide the board with a copy of the monthly report and one on tax collection. To date we have collected $2,397,329.04 unpaid taxes total $822,903.38. Last month the Town Clerk books were presented for audit and review. Two board members have signed off. Next month she hopes the board can accept the 2019 books for audit. Another piece of correspondence, was received, that is not listed on the agenda. It is from Mrs. Long all board members received a copy as did the Highway Superintendent. The Clerk asked all department heads to use the correct PO Box number. This will help the new employees at the post office. From last month, the clerk reported that Highway voucher # 8 was added to the January abstract for Workers Comp. in the amount of $8803.35.
One of the most valuable pieces of information the clerk learned at the Saratoga Planning & Zoning Conference was that the clock starts when the file is handed over to the municipal clerk. Since files are not complete it leaves the town wide open for the time frame that applies to article 78’s. Once a Planning or Zoning application is completed the paperwork need to be deposited in the clerks’ office. It should be stamped as received and that is when the clock begins. There have been four cases this year none of the files are complete. There are no decision notices or minutes on file. The town is vulnerable. This needs to be worked on.
Code Enforcement & Sanitation – Mr. Duesler submitted a written report. He issued 3 permits for the month of January collecting $100.00 with a valuation of $3,950.00.
Dog Control – The Clerk submitted a report to the board showing five dogs not licensed from last year. 1- March 1- May, 1 July, 1 Aug, and 2 Nov.
Golf Course – Supervisor Horton welcomed Mr. Jennings back. Mr. Jennings thanked the town for the two mowers it purchased last year. It will cut down on a lot of time. He approved the request for a donation from Bob Phillips of the Eccentric Club for golf for 4 & cart. They hold a tournament with 40 people here each year. Rates for the season were suggested so he can publicize them in the paper. Mr. Jennings checked other course membership rates they were $775 & $800 for the season. Ours were $495.00. The town has not raised our rates in years. Council Member Sturgess justified the increase in the rates because of the expenditure of $22,000 in equipment this year. The Greens, Tee’s, and apron mowers are OK. Mr. Jennings noted we are going to need a new fairway mower it is over 20 years old. When you have to spend two hours repairing a mower everyday it is cutting into time needed on the golf course. It was asked if he had enough manpower. Mr. Jennings stated he is short one guy. People have asked him if there were any work on the course. He wanted to check with the supervisor to see if that is feasible. Applicants have to be 18 years of age. It was noted that maybe two golf courses in the county will be closed this year.
Incentive Rate Golf Incentive Rates (before 5/1/2020) Seasonal Senior $450, Individual $525, Couple $1,000. Golf Regular Rates (starting 5/2/2020): Seasonal Individual $600, Couple $1,100, Junior $125,Weekly $120, Monthly $240, Daily 18 Holes $23, Daily 9 Holes $13, Cart $12, Locker $35.
Mr. Jennings will hold the annual 2020 Nick Stoner Golf Clinic on Monday March 9, 2020 at the school for a week. Classes start at 7:30 am. Mr. Jennings wants to start a junior league. Contact Mr. Jennings if interested in joining the 8-week summer PGA Junior League for ages 12-15. He needs to have a parent with him every time for the practices and the matches. The team plays several other courses. There is practice during the week and the match is on the weekend. He was unsure of the cost.
Highway – The Highway Superintendent Mr. Voght gave Mr. Jennings a key to the gas pump and shop. Mr. Voght stated he has a great mechanic who will work on the golf course equipment. The Highway Superintendent spoke to Mrs. Long about the No Parking Signs on the streets. They were not put up last year, there is no way he can put them in the ground now. The mechanic Ron Gilman has gone through all of the trucks. One snow plow truck is down. He has to put a front end in it because of poor maintenance. The gears were stripped out of it. The code truck needed repairs. The estimate was $1,200.00. Mr. Voght saved the town $1200 by doing the front U joint work. He thanked his crew for all of their long hours of work. The Town Supervisor noted Mr. Voght is in his office just about every day when he is in. He is kept up to speed. The Town Supervisor thanked the department for doing cleanup on the outside too.
Mary Lou Patterson stated she has been here for 20 years and Beach Ridge Rd. has always been bad. It was hard to get to church a lot of times. Since January the road is plowed and sanded – everyone is so pleased. (Applause) Mr. Voght is out every day at 4 am checking the roads and is works all day long with his guys.
Council Member Glenn will try to get together mid-May for a meeting of the Lakes Management Program.
Building – The clerk noted there is a leak in the records room. Council Member Travis believes it to be from the big fan on the roof. The records from the late 1800’s are protected under plastic. Moving the records was suggested by the Supervisor. The clerk noted the room was constructed to be moisture and fireproof another site would not suit the purpose. The supervisor wants to have someone look at it.
Supervisors Report: Supervisor Horton reported spending and revenues for January in the general and highway funds is almost identical to what they were in January 2019. All are within budget.
He attended the monthly Fulton County Board of Supervisors meeting on Monday. Don Travis and the Supervisor attended the court hearing for the Morey Road litigation yesterday afternoon at 2 pm. It is going in the right direction. It will take time. The judge was understanding of the case. The Johnsons were there. They are seeing their way to settling with the town. What is complicated about this is the next meeting is April 7th before the judge to finalize the plan. He compared the case to a line of dominoes. Each domino (piece of property) is owned by a different owner. We have to get a deed (from each domino) and then put it all together as one piece. Then written right of way for ingress and egress has to be given to each of the property owners along there. It is a public road and they would have that anyway but some of the owners want it written in their deed. One of the property owners is deceased so the town will have to go to surrogate court for that parcel. The executor lost their right to be the executor in September of 2019.
Supervisor Horton reported he is still working on the street lighting. It is more complicated than he thought. We have over 300 street lights in town. That is more than Mayfield, Northampton, and Broadalbin combined. We probably don’t need that many. Each light is expensive. If we switch to LED there is a capital cost involved. He wanted the energy savings to pay the capitol cost. The Supervisor checked with DOT and they do not have any rules on lighting. He asked them for help in placement of the light. He noted that the lighting bill is $4,139.16 this is because these are the shortest days. The bill is for power only and the bill will go down over a period of time. We spend around $39,000.00 a year for the lights. A 150 watt light costs around $100 per year for electric consumption. We have both high pressure and low sodium lights. When we are done we will have a phased in approach that will save the town money in the long term and hopefully environmentally improve our community.
The Supervisor has met with Mr. Jennings and Mr. Voght several times. There are a range of issues in the code enforcement office – nothing serious. The Vesey litigation will go before the judge on Monday March 17th. The Supervisor has corresponded regularly with Gene Centi on the PLRT Commission and has met several times with the sole assessor about bringing more revenue into the town.
Old Business: The resolution to set residency requirements was tabled as Council Member Long is not here until the next meeting.
Supervisor Horton stated there is no new information on the franchise agreement.
The Supervisor noted the labor law information has to be updated it is a $39.00 expense.
New Business: Supervisor Horton proposed a resolution to modify the town budget.
Council Member Glenn interjected with a resolution for the lakes steward program.
RESOLUTION #2020-025 to appoint the Supervisor for the Lakes Steward Program was offered by Council Member Glenn at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday February 12, 2020 at town hall.
WHEREAS, the board desires to appoint a Supervisor for the lakes Steward Program, and
WHEREAS, it will be identical to what it was last year, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that John Olm will be the head of the Lake Steward Program with a rate of $2,000.00 per season and a rate of $11.80 per hour for the stewards.
Seconded by Council Member Sturgess
Discussion: Supervisor Horton thanked them for protecting our lakes a number one priority in this town.
Adopted by a vote of 4 Ayes: Horton, Glenn, Sturgess, Travis
Mr. Olm and Mr. Harazin leave the meeting at this time.
RESOLUTION #2020-026 to Modify the Budget was offered by Supervisor Horton at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday February 12, 2020 at town hall.
WHEREAS, the board discussed and created the position of Confidential Secretary to the Supervisor at the meeting on February 4, 2020, and
WHEREAS, it is necessary to make a budget modification based on a maximum of 500 hours at $18.00 per hour rounded off to $9,000.00, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that a transfer be made as follows:
FROM: A1620.1 Building Personnel Services $9,000.00
TO: A1220.12 Confidential Secretary $9,000.00
Seconded by Council Member Glenn
Discussion: Supervisor Horton thanked them for protecting our lakes a number one priority in this town.
Adopted by a vote of 4 Ayes: Horton, Glenn, Sturgess, Travis
RESOLUTION #2020-027 to appoint Alternate Members to the Planning Board was offered by Supervisor Horton at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday February 12, 2020 at town hall.
WHEREAS, the board desires to appoint alternate members to the Planning Board, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that Burt Wilson of 131 Fisher Road and Karen Dutcher of 158 Morey Road are hereby appointed to serve as alternate members of the Planning Board until December 31, 2020.
Seconded by Council Member Glenn
Adopted by a vote of 4 Ayes: Horton, Glenn, Sturgess, Travis
At the last meeting the board discussed a contract with Canada Lake Computers. Brian McIntosh gave a presentation earlier this evening.
RESOLUTION #2020-028 to hire Canada Lake Computers to provide Cyber Security Professional Services was offered by Supervisor Horton at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday February 12, 2020 at town hall.
WHEREAS, the board desires to hire Canada Lake Computers to provide Cyber Security, Professional Services as well as hardware and software support for the town, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor is hereby authorized to sign a contract submitted by Canada Lake Computer to run from this date until December 31, 2021 at a cost of $25.50 per machine at 5 machines per month to be the towns IT consultant.
Seconded by Council Member Glenn
Adopted by a vote of 4 Ayes: Horton, Glenn, Sturgess, Travis
Mr. Sturgess did the research on the fairway mower and found that once the 60 month lease is up the town would own it for a dollar.
RESOLUTION #2020-029 to lease a fairway mower for the Nick Stoner Municipal Golf Course was offered by Council Member Sturgess at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday February 12, 2020 at town hall.
WHEREAS, the board desires to lease a fairway mower for the golf course on state contract through Grassland 892 Troy Schenectady Rd, Latham, NY for $871.41 a month at 5.1% interest rate for 60 months with the terms beginning this May – December for $6,099.87 for the fiscal year 2020, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the board does hereby move to fund this expenditure.
Seconded by Council Member Travis
Discussion: Supervisor Horton noted there is $10,000.00 in the budget for golf course equipment. Council Member Sturgess noted the rate increase will help cover costs if we have the same number of members as in the previous year.
Adopted by a vote of 4 Ayes: Horton, Glenn, Sturgess, Travis
The clerk asked if the other mowers were going to be put out for bid. Mr. Jennings stated he wanted to put them on Auctions International. The clerk noted a resolution was necessary and that she has pictures of the mowers.
RESOLUTION #2020-030 to donate to the Caroga Historical Association was offered by Supervisor Horton at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday February 12, 2020 at town hall.
WHEREAS, the board desires to donate to the Caroga Historical Association, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby moves to donate $4,000.00 to the museum.
Seconded by Council Member Sturgess
Discussion: Mr. Purcell stated this donation equals about a quarter of their budget, memberships, and income from the annual Craft Fair (moved to the second Saturday in July) and then free will donations. The Supervisor noted the historical society is counting on this budgeted money. He would like more information and dialog down the road. The furnace was damaged in the storm Mr. Purcell noted.
Adopted by a vote of 4 Ayes: Horton, Glenn, Sturgess, Travis
Mr. Purcell note the author Mr. Podskoch will be at the museum in July.
RESOLUTION #2020-031 for the Official Undertaking of Municipal Officers
Offered by Supervisor Horton Seconded by Council Member Glenn
Issued at the February 12, 2020 regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board.
WHEREAS, Scott Horton of the Town of Caroga, County of Fulton, New York has been elected to the Office of Supervisor of the Town of Caroga, and
WHEREAS, Larry Voght of the Town of Caroga, County of Fulton, New York has been elected to the Office of Highway Superintendent of the Town of Caroga, and
WHEREAS, Richard Sturgess of the Town of Caroga, County of Fulton, New York has been elected to the Office of Council Member of the Town of Caroga, and
WHEREAS, Donald Travis of the Town of Caroga, County of Fulton, New York has been elected to the Office of Council Member of the Town of Caroga, and
NOW, THEREFORE, we as respective officer above, do hereby undertake with the Town of Caroga that we will faithfully perform and discharge the duties of our office, and will promptly account for and pay over all moneys or property received as a Town Officer in accordance with the law: and
This undertaking of the Town Supervisor is further conditioned upon that he will well and truly keep, pay over and account for all moneys and property, including any special district funds, belonging to the Town coming into his hands as such Supervisor; and
The Town does and shall maintain insurance coverage, presently with NBT-Mang Insurance Agency, LLC in the sum of $250,000.00 for the Supervisor, $250,000.00 for the Highway Superintendent, and $250,000.00 for all other employees.
Dated: February 12, 2020, Town of Caroga and to be signed by the above mentioned:
Adopted by a Vote of 4 Ayes, Horton, Glenn, Sturgess, Travis
Discussion: Justice Subik asked if he was covered under this undertaking. The Supervisor stated he has been here a number of years and didn’t need to do it.
Adopted by a vote of 4 Ayes: Horton, Glenn, Sturgess, Travis
Supervisor Horton, Council Members Sturgess, and Travis, and the Highway Superintendent Mr. Voght signed the oath of undertaking.
The Clerk announced that the Planning Board will meet on Wednesday February 19, 2020 at 7 pm at town hall to resume discussion on application submitted by Tracy Maddox to open a creative arts studio and candy shop in the town and also there will be a public hearing at the next regular monthly meeting of the Planning Board on March 4, 2020 at 7 pm at town hall on application #2019-04 from Bohler Engineering for the proposed landlord Dollar General.
RESOLUTION #2020-032 to allow various officials to attend training was offered by Supervisor Horton at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday February 12, 2020 at town hall.
WHEREAS, Zoning Board of Appeals Member Frank Malagisi and Planning Board Chairman Al Kozakiewicz desire to attend training as mandated, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board authorizes Mr. Malagisi to attend the training on February 26, 2020 at FMCC sponsored by the Fulton County Planning Department and does also authorize Mr. Kozakiewicz to attend the Local Government Day training in Lake Placid on April 28 – 29, 2020.
Seconded by Council Member Glenn
Adopted by a Vote of 4 Ayes, Horton, Glenn, Sturgess, Travis
The Supervisor noted that Mr. Kozakiewicz has said he only wants the town to pay the fee for attending the conference. He will pay for his lodging and meals out of his pocket.
Council Member Long placed on the agenda a suggestion to run a wire from the meeting room Wi-Fi to the Clerk’s office in case of an outage by Spectrum. The Clerk explained that during a recent power fluctuation due to the weather internet service was interrupted. The town has a second source of Wi-Fi - an open line in the meeting room from another provider. Council Member Long suggested a line be run above the tiles for availability. The supervisor will entertain this with the IT consultant.
It was brought to Supervisor Horton’s attention that the town does not utilize the services of the Humane Society as much as they were in the past. He called and asked nicely, because of the number of animals they held for us over the last three years was rather low, if they would revise the contract for us. They were nice enough to revise the contract. He thanked them.
RESOLUTION #2020-033 to authorize the Supervisor to sign a revised contract with the James A. Brennan Humane Society was offered by Supervisor Horton at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday February 12, 2020 at town hall.
WHEREAS, the board desires have the Town Supervisor Scott Horton sign the revised contract with the James A. Brennan Humane Society, and
WHEREAS, the contract took effect January 1, 2020 but was reduced from $2,100 with the intake of 14 dogs to $1,000 with the intake of 5 dogs per year, and
WHEREAS, payment of $525.00 was received leaving a balance of the 2020 contract of $475.00 with the next payment due July 1, 2020 of $225.00 and the last payment of $259.00 due October 1, 2020, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor is hereby authorized to sign a contract submitted by the James A Brennan Humane Society to run from this date until December 31, 2020.
Seconded by Council Member Sturgess
Adopted by a vote of 4 Ayes: Horton, Glenn, Sturgess, Travis
RESOLUTION #2020-034 to donate golf for four at the Nick Stoner Golf Course was offered by Council Member Sturgess at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday February 12, 2020 at town hall.
WHEREAS, the town received a correspondence from Bob Phillips of the Eccentric Club in Gloversville asking for a donation of golf for four with carts for an annual fundraiser, and
WHEREAS, Golf Course Manager Steve Jennings was informed of the request and noted that they hold a tournament yearly at the Nick Stoner Golf Course, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby moves to donate golf for four at the Nick Stoner Municipal Golf Course and be it further RESOLVED that Mr. Jennings will donate two carts as requested by Bob Phillips of the Eccentric Club.
Seconded by Council Member Glenn
Adopted by a vote of 4 Ayes: Horton, Glenn, Sturgess, Travis
Supervisor Horton noted the board has discussed the Park, Lakes, Recreation, Commission however the board did not formally propose an actual resolution. It was more of a dialog. The draft minutes accurately reflected the discussion. The Supervisor noted it was not unanimous last time. There was one objection from Council Member Long who thought there were too many layers of government in place and did not see a need for it. He wanted the public to know Council Member Long’s thoughts on this if they were not at the meeting on Tuesday.
RESOLUTION #2020-035 to create a Parks, Lakes, Recreation and Tourism Commission was offered by Supervisor Horton at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday February 12, 2020 at town hall.
WHEREAS, the board desires to promote the Town of Caroga by creating a Parks, Lakes, Recreation and Tourism Commission, and
WHEREAS, there would be five members with the terms running for the Chairman – Gene Centi for one year, and member # 2 for two years, member #3 for three years, member #4 for Four years and member #4 for five years with the board appointing the other members, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that Caroga Town Board does hereby move to create a Parks, Lakes, Recreation and Tourism Commission and to name Gene Centi of 218 South Shore Road East Caroga Lake as the Chairman.
Seconded by Council Member Sturgess
Discussion: Council Member Glenn thought it was a great idea. It will move the town of Caroga ahead economically. He stated tourism is our number one export/import. Supervisor Horton stated Mr. Centi is a guy who gets things done.
Adopted by a vote of 4 Ayes: Horton, Glenn, Sturgess, Travis
Supervisor Horton stated at the meeting last week during the executive session they discussed changing certain wages and created one new position of Building Safety Inspector (BSI) /Assistant Code Enforcement Officer. Jennifer Blowers was offered the new position. You have to have the title before you can have the training and you can’t have the title until you have the training. The rate for clerk secretary is $15 per hour. The rate for Deputy Town Clerk was discussed and set as $15 per hour based on skill level. The new position of Confidential Secretary to the Supervisor duties, which the town has had before, has been separated out. The rate of pay will be $18.00 per hour not to exceed 500 hours. If FEMA money comes through; Tor will be paid for 2 ½ times over.
RESOLUTION #2020-036 to set the hourly rates for newly created positions and for the Deputy Town Clerk in the Town of Caroga was offered by Supervisor Horton at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday February 12, 2020 at town hall.
WHEREAS, the Caroga Town Board held a meeting with an executive session on Tuesday February 4th, and
WHEREAS, the positions of Building Safety Inspector (BSI) /Assistant Code Enforcement Officer and Confidential Secretary to the Supervisor were created, and
WHEREAS, the board desires to set the hourly rate of pay for these two positions as well as the rated of pay for the Deputy Town Clerk, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the Building Safety Inspector/Assistant Code Enforcement Officer is $15 per hour prior to certification and $20 per hour certified, the Confidential Secretary to the Supervisor shall be $18 per hour not to exceed 500 hours, and the rate of pay for the Deputy Town Clerk is $15 per hour.
Seconded by Council Member Travis
Adopted by a Vote of 4 Ayes, Horton, Glenn, Sturgess, Travis
Correspondence: The board did not comment on the correspondence this evening.
Request from Attorney in Utica NY to use meeting room 2/28 from 9am – 5pm
Fourth quarter workers compensation report
Letter from Christopher Comeau
Miller, Mannix, Schachner & Hafner re: Vesey& Smith v. Town of Caroga
Caroga Transfer Station Closed 2/17 for President’s Day open 2/18 8 am - noon
2020 Polar Plunge Disbursement Report & Thank you from Carol Ziemann
Letter from Wm. Bronk regarding parking on road to ice fish
Council Member Glenn made the motion to pay the bills as presented for audit and to accept the minutes of the January 4th and January 8th town board meetings. The motion was seconded by Council Member Travis. All board members were in favor of the motion.
At 8:37 pm Council Member Glenn made a motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Council Member Travis. All board members were in favor of the motion.
Respectfully Submitted
Linda M. Gilbert RMC, CMC
Caroga Town Clerk
Highway #’s 9 - 23 $ 21,552.32
General #’s 30 -70 $ 25,305.19
Prepaid #’s1-31 $ 27,790.93
Fire #1 Annual $ 139,502.00
Copyright © James McMartin Long 2017–2025