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State of New York

County of Fulton

Town of Caroga

Minutes of the regular monthly Caroga Town Board meeting held Wednesday March 11, 2020 at the municipal building located at 1840 State Highway #10 at 7:00 pm with the following persons in attendance by roll call. The salute to the flag followed.

Supervisor Scott Horton - Here

Council Member John Glenn - Absent

Council Member James Long - Here

Council Member Richard Sturgess - Here

Council Member Donald Travis - Here

Department heads in attendance were Larry Voght – Highway Superintendent. There were 35 members of the public in attendance including a reporter from the Leader Herald Newspaper.

The Supervisor hoped everyone was paying attention to the coronavirus warnings.

Public Speaking – Avery Fullerton passed out a Second Amendment Sanctuary Resolution (SASR) to the town board members. He asked the board if they were on board with it, how they felt about it, and if they had any questions. The group also has a petition available for people to sign. Dave Bardascini stated they are not creating a law, they are not saying ignore the law. They are just saying do not use county funds – Sheriff’s Dept., the DA’s office to fight this law. He stated we are different from downstate. Supervisor Horton is looking forward to reading the information in detail. Robbie Connolly stated she was from Stratford. She stated that other towns in Fulton County have adopted this. Their plan is once they have contacted all the towns they will take this to the county level.

Joyce Barrett interjected that she did not know what is being talked about. Council Member Sturgess replied basically it is the second amendment the right to bear arms. Supervisor Horton stated it is about using county resources to enforce the new SAFE Act and other second amendment legislation.

By next month the board will make a decision on passing a town resolution. Contact information was listed in the folder.

At 7:08 pm the public portion of the meeting was closed.

Department Reports:

Assessor’s Report – No comments or discussion on the written report submitted.

BTI – Mrs. Delesky report John Delesky is out treating now and could not make it back for the meeting. He has done four (4) streams so far. They are finding larva. It is tough going even with snow shoes.

Clerk/Tax Collector/Registrar/RMOA written report was submitted to the board along with the February monthly Town Clerk’s report. Tax Collection – second notices were sent out as required by law. There are 380 unpaid bills at this time. That is the same amount of unpaid notices as last year. To date $2,552,098.34 has been collected. The unpaid total is $668.134.08 Three board members have reviewed the Town Clerk’s books for 2019. The clerk asked the board to accept the books by resolution. Supervisor Horton asked the clerk if board approval was needed for her to attend the Annual New York State Town Clerks Association Conference in April. Town Clerk Gilbert responded yes. The Clerk was looking to attend on only one day due to the primary on Tuesday. There will be a session on upcoming changes to the DECALS System. (The sale of conservation licenses)

Code Enforcement & Sanitation – Supervisor Horton noted the department is extremely busy. Mr. Duesler submitted a written report. Five permits were issued for the month of February fees collected were $150.00 with a valuation of $10,800.00. The code enforcement assistant will be attending NYS Building Safety Inspector training April 7 – 9 and April 27-29. The code office is looking to be open 5 days a week. The supervisor will discuss the hours with the code officer. Tentatively Mr. Duesler stated hours as 8 – 2 Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, 8 – 12 Thursday and Friday.

Dog Control – Mr. Dutcher reported to the town clerk that he had 1 call for the month.

Golf Course – Council Member Sturgess noted the major investments made at the golf with the purchase of new equipment. Council Member Travis and Council Member Sturgess met with Mr. Jennings at the golf course yesterday. They toured the building and looked at the upstairs to see if it could be used as rental property for the town. It is in very rough shape up there. They will pass on that idea right now. They want to knock down a wall in the pro shop and put down new flooring. They inspected the equipment in the basement. It was nice to see a pro who is excited about the upcoming season. The town will be making $2 on every cart rental. Previously we were not making anything because they are his. That will bring in $3,000 - $4,000 in extra revenue this year. Council Member Long noted that Jerry Groom Jr. took a lot of pictures of the golf course and gave them to him but it is a daunting task to go through them and decide which are aesthetically beautiful. He offered the photos to Council Member Sturgess. Mr. Jennings has asked for better pictures of the golf course on the webpage. It was unknown if the Golf Course had a Facebook page.

Highway – Mr. Voght thanked everyone of his crew for the many hours of winter plowing they’ve done. They are all in attendance this evening. They are working on potholes. They are doing work on the international plow truck. They have saved money doing the work in house. The highway department repaired a town owned gator for Mr. Jennings. They have done work on a culver on Sgt. Witzke Road. Supervisor Horton thanked him for all he is doing. (Applause)

Supervisor Horton noted that NYMIR had an inspection done. The inspector said he has never seen the town garage in better shape. The changes in policies and procedures, inspecting vehicles before and when they come back, limits the town’s liabilities. The Supervisor stated everything is neat and clean and orderly in the garage. They have a team out there. They built a nice office there using our own labor. Both the highway superintendent and assistant both have a place to work. Mr. Voght noted of the 110 stop signs 9 have to be replaced to the correct size of 30 x 30.

Lakes Management Program – Council Member Long stated that the stewards are to wear DEC issued vests. This is a requirement with the funding. He has asked for a dozen of those in assorted sizes. Supervisor Horton suggested Carol Ziemann have one.

Town Hall Building – Council Member Travis wants to get quotes on painting the gym. The town has been talking about this for a couple of years. He would like it done before July when the summer recreation program starts. He is looking to have the organ owned by the Nick Stoner Seniors removed from the gym. He thought maybe Kyle Price could use is for the CAC or maybe someone else can use it. Council Member Travis also wants to have the floor sealed.

Council Member Travis noted the bathrooms would be sanitized more and that hand sanitizers would be placed in the hallway, and by the clerk’s office. There are a few of them around.

The front door needs work to preserve it. It is an expensive door.

Youth No report.

Historian – No report.

Supervisor’s Report

Supervisor Horton attended the county board meeting on Monday. Handouts from the CDC were made available to the public. This is a pandemic – an epidemic that is worldwide. This is to be taken very seriously. This has given him a personal awareness of his environment. He noted the people most vulnerable are our older residents. “We have to be vigilant.” He noted we may have to postpone some meetings.

Council Member Long is basically a strong supporter of everything the Supervisor said. He noted the need for people to wash their hands with soap and water. The mechanism the virus gets into our bodies is hand to eyes, nose, and mouth. In the last census, in Caroga, of the 1200 residents 300 were 60 and over. He expects the population has aged since then. He stated the mortality rate was in the range of 1% to maybe 4%. Council Member Long stated the virus is spreading/ doubling every seven (7) days. (Worldwide) “We have to take this seriously.”

Council Member Long has been in touch with Association of Towns. He called about how to hold meetings in the age of this virus. Council Member Long noted the need to comply with open meetings law. He discussed with his fellow board members the risk of holding meetings. He stated the board can take emergency actions. He asked the board to consider possibly have the Planning Board or Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) conduct certain kinds of meetings by teleconference. Anybody can call in and participate. Al Kozakiewicz the Chairman of the Planning Board would arrange all the technical details. If the board wanted to they could do that for two very minor meetings of the respective boards next week. He asked the board to consider making those two meetings conference calls with the proviso that they would not be in compliance with open meetings law.

Supervisor Horton stated he would like to consider it but not tonight. He did note that the number of meetings that the town has should be limited. This is something the board should be thinking about. Each day more information is being shared. We may have to simply spread people out at a ZBA meeting. Limit the number or chairs. The point is, Supervisor Horton stated, Be Prepared, Don’t panic. If you have questions contact the Fulton County Health or the Health Department of the State of New York.

Supervisor Horton and the board received the February Balance Sheet and the Statement of Revenues & Expenditures from the bookkeeper. Bank accounts are flush and we are on budget.

The Supervisor attended his Soil and Water Committee meeting on March 3rd.

The Street lighting project is going slowly. Supervisor Horton did speak with representative of the NYS Power Authority. It is not the most pressing matter in government right now. He noted before we go putting in all brand new lights he has asked them to install four (4) lights of different lumens, powers and colors so the town’s people could look at them.

Councilman Glenn and the Supervisor had their second meeting with Fulton County Planning Department on economic development and limited sewer service for Caroga. You can’t talk about one without the other. It was a very productive meeting. The following day the Supervisor met with Fulton County Center for Regional Growth (FCCRG) they asked him to attend a Lake Water Redevelopment Program (LWRP) meeting. He is excited as these programs will help the town find a way to get a limited sewer system without the town having to foot the whole bill. It costs some money to do it. It is a 25% share sometimes you can get some grant funding for that 25% the town has to pick up. He wants the public to know what we are looking at. It is something we need but something we can’t afford. He thinks we can afford it now. We didn’t get the smart waters grant. The Supervisor noted there is money left over/budgeted to go ahead and start the engineering faze. This is time sensitive and has to be done next month so we can go forward and apply for this Smart Waters grant money. We fit into the criteria.

Council Member Long asked about the limited district and wanted to know where the discharge will be. Supervisor Horton responded that the only decent flow we have is the outlet to East and West Caroga Lake. That is most likely where….

Supervisor Horton also talked to these officials about a larger denominator so that the cost per individual would be less. One plan takes town center as a build area then down route 10 to a treatment plant. They are looking at picking up the avenues and the South Shore of East Caroga Lake. There has been a lot of development on S. Shore of East Caroga Lake. The density is much higher there. It is a high point. This may be cost effective. He noted it is good to stay away from the state highways because when you dig on a state highway it is expensive. Using a county road is also less expensive. This will be a slow process. It is worth going forward now because of the funding sources. The Supervisor suggested discussing this at future meetings specifically set to discuss this project.

Supervisor Horton noted Council Members Travis and Sturgess met with Mr. Jennings They began discussing this contract items for this year.

Tor Shekerjian has been gathering a ton of information. Attorney Sal Ferlazzo recently negotiated the Time Warner Franchise Agreement with another township. He is working to make sure the town gets their fair share. They wanted a 15 year contract. The town wants a five (5) year contract. There are no promises in the contract that service would be upgraded. The town wants promises of an upgrade. Tor was thanked for his time. He hopes to have something to present to the town board at the next meeting. We will also need to have a public hearing on this.

The Town Clerk asked if the contract had expired. The Supervisor stated the contract has expired. We are using the same terms and receiving our franchise payments like we did before.

Supervisor Horton is discussing with C. T. Male Associates ways to reduce our landfill closing costs in regards to the well monitoring. Their fee for monitoring the wells is around $10,500.00 per year for four samples a year. We have a lot of data. Because we skipped some tests, we got a slap on the wrist from DEC. We would like to get down to twice a year or annually. The wells have been rather consistent except for one well.

The Morey Road project is going well Supervisor Horton reported. All but three property owners have signed the checks. The other three property owners have indicated they just need a little more reassurance that they can have access – ingress and egress to their properties. They are not, not singing the checks for any other reason than that.

Supervisor Horton announced that Dollar General received APA and Town Planning Board approval. They are ready for permitting. He is glad to see someone have an interest like that in the town. We love our small businesses but he thinks they can bring something to the community. He wants to keep a positive attitude.

The Supervisor is investing funds. Before he went out of town he negotiated good rates. He found a bank that would give us 1.45%. The rates changed while he was gone so he asked NBT if they would honor the previous rate. There are two CD’s one for about $255,000 which is excess funds and the other is $140,000. It came from reserve funds. These were accounts set up for a garbage or big truck, or the weed control program. The town started squiring away money for that in a regular savings account that pays nothing. He put those dollars together and took out a CD.

Supervisor Horton listed the money he has saved to date: $1,100 with a newly negotiated Humane Society contract, $80 for a Labor Law poster, a savings of $2,273 with Frontier Communications was realized by the Confidential Secretary to the Supervisor – Tor Shekerjian. He negotiated internet service to the Highway Barn and we kept the same number of lines. He thanked the board for approving this new position. He has been working hard. A new fairway mower is being ordered for the golf course. The interest rate was 5.1%. Mr. Shekerjian found a savings of $1,295 over 5 years on the fairway mower leasing expense. The Supervisor wanted to justify the expense of his confidential secretary. The Supervisor noted the savings of $8,900 by the Highway Garage for misc. work being done in house this year. There is work to be done on the Gradall with some of the work to be done in house and some with outside services. An estimate of $22,000 will be reimbursed from FEMA for the October 2019 storm. The supervisor estimated and increase in interest revenue from the CD’s interest to be in excess of $5,700.

Old Business: None

New Business:

Council Member Long wanted to discuss the fees of the ZBA & Planning Board. He noted that the Zoning Ordinance says that we are supposed to collect our actual costs for Leader Herald legal notices, and mailings to the board and neighbors. He stated we haven’t been doing that, never. Dollar General asked what other additional fees needed to be paid after submitting the applications fee. They sent a check for $100.56. But that was the first time. He reviewed the ordinance and realized that we had not been collecting these fees. He asked for the board’s guidance. Most of the time the $100 application fee covers everything. We can say that is all we are going to charge no matter what. In all fairness we should refund the $100.00 to Bohler Engineering. We need to be consistent on this matter. Supervisor Horton asked for a proposal to present to the board. Maybe there it should be broken down by residential use and commercial zoning.

The clerk stated this is in the ordinance we either have to remove it from the ordinance or follow the ordinance. The Supervisor stated we should be modifying it. Council Member Long brought up if we need an engineer on a project then the town could have to expend thousands of dollars that would normally be reimbursable under our zoning ordinance. He stressed the need to be consistent. Council Member Long stated the application fee could be zero and then just do direct expenses per the ordinance. That is more cumbersome. The Supervisor suggested tabling this and revisiting this.

Supervisor Horton noted the correspondence, as stated on the agenda. It is listed below.

NYMIR 2/14 Claim #TCRG2020-001-001 re: Stop Work Order by Code Officer

Notice from Marcus Harazin on potential sources of zebra mussels – Rome DEC Fish Hatchery

Floodplain Management Training 3/30 to 4/2 Oriskany NY

Request from Nathan Littauer Hospital for a donation for their EVENT May 29th

Notice of New Frontier Business Account Manager

Community Engagement Coordinator on smoking policy


RESOLUTION #2020-037 to set the Nick Stoner Municipal Golf Course greens fees and annual memberships was offered by Supervisor Horton at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday March 11, 2020.

WHEREAS, the Town Board discussed and reviewed the Golf Course greens fees and annual memberships fees at the February monthly meeting, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the 2020 Nick Stoner Municipal rates shall be as follows: Golf Incentive Rates (before 5/1/2020) Seasonal Senior $450, Individual $525, Couple $1,000. The regular golf rates (starting 5/2/2020): Seasonal Individual $600, Couple $1,100, Junior $125,Weekly $120, Monthly $240, Daily 18 Holes $23, Daily 9 Holes $13, Cart $12, Locker $35.

Seconded by Council Member Long

Council Member Travis asked if that included the $27 rate. That will be a special was the response.

Adopted by a vote of 4 Ayes: Horton, Long, Sturgess, Travis

The board next discussed approving the minutes of the February Town board meeting. Council Member Long made a motion to accept the minutes of the February 12, 2020 Town Board meeting. Council Member Travis seconded the motion. All board members were in favor of the motion.

RESOLUTION #2020-038 to put out to bid Three pieces of obsolete golf course equipment was offered by Council Member Sturgess at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday March 11, 2020.

WHEREAS, the Town Board noted the recent purchase of two (2) new pieces of golf course equipment making the old ones obsolete, and

WHEREAS, the board desires to sell the obsolete equipment, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board does hereby move to sell three rough mowers with a minimum bid of $500 and one fairway mower with a minimum bid of $1,000.00 to be put out to bid with Auctions International Inc. 11167 Big Tree Road East Aurora NY 14052.

Seconded by Council Member Long

Adopted by a vote of 4 Ayes: Horton, Long, Sturgess, Travis

The clerk asked for serial numbers from the equipment to be sold.

RESOLUTION #2020-039 for the Oath of Undertaking of the Town Justice was offered by Supervisor Horton at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday March 11, 2020.

WHEREAS, the Caroga Town Board held its monthly meeting on March 11, 2020, and

WHEREAS, James Subik of the Town of Caroga, County of Fulton, New York has been elected to the Office of Town Justice of the Town of Caroga, now therefore be it

RESOLVED that James Subik, does/shall hereby undertake with the Town of Caroga that he will faithfully perform and discharge the duties of his office, and will promptly account for and pay over all moneys or property received as a Town Justice in accordance with the law: and

That the Town does and shall maintain insurance coverage, presently with NBT Mang Insurance Company, in the sum of $250,000.00 for the Town Justice.

Seconded by Council Member Long

Adopted by a vote of 4 Ayes: Horton, Long, Sturgess, Travis

Supervisor Horton discussed the need to rescind Local Law #1 of 1977 which was to protect the town from being sued if there is a pot hole in the road or problem with a culvert. The highway department can be held responsible for damaged infrastructure. The law provides that the public is put on notice that defects have to be reported to the town. This process makes a big difference in the insurance premium. There are six areas the town needs to cover itself. We only have three of them listed in the Local Law from 1977. They are highway, culverts, crossings, sidewalks, bridges, and streets. The clerk noted this has to be introduced to the public.

Council Member Travis made the introduction of the Local Law: Be it enacted by the Town Board of the Town of Caroga per municipal home rule § 20(2). A local law to repeal Local Law 1 for the year 1977 and to enact a Local Law to provide for the written notification for defects and obstructions on town highways, bridges, streets, sidewalks, crosswalks, and culverts in the Town of Caroga.

Section 1. No civil actions shall be maintained against the Town or Town superintendent of highways for damages or injuries to person or property sustained by reason of any highway, bridge, street, sidewalk, crosswalk, or culvert being defective, out of repair, unsafe, dangerous or obstructed unless written notice of such defective, unsafe, dangerous, or obstructed condition of such highway, bridge, street, sidewalk, crosswalk, or culvert was actually given to the Town Clerk or Town Superintendent of highways, and there was a failure or neglect within a reasonable time after the giving of such notice to repair or remove the defect, danger, or obstruction complained of. No such action shall be maintained for damages or injuries to person or property sustained solely in

consequence of the existence of snow or ice upon any highway, bridge, street, sidewalk, crosswalk, or culvert, unless written notice thereof, specifying the particular place, was actually given to the Town Clerk or Town Superintendent of highways and there was failure or neglect to cause such snow or ice to be removed, or to make the place otherwise reasonably safe within a reasonable time after the receipt of such notice.

Section 2. The Town Superintendent of highways shall transmit in writing to the Town Clerk within ten days after the receipt thereof all written notices received pursuant to this local law and subdivision 2 of section 65-a of the Town Law. The Town Clerk shall cause all written notices received pursuant to this local law and subdivision 2 of section 65-a of the Town Law, to be presented to the Town board within ten days of the receipt thereof or at the next succeeding town board meeting whichever shall be sooner.

Section 3. This local law shall supersede in its application to the Town of Caroga subdivisions 1 and 3 of section 65-a of the Town Law.

Section 4. This local law shall take effect immediately upon its filing in the Office of the Secretary of State.

Section 5. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, word, section, or part of this local law shall be adjudged by any court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair, or invalidate the remainder thereof, but shall be confined in its operation of the clause, sentence, paragraph, worked section, or part thereof directly involved in the controversy in which such judgment shall have been rendered.

It was noted if the notice is given to a town board member it is not valid. The notice has to be filed with ether the Highway Superintendent or the Town Clerk. If the Highway Superintendent gets it he has to take action but he also has to hand it over to the town clerk and it has to be on record. The clerk showed the board the book she has to keep notifying the town of defects.

RESOLUTION #2020-040 to set a Public Hearing on proposed Local Law # 1 of 2020 a law to rescind Local Law #1 of 1977 a Local Law Providing Written Notification of Defects & Obstructions of Town Highways in the Town of Caroga was offered by Supervisor Horton at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday March 11, 2020.

WHEREAS, the proposed Local Law #1 of 2020 was introduced this evening at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board, and

WHEREAS, the board does desire to set a public hearing to amend - Local Law # 1 of 1977 a Local Law Providing Written Notification of Defects & Obstructions of Town Highways in the Town of Caroga, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board shall hold a public hearing at the next scheduled town board meeting on April 8, 2020 at 7 pm.

Seconded by Council Member Long

No Discussion

Adopted by a vote of 4 Ayes: Horton, Long, Sturgess, Travis

Supervisor Horton and the board received a request to suspend all fees for the Caroga Lake Volunteer Fire Company as they move forward in building a new firehouse. They are a public entity paying to another public entity. It does not make sense for them to pay.

RESOLUTION #2020-041 to suspend all fees for the Caroga Lake Volunteer Fire Company was offered by Council Member Long at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday March 11, 2020.

WHEREAS, the Caroga Town Board held its monthly meeting on March 11, 2020, and

WHEREAS, the board received an email request from Bob Sullivan Caroga Lake Volunteer Fire Department (CLVFD) President on February 11, 2020 requesting that the board pass a resolution suspending the Fire Departments fees when applying for permits through the Caroga Lake Zoning Department as well as the Planning Board, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board does hereby move to suspend all Planning, Zoning and permit fees for the Caroga Lake Volunteer Fire Department for the construction of the fire house.

Seconded by Council Member Travis

No Discussion

Adopted by a vote of 4 Ayes: Horton, Long, Sturgess, Travis

RESOLUTION #2020-042 to appoint 5 members of the Parks, Lakes, Recreation, and Tourism Commission was offered by Supervisor Horton at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday March 11, 2020.

WHEREAS, the Caroga Town Board created a parks, Lakes, Recreation, and Tourism Commission, and

WHEREAS, the board desires to appoint 5 members to serve with the Chairman Gene Centi, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that Ralph Palcovic be appointed to serve a 2 year term, Chris Cernak be appointed to serve a 3 year term, Rachel Simonds be appointed to serve a 4 year term, Karen Dutcher be appointed to serve a 5 year term, and Jennifer Sturgess be appointed to serve a 6 year term.

Seconded by Council Member Sturgess

Discussion: Council Member Sturgess wondered if he could vote on this matter as his wife is listed as a member to this board. Supervisor Horton stated if he felt more comfortable (not). It is a family member.

A roll call vote was called:

Supervisor Horton – Yes

Council Member Long – No

Council Member Travis – Yes

The motion failed.

The Town Clerk gave the board background information on the Employee Assistance Program Agreement. This is an annual contract for services they render for twelve (12) full time employees. The cost is $15.00 per employee for a total of $180.00 with half of the payment due at the signing of the contract and the second half is paid on July 1, 2020. Supervisor Horton noted the services are completely confidential and more employees should take advantage of this. Sometimes people don’t know where to go to get help for drug abuse, smoking, anything that disrupts your family or life.

RESOLUTION #2020-043 to enter into the annual agreement with St. Mary’s Healthcare for their Employee Assistance Program was offered by Council Member Long at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday March 11, 2020.

WHEREAS, the Hospital operates an Employee Assistance Program (“EAP”) to assist employers in providing early intervention services to employees having health, family, financial, alcohol, drug or other personal issues, and

WHEREAS, the board desires to enter into contract with St. Mary’s Healthcare to provide such early intervention services when needed subject to the terms, covenants, and provisions contained in the annual contract on file in the Town Clerks office, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board does hereby agree to the terms outlined in the five (5) page contract and does further RESOLVE to have Supervisor Horton sign said agreement.

Seconded by Council Member Sturgess

Adopted by a vote of 4 Ayes: Horton, Long, Sturgess, Travis

Council Member Long stated that he was going to try and speed things up a little.

RESOLUTION #2020-044 to send Supervisor Horton to the Local Government Conference was offered by Council Member Long at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday March 11, 2020.

WHEREAS, Supervisor Horton has indicated a desire to attend Local Government Days Conference in Lake Placid on April 29 & 30, 2020, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that Supervisor Horton is hereby authorized to attend the training in Lake Placid with the town paying for travel and fees associated with the conference.

Seconded by Council Member Sturgess

Discussion: Supervisor Horton noted the main reason he wants to go because they are talking about funding of sewer systems.

Council Member Long asked him to call the vote

Adopted by a vote of 4 Ayes: Horton, Long, Sturgess, Travis

Council Member Long (laughing) moved stating “to get this going a little faster” offered the next resolution.

RESOLUTION #2020 – 045 To authorize Supervisor Horton to be the liaison for negotiations between Nathan Littauer Hospital and the Town of Caroga for a Land Lease was offered by Council Member Long at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday March 11, 2020.

WHEREAS, Nathan Littauer Hospital (NLH) currently operates a primary care center in the Caroga Town hall building at 1840 State Highway 10, Caroga Lake NY 12032, and

WHEREAS, NLH desires to enhance services to this community, and

WHEREAS, NLH desires to operate their Primary Care Center independently of the existing Town Hall Building, and

WHEREAS, the Town of Caroga desires NLH to operate their Primary Care Center at 1840 State Highway 10 and NLH also desires to stay at this location, and

WHEREAS, the Town of Caroga has excess property at 1840 State Highway 10, Caroga Lake NY 12032 that may be suitable for a new Primary Care Center, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Town Board authorizes Supervisor Horton to explore, assist, cooperate, and be the liaison in negotiations with NLH in the feasibility of locating a new Primary Care Center on Town property at 1840 State Highway 10 Caroga Lake NY 12032 and be it further RESOLVED that all final decisions in regard to the siting of and the use of Town property for the sole purpose of a Primary Care Center are subject to the Town of Caroga town board and NLH Board of Directors joint approval.

Seconded by Council Member Sturgess

Discussion: Supervisor Horton was excited to tell the public that Nathan Littauer Hospital would very much like to build their own care facility here separate from this building in which they currently occupy space. They want to enter into a land lease so the town would own the lease and they would rent the land to them. He has had preliminary discussions with the hospital.

Council Member Long stated the deciding point is they can’t move more than 200 feet without incurring enormous regulatory burden and additional costs for them. It is a Medicaid reimbursement issue.

Council Member Long stated “call the vote sir. Please, please”

Adopted by a vote of 4 Ayes: Horton, Long, Sturgess, Travis

Supervisor Horton noted the price of the public address sound system was discussed previously and the lower priced one was sufficient for the town.

RESOLUTION #2020-046 to purchase a Public Address Sound System was offered by Supervisor Horton at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday March 11, 2020.

WHEREAS, the Confidential Secretary to the Supervisor, Tor Shekerjian, has researched and supplied the board with information on a Public Address Sound System for the town, and

WHEREAS, two quotes were submitted as follows:

Sweet Water Music in Fort Wayne IN for $1,828.39 with 2 year warranty and free shipping, and

Pro Acoustics of Salado TX at $2,810.42, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the board does hereby move to purchase the equipment from Sweet Water Music Instruments and Pro Audio 5501 US HWY 30 W Fort Wayne IN 46818 per the quote of $1,828.39.

Seconded by Council Member Sturgess

Discussion: Council Member Long stated “I still think we are high. You know where I stand.”

Adopted by a vote of 3 Ayes: Horton, Sturgess, Travis, 1 Nay Council Member Long

Supervisor Horton made a motion to approve the financing of a golf course fairway mower at a lower interest rate than what was approved previously.

RESOLUTION #2020-047 to approve the financing of a golf course fairway mower was offered by Council Member Long at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday March 11, 2020.

WHEREAS, the Confidential Secretary to the Supervisor, Tor Shekerjian, has researched and supplied the board with a financing comparison for a Fairway Mower from Grassland Equipment and Irrigation Corp. on state contract, and

WHEREAS, previous financing was discussed and approved, and

WHEREAS, the cost of the mower on state contract is $46,252.99, and

WHEREAS, Municipal Leasing Consultants offer 5 Annual payments of $10,076.80 with a rate of 4.47% and a doc. fee of $550.00 for a total of $50,934.00 or 60 monthly payments of $858.47 with an interest rate of 4.47% and doc fee of $550.00 for a total of $52,058.20 which is more, or through TCF National Bank with 60 monthly payments for $866.32 with an interest rate of 4.85% a doc. fee of $250.00/plus attorney fees for a total of $52,229.20+, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board does hereby move to use Municipal Leasing Consultants for 5 Annual Payments of $10,076.80 at a rate of 4.47% doc. Fee of $550.00 for a total cost of $50,934.00.

Seconded by Council Member Travis

Adopted by a vote of 4 Ayes: Horton, Long, Sturgess, Travis

The Clerk asked if the board was going to bond for this. Supervisor Horton stated this is conventional financing just like what was done with the truck. He noted that the town will own it after the five years of payments.

RESOLUTION#2020-048 to approve and to accept the annual audit of the Town Justice and Town Clerk books for 2019 was offered by Supervisor Horton at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday March 11, 2020.

WHEREAS, the Town Justice James Subik and Town Clerk Linda Gilbert presented their books for audit to the Caroga Town Board at the January 8, 2020 meeting, and

WHEREAS, various members of the Town Board have reviewed the justices books for 2019, and

WHEREAS, three member of the Town Board have reviewed the Town Clerk’s books for 2019, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the annual audit of the Town Justice and Town Clerk books for 2019 are hereby approved and accepted by the Caroga Town Board.

Seconded by Council Member Long

Adopted by a vote of 4 Ayes: Horton, Long, Sturgess, Travis

RESOLUTION #2020-049 to approve attendance by the Clerk to the annual Conference was offered by Supervisor Horton at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday March 11, 2020.

WHEREAS, the Town Clerk Linda Gilbert has indicated a desire to attend the Annual New York State Town Clerks Association Meeting in Albany on April 27, 2020, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that Town Clerk is hereby authorized to attend the annual conference in Albany NY with the town paying for travel and fees associated with the conference.

Seconded by Council Member Long

Adopted by a vote of 4 Ayes: Horton, Long, Sturgess, Travis

Council Member Long made a motion to pay the bills as presented for audit. The motion was seconded by Council Member Sturgess. All board members were in favor of the motion.

RESOLUTION #2020-050 to donate to Nathan Littauer Hospital EVENT was offered by Council Member Long at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday March 11, 2020.

WHEREAS, the town received a letter from Nathan Littauer Hospital dated February 19, 2020 announcing a change from their annual golf tournament “The Adirondack Challenge” in Lake Pleasant, and

WHEREAS, the hospital annually holds The EVENT a foundation annual fundraiser to be held on May 29, 2020, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town board does hereby move to donate golf for four (4) with Golf Professional Steve Jennings donating 2 carts as an auction item for the Nathan Littauer Foundation Inc. EVENT.

Seconded by Supervisor Horton

Adopted by a vote of 4 Ayes: Horton, Long, Sturgess, Travis

At 8:38 pm Council Member Long made a motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Council Member Travis. All board members were in favor of the motion.

Respectfully Submitted,

Linda M. Gilbert, RMC, CMC

Caroga Town Clerk

Vouchers Paid

Highway #’ 24 – 41 $20,107.21

General #’s 71-112 $19,672.88

Prepaid #’s32 - 60 $25,797.40

Gen. Park #’s 1 – 3 $ 860.60

Copyright © James McMartin Long 2017–2025