State of New York
County of Fulton
Town of Caroga
Minutes of the Caroga Town Board meeting held Wednesday June 17, 2020 at the municipal building located at 1840 State Highway #10 at 7:00 pm with the following persons in attendance by roll call:
Supervisor Scott Horton - Here
Council Member John Glenn - Here
Council Member James Long - Here
Council Member Richard Sturgess - Here
Council Member Donald Travis - Here
Supervisor Horton, Council Members Glenn, Sturgess, and Travis were in the meeting room also in attendance was Tor Shekerjian facilitating the ZOOM technology. There were 30 members of the public signed in using ZOOM.
The pledge of allegiance was conducted. Ground rules for the Zoom meeting were noted by Mr. Shekerjian. Everyone would be muted until the public speaking section of the meeting was open. The public was asked to send a chat message if they wanted to speak at the meeting.
Supervisor Horton gave a brief outline of the resolution items to be presented so the public could comment if they so choose.
Public comment was opened at 7:07 pm there were 25 people signed in at this time. There were no comments from the public.
The Supervisor noted the flags were installed in the town center area by the Parks, Lake, Recreation and Tourism Commission (PLRT). New holders were used. Council Member Sturgess cleaned all the flags. Resident Matt Hillock of North Country Electric donated his time and use of his vehicle to put the flags up with the assistance of Kevin Bennett.
Department Reports:
Wheelerville Bike Trail - Jeremy Manning reported in live from the north side of the trail being built. They are figuring out where to put things. They want to get things underway officially. The whole trail is flagged right now. People will begin working on the 29th. Mr. Manning thanked Larry Voght from the Highway Department and his guys. They have offered to spend a couple of days by helping out in the parking lot area. The trail building will be for 14 weeks. There will be some volunteer time.
Council Member Glenn asked if there were goals to meet over the next fourteen weeks. Mr. Manning noted there were a few phases. Phase one will be the main trunk trail. It is a moderate trail that people will come in on. Multiple trails will be accessed off of that trail. It will go from the parking lot area on route 10 around the mountain to the south side and then back to Irving’s Pond. They have kind of a picnic area back there. Off of that trail is a moderate climbing trail that will go up to the main summit. The most important parts are the two downhill trails on the front. One will have a higher difficulty the other more moderate. The trails will be machine built which makes them more ridable, more user friendly, and safer. Those are the four trails that will be focused on for this phase. They are already trying to lay out a few more trails which will be hand built trails by volunteers as conditions permit.
The clerk asked for written reports to keep on file.
Assessor’s report – Victoria Hayner submitted a written report. Grievance Day was held on June 3rd and there were no grievers that made appointments. The 2020 Final Assessment roll is complete and the County will work on and it will be available for public review by July 1st.
BTI – Lynne Delesky reported that Mr. Delesky is attending another meeting. She reported for him that he ordered another 75 gallons of BTI. That should be plenty to finish up this year and it should be enough also for next year. They are still finding larva. They are treating and will continue to treat until July 31st when it is the end of the program. The Supervisor noted the reduction of black flies in his neighborhood and on the golf course is remarkable. Mrs. Delesky noted the first hatching is always the worst as it is difficult to get to the streams.
Council Member Sturgess wondered if there was anything we are permitted to do about horse/deer flies. She recommended buying these strips that are two sided tape and putting it on your hat. Council Member Long uses the strips and they are very effective when he is in motion.
Council Member Sturgess will look for the strips.
Clerk/Tax Collector/Registrar/RMO – Linda Gilbert in the written report to the town board it was noted that the Business Automation Services online backup vault contract expired June 1st. Sooner rather than later the clerk would like to switch to the system discussed previously through Canada Lake Computers. The contract will not be renewed the cost was $360. There will be a new DECALS licensing system for hunting and fishing. New equipment and training material will be sent out. There are hunter education courses on line through June 30th. NYS Archives is revising the retention and disposition schedules. The clerk noted that the Fulton County Board of Supervisors furloughed the Printing Department until the end of July so Town Directories are in short supply as they do the printing for the town.
The 2020 Tax Collection books were presented for audit. The board was asked to come in and review them. This year 84% of the roll was collected. This is on course with previous years.
The clerk noted that due to the virus people are waiting out in the hall. This winter the town should put some heat out there for people who are social distancing while waiting to come into the office. The hallway is 60°or colder.
Code Enforcement & Sanitation – John Duesler submitted a written report. Twenty eight permits were issued for the month of May with a permit fee total of $3,760.00. The total valuation of work was $782,600.00. That included the four hundred and some dollar valuation for Dollar General. He continues to work at home and in the office. Mr. Duesler has received his new computer – a laptop. The supervisor stated the code officer saved $700 because now he did not have to buy a hard copy of the new NYS Code book.
Dog Control – Howard Dutcher submitted a verbal report to the town clerk. He had 3 calls for the month. No dogs were taken to the shelter.
Golf Course – Steve Jennings was not available this evening. He told the clerk he had nothing to report. Supervisor Horton was thankful for this and the previous administration for the purchase of new equipment for the golf course. The course, he stated was in gorgeous shape. The revenue continues to increase. He expects to beat the budget (projections for revenue).
Highway – Mr. Voght – Supervisor Horton reported Larry just stopped work around 6:30 he was not able to make the meeting. He is busy rebuilding the roads. The CHIPS funding we were expecting was received. It is around $77,000.00 and there is money from two other programs we receive all totaled it is around $100,000.00. There was a carryover from last year of $68,000.00 this will allow us to do most of the work we wanted to do this year. The paving has gone well on South Shore Road. They found some corrugated road that was when they put down logs to drive over. This shows the age of the road. The Supervisor noted he has saved a lot of money by doing the work in house. He thinks the highway supervisor will get both roads paved this year and stay under budget.
Doug Purcell President of the Caroga Historical Museum would like a log from the road.
Lakes Management Program – Council Member Glenn has seen the weed harvester up and operational. There was a glitch with the power washer at the boat wash station. The town (highway) loaned them equipment until it was fixed. Mr. Centi stated the whole boat was repainted. It is now more visible on the lake. There were the typical start up mechanical issues. He noted the motor is 30 + years old. At this time there are not a lot of areas of growth. Last year a new dump trailer was purchased. He does not need the other 4 x 8 trailer with sides on it.
Supervisor Horton will ask the highway department if they want to use it. Council Member Travis noted the town wide garage sale. Mr. Centi remembered from last year there was a need to mow the cemeteries and maybe the trailer could be used for transporting the mowers. Supervisor Horton stated the church is going to do it and the town will reimburse them. The Supervisor asked that the trailer be brought from Kowalski’s Point to the highway barn.
Marcus Harazin – apologized for not having a written report. When he last talked to the board they were getting ready for the season. He will get the numbers from the Adirondack Water Shed Institute. This is the data from the computer. So far they have been in service for 25 days. The campsite is not yet open. So far there have been 1015 boats inspections with 1245 boaters they come in from numerous other water bodies like the Great Sacandaga Lake, and the Mohawk River. The boat wash station has washed 28 – 30 boats. Many times the boats come in dry so the full wash does not have to be done. He thanked Larry Voght for the help repairing the boat washing unit. The grant should pay for the repairs. John Olm has done a good job in terms of supervising the volunteers. Mr. Harazin noted the Ziemanns and Canada Lake Marine help educate people too. He thought more people were out boating because of the COVID-19 virus. The staff have been asking boaters if they are aware of the rules and about 75% of them are.
Mr. Harazin recently attended two trainings one on aquatic invasives and another on terrestrial (land based) invasives. He hopes to offer, through the Canada Lake Conservation Assoc., a film/video on hemlock tree disease.
John Olm thanked Larry for his help with repairs and the use of the pressure washer. They did not have any down time.
Council Member Glenn wanted to put information about the Aquatic Invasive Species Identification Survey training and the Terrestrial Invasive Species ID and survey on the town website. Mr. Harazin noted the Adirondack Park invasive program just changed their website and they have a link to resources too.
Council Member Glenn noted Max Rulison is the regional director for DEC in Northville. His son Trevor is working with him. They assure us that all of the campsites will be open no later than July 1st, sometime between June 26 and July 1. Mr. Centi received notice today that the Caroga Campsite would be open July 1st.
Supervisor Horton thought that the website James Long is managing would be a good source for information to be posted. Council Member Long noted it is still the website of record.
Town Hall Building – Council Member Don Travis reported they have been working on fixing things up. The storage shed was stained. The gym has been scraped, the blocks caulked, it has been primed. The putty around the block windows in the gym is rough. It would cost another $300 to repair those. The outside doors are warranted for life. He is trying to find out where they came from. He has located the manufacturer who has to still get back to the town. The meeting room floor was stripped with three coats of wax were put down and buffed out.
Council Member Travis noted Nathan Littauer is looking into (building at) the end of the parking lot.
Supervisor Horton thanked Council Member Travis who is here every day that he is in the office and other days as well. He is working very hard with people getting them to work cooperatively. He has worked with the Wheelerville School District and the district is working with the town. They have allowed us to use equipment we don’t have for both the painting project and the floor. This saved the taxpayers a lot of money. We are extremely appreciative of the school district.
Youth – Supervisor Horton stated unfortunately the youth program is canceled for the year basically due to budgetary constraints. We don’t know what is going on what the rules were going to be – the cleaning that would be needed. It is a real disappointment. “The school district also supported that decision.” The clerk asked if there would be a resolution on this.
RESOLUTION #2020-0078 to cancel the Summer Recreation Program was offered by Council Member Glenn at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town board held on Wednesday June 17, 2020 at 7 pm at town hall 1840 State Highway 10.
WHEREAS, the COVID-19 Virus has affected our everyday activities and events, and
WHEREAS, Superior Horton has had discussions with the Superintendent of the Wheelerville Union Free School about holding the Youth Program this year, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board does hereby move to cancel the Summer Recreation Program – Youth Program for this year only with hoped of reopening just as soon as possible.
Seconded by Council Member Travis
Adopted by a roll call vote as follows:
Supervisor Scott Horton - Yes
Council Member John Glenn - Yes
Council Member James Long - Abstain
Council Member Richard Sturgess - Yes
Council Member Donald Travis - Yes
Historian – Richard Nilsen – no report
PLRT Commission – Gene Centi noted flags have been installed on the lit poles throughout town. He thanked Matt Hillock and his team for put the flags up and install the new holders. The first meeting of the Parks, Lakes, Recreation, and Tourism Commission was on May 27. There were 10 – 12 participants. Representatives of Caroga Arts Council (CAC) Mr. Fish and Cathy Manning attended/ They were interested as to keep each other informed and help each other out. The PLRT Commission is concentrating on the winter festival. It is tentatively set for the second weekend in February 2021. They will expand out on the outhouse races with an ice golf hole in one contest. They hope to have car races on the lake and/or Harley Davidson ice racing. They welcome other ideas and volunteers.
The Town wide Garage Sale is July 25th. Mr. Centi spoke to Rick Ruby about residents setting up tables and having garage sales there. The clerk was concerned about multiple groups setting up together and not having social distancing. Mr. Centi clarified anyone setting up would be under CAC supervision.
Council Member Long asked Mr. Centi for the minutes of the May 27th meeting, and also for the date of the next meeting. Mr. Centi responded he would get them as soon as they are done. Future meetings are the last Wednesday of every month as the date for the PLRT meetings. The clerk will be notified of any canceled meetings.
Supervisor Horton also noted the PLRT is also working with the golf course. Mr. Jennings is extremely appreciative of the comments and ideas. They are working together to make tournaments more successful.
Sewer Study – Council Member Glenn noted this has been in the works for several years. The next meeting with Scott Henze, Travis Mitchel, Supervisor Horton and Council Member Glenn will be on Friday at the Fulton County Planning Department June 26th at 2:30 pm. They will be looking for grants. It has been difficult to get everyone together with the COVID-19 Virus.
Supervisor’s Report: Supervisor Horton noted Tor Shekerjian and Paul Dunlevy came up with a good idea to congratulate the 8th grade grads and High School Seniors from Wheelerville Union Free School. There are 23 students and it was their hope that people would send a card to the graduates. The school’s PO Box is 756 in Caroga Lake. The students have already received some cards. Tor Shekerjian read aloud the names the names of the graduates. .
Wheelerville 8th Grade Students Johnstown High Grads Former Wheelerville Students
Tristan Brown Cody Draper
Arizona Foster Mackenzie Elwood
Joclynn Funiciello Charlie Gagliardo
William Hargrove Maria Gilloti
Nicholas Lorenz Ann Marie Hauser
Jason Morrison Jason Johnson
Logan Smith Tyler Pecunies
Gary Valk III Zachary Benton
Daniel Waldvogel Katie Germain
Andrew Yuenger Gavin Graham
Donte Polaro
Julianna Wager
Applause was given for both groups.
Supervisor Horton noted there are two timely articles in the Association of Towns publication Talk of the Town one on residency requirements and the second one on sewer systems. They validate the work the town board is doing.
The Supervisor thought it was time to work on a 10 year capital plan for the Town. The Town needs to plan for a salt shed and new Town Barn, replace Town Hall, Sewer infrastructure and convert the existing Town Hall building into a recreation center / Golf pro shop. Without a plan you have a difficult time making decisions in a positive fashion. His quote for the meeting was “If you don’t know where you are going any road will take you there.” (By Lewis Carol) That is sort of the way he feels about the town. Without a plan you are more likely to spend money where you should not, and you are likely to not spend money where you should. He listed a couple of ideas as follow:
In 3 years, build a new salt storage shed and town barn at the cell tower property.
5-6 years start the limited sewer system.
10 years build a New Town Hall on the Fire Company property.
Move the golf pro shop to the Town Hall building, facilitate the gym and offices into recreational areas. Crafts, public meeting rooms, Lake Management office, possible indoor driving range.
Pro shop to be located in the abandoned Nathan Littauer facility.
Former Town Barn and Pro shop to be torn down. Sell for a Hotel.
He also asked the public to come up with ideas.
Old Business:
Franchise Agreement with Time Warner- No new information. The supervisor does want to try to negotiate the term of the contract as well as improving the high speed internet in this area. This is not the highest priority on the list right now.
The Supervisor thought the Planning & Zoning Secretary position should still be a lay person. Things are working OK now. The Supervisor wanted it kept on the agenda so it’s not forgotten.
New Business:
Waive the 30day waiting period for a NYS Liquor License for the Boat House. The clerk noted that she received two applications for renewal one from Vrooman’s Hotel and the other from The Boathouse. Vrooman’s application states it will meet the food availability requirements, serve Liquor, Wine, Beer & Cider, have a juke box, they will not have any outdoor areas and that the owners will be present in the establishment during hours of operation. The Boathouse is applying for a new application, will meet the food availability requirements. It will be a seasonal establishment with a disc jockey, recorded music, karaoke, indoor and outdoor live music, patron dancing, video arcade games on the patio, deck, and in the garden. They say they don’t own the building in which the establishment is located. They will be present during the hours of operation. The clerk explained that the town board gets to weigh in on the application. The board may waive the 30 waiting period.
RESOLUTION #2020-079 to waive waiting period for N.Y. S. Liquor Licenses
Offered by Council Member Long Seconded by Council Member Sturgess
WHEREAS, the Caroga Town Board held its regular monthly meeting on Wednesday June 17, 2020 at 7:00 pm at 1840 State Highway #10 in the Town of Caroga for the purpose of conducting town business, and
WHEREAS, the Caroga Town Clerk did receive a standardized notice form for providing 30-day advance notice to the local municipality from The Boat House of Caroga Lake LLC located at 2090 State Highway #10 and Vrooman’s Hotel located at 2040 State Highway #10 in the Town of Caroga and the County of Fulton that it is applying for a liquor license pursuant to the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law, and
WHEREAS, Ernest Gallup for Nomark LLC and Timothy Best the restaurant owner would like to expedite the process in obtaining said license, and have asked the Town Board for a statement of acceptance therefore waiving the 30-day waiting period for a New York State on premises liquor license enabling the establishment to move forward in opening the business this summer, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board does hereby move to accept the application for a liquor license on the premises known as The Boathouse of Caroga Lake LLC, 2090 State Highway #10 and Vrooman’s Hotel 2040 State Highway # 10 Caroga Lake NY 12032 and does hereby move to waive the 30-day waiting period.
Adopted by the following roll call vote:
Council Member Glenn – Aye
Council Member Long – Aye
Council Member Sturgess – Aye
Council Member Travis – Aye
Supervisor Horton – Aye
The Supervisor noted there has plenty of activity over on Kane Mountain. He has received calls and spoken to the fire chief and the highway superintendent about the parking situation on Green Lake Road. A solution to the parking problem could be a local law. Signs and tape were placed up there (but they are not enforceable) It was not known if this would be an ongoing problem or just because of the COVID-19 – and people needing to recreate outdoors. The Supervisor stated this might be temporary did we want to pass a law?
Council Member Long noted it has been a chronic problem in past years during holidays. He stated something needs to be done there. He would support a bigger parking area. He noted there are wetlands there and would need help from the park agency. He did not think it was limited to COVID - it is an ongoing problem. He thought legislation might deal with it.
Supervisor Horton stated that a few weeks ago there was a safety issue as a fire truck could not get down through the road. Maybe parking could be allowed on one side of the road. The road could be widened it would be an expense to the town.
Council Member Sturgess thought we should embrace the fact that we have more cars up there then we can handle vs. turning them away. We are trying to draw people to Caroga Lake.
Council Member Long stated the grade is different than many town roads. It is very steep. There is not room to get a car off the pavement either on the hill side or the lake side. He thought it would be possible to expand parking in the Kane Mt. parking lot. He did not think it was safe to have parking on Green Lake Road. Council Member Glenn was in agreement to look into increasing the size of the parking lot. Supervisor Horton offered to write a letter as a board to Department of Environmental Conservation. If they didn’t have the equipment the town could charge the cost back to them. Council Member Long noted the Adirondack Park Agency should also be involved.
Supervisor Horton discussed a Local Law which would take time and involve a public hearing. He is not prepared to do that this evening.
RESOLUTION #2020-080 to allow Supervisor Horton to go forward with evaluating the parking problem situation on Green Lake Road was offered by Council Member Glenn at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town board held on Wednesday June 17, 2020 at 7 pm at town hall 1840 State Highway 10.
WHEREAS, it has been brought to the town supervisor’s attention that there is a problem at Kane Mountain hiking trail with the number of cars parking on the road to access the trail, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Town Supervisor Scott Horton is hereby authorized to contact and engage the Department of Environmental Conservation and the Adirondack Park Agency about the parking problem at Kane Mountain with the goal of coming up with a design for remediation of the issue and to come back to the board with information.
Seconded by Council Member Long
Adopted by a roll call vote as follows:
Council Member James Long - Yes
Council Member Richard Sturgess - Yes
Council Member Donald Travis - Yes
Supervisor Scott Horton - Yes
Council Member John Glenn - Yes
Supervisor Horton noted a town resident may donate a front end loader. He was not sure what shape it was in. It was noted that the stump dump had to be closed on a temporary basis because of illegal dumping. Solutions to this are surveillance, rules or times that it is open. We want to make sure the people using it are working in town or people that have residences here. The Supervisor stated it cost about $1,500.00 a week to keep it open. The frontend loader has to be driven there and back. If we had another loader it could be kept down there. We will have the mechanic inspect the loader that may be donated. It was a nice gesture of the individual to offer the loader to the town.
Council Member Sturgess was extremely upset to see the stump dump closed. He used it a couple of months ago and thought it was the cat’s meow to have a spot to dump.
Planning Board Items to discuss:
Review building permit fees.
Create an “Overlay” design standard for Town Center Area
Storage Containers – See resolution below.
Allowable use review for docks in zone R-10
These are things that have come up during the review of the Dollar General project. Supervisor Horton stated there is nothing in the code that talks about architectural standards. It happened by negotiations. The supervisor thought we would want to keep Adirondack character of the town.
He wanted to ask the Planning Board to review this and there would be input from the public and town board. We would have to have a public hearing as well.
Council Member Long is concerned more specifically about any red tape that would be imposed. He noted the new zoning ordinance was just passed. Both the Supervisor and Council Member Long were involved in revising the ordinance. Council Member Long wondered what property rights would be taken away from the town center. He wondered if a zoning overlay change would be forthcoming for other parts of the town. He wondered what the urgency was on this.
Supervisor Horton responded that this was probably something that was missed. The Supervisor is drawing from experiences he had in the Town of Niskayuna with the Mohawk Mall project. He is interested in having design standards to design to. This is not urgent. Lighting and external materials types could be discussed. Sensible planning should include some of these features so the town does not look like a New Jersey strip mall in the center of town – we look lake an Adirondack community. That is where he is coming from.
Council Member Long stated the Planning Board has an enormous amount of authority right now. We are not worried about a big mall coming in. It seems to him that the Planning Board has all the tools it needs. The Planning Board has the ability to say no.
Supervisor Horton thought some of the Planning Board members were in agreement with him. He noted that Dollar General was a good neighbor and acquiesced to many requests they were not required to. He noted the board does not have power to dictate the exterior of a building. The supervisor appreciated Council Member Long’s concerns and the faith he has in the Planning Board (PB). The supervisor noted boards change. He wanted to see what other communities have done. Tabling the matter was discussed. Council Member Long stated if the PB takes this up on their own volition and makes recommendations to the Town Board they have the right to do so.
Mr. Shekerjian noted as a former Chairman and member of the Planning Board they agreed the next step was design standards to help people who wanted to invest in property or invest in the town to have an understanding of the look the town wanted to present. That was phase two of the Comprehensive Plan. The concept is the guide not dictate.
Supervisor Horton wanted to work cooperatively with the members of the Planning Board. For now the supervisor wanted to get more information about what other Adirondack communities do. The PB Chairman and Fulton County Planning will be contacted. Council Member Long noted by its own nature a design overlay is restrictive. He stated this is a pretty conservative town. He was not sure we wanted to codify exactly how people have to do things. This could hurt development.
Discussion continued on this subject. It was noted that the Comprehensive Plan should be reviewed next year. The Supervisor is willing to work with Council Member Long on this. Council Member Long offered his services to work with the Supervisor on this. The Supervisor stated if the Dollar General did not want to do things that were suggested by the PB that they did not have to. We could end up multiple different architectural designs in town.
The Supervisor noted the need to work on storage containers, to review building permit fees, and the issue with docks in an R10. These issues will be worked on with the town attorney and have public hearings on.
The Supervisor wants C.T. Male to apply to the DEC to reduce landfill testing from 4 tests per year to once per year.
National Grid sent notice that they would be working on the transmission lines.
The Supervisor noted volunteers are going to rebuild the “Arch” sign at the entrance to South Shore West Caroga Road. He wondered if the board would allow the use of Highway equipment to assist in straightening the telephone poles. He asked if this was considered a public benefit or a private benefit. If it was private then the town can’t spend money doing it. Council Member Glenn wondered if we would have to maintain the sign once it is up. The Supervisor noted there is no history on the sign. The town does not own it, nor do the property owners – no one owns it. A truck hit the telephone pole holding up the sign. The posts may be in cement and a large piece of equipment like the loader or Gradall would be needed to straighten it. There would be no material expense just a few hours of equipment and labor. Council Member Long thought any work on it would require a sign permit. The Supervisor will check with Mr. Duesler on it. Mr. Lakata will remake the sign the same size and shape. The supervisor stated volunteers who live on the road have always maintained it. The clerk stated precedent. Council Member Sturgess offered his help.
The town is looking for a college student or volunteer to develop the town website.
It is getting late the Supervisor stated. He wanted to get through the agenda and moved on to the resolutions.
Supervisor Horton has been looking into ways to save money on the street lighting expense in the town. RealTerm Energy offers similar services. Their proposal looks better. The company that we leased the fairway mower from has done a lot of financing projects with RealTerm Energy. Supervisor Horton has spent hours talking to them. This will be about a $90,000.00 project. The cost will not exceed $120,000.00. The town attorney will approve the contract. We are looking to pay the money back in less than 4 years’ time. The Supervisor calculated a savings of $16,650 in the first year. He has talked to Municipal Leasing about financing. The first payment can be put off until next year so we can budget for it. This project has been stalled.
Council Member Long noted he worked on this project with Supervisor Selmser and NY Power Authority and NYSERDA. He thinks it would be very valuable to the taxpayers to have a presentation by RealTerm Energy and to see a side by side comparison of the cost. He thought this was a higher capital cost. We know where we are right now is not where we want to be.
Supervisor Horton has talked to other municipalities neither cities – Gloversville or Johnstown went with NY Power Authority. They are not responsive to phone calls. He did not think we are going to get a benefit by a comparison is going to be great enough to offset the delay costs on not doing this. We’ve lost tens of thousands of dollars already. He did not want to keep going down this road. Council Member Long was asked to join this project in January or February.
Council Member Sturgess asked about the number of lights. There would be 165 lights and right now we have 220 lights in the town. Is that savings with removing all of the lights is that included in the price? Supervisor Horton stated he made a mistake the schedule of lights from National Grid were doubled two lines for one light. So the correct number of lights is 165. As we go along with the project some lights can be removed. There is an urgency on this because this is a tight year and the sooner we start saving money…. Council Member Sturgess noted you wait a month we’ve just lost $3,000.00.
RESOLUTION 2020-081 to rescind Resolution # 2019-011 which authorized Supervisor Selmser to sign an agreement with NY Power Authority was offered by Council Member Glenn at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town board held on Wednesday June 17, 2020 at 7 pm at town hall 1840 State Highway 10.
WHEREAS, the board has been checking into opportunities to save money on street lighting costs in the Town of Caroga, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board does hereby move to rescind resolution # 2019-011 which authorized Supervisor Selmser to sign an agreement with NY Power Authority for moving forward with implementing LED street lighting.
Seconded by Council Member Sturgess
Adopted by a roll call vote as follows:
Council Member Richard Sturgess - Yes
Council Member Donald Travis - Yes
Supervisor Scott Horton - Yes
Council Member John Glenn - Yes
Council Member James Long - Yes
RESOLUTION #2020-082 to Contract with RealTerm Energy was offered by Council Member Glenn at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town board held on Wednesday June 17, 2020 at 7 pm at town hall 1840 State Highway 10.
WHEREAS, the board has been checking into opportunities to save money on street lighting costs in the Town of Caroga, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, to contract with RealTerm Energy to assist the town in purchasing the existing street lights from Niagara Mohawk, design and specify the replacement of up to 165 street lights with energy efficient LED lighting with the total cost amount not to exceed $120,000 (includes contingency money) and be it further
RESOLVED, that the agreement/contract is shall be subject to approval by the Town Attorney.
Seconded by Council Member Travis
Adopted by a roll call vote as follows:
Council Member Donald Travis - Yes
Supervisor Scott Horton - Yes
Council Member John Glenn - Yes
Council Member James Long - Yes
Council Member Richard Sturgess - Yes
Supervisor Horton stated we can start saving fairly quickly simply by purchasing the lights. First an inventory must be done.
The supervisor wants to talk about attorney costs. People have been good to let him know first before they call the attorney. The clerk has been good looking up resolution so the attorney does not have to do so.
RESOLUTION 2020-083 to authorize the Planning Board Chairman to review and propose the use of storage containers was offered by Council Member Glenn at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town board held on Wednesday June 17, 2020 at 7 pm at town hall 1840 State Highway 10.
WHEREAS, the Code Officer John Duesler has identified the need to review, research and propose the use of storage containers as structures in the Town of Caroga and
WHEREAS, the Town Board and the Planning Board Chairman would have permission to consult with Town Attorney on this matter, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Planning Board Chairman shall review, research and propose the use of storage containers as structures in the Town of Caroga and also be permitted to consult with the town attorney on this matter.
Seconded by Council Member Travis
Discussion: Council Member Long did not see the purpose of this. The zoning ordinance already does an adequate job. John Duesler has already issued a permit for a temporary use of storage containers. He thinks this is a waste of money and not a direction for the Planning Board to go.
Supervisor Horton noted this was requested by John Duesler. People want to use these as accessory structures. Council Member Long thought that was totally inappropriate usage. Supervisor Horton noted there is nothing in the code now. If your neighbor wants to put one on their lawn right now, they are allowed to do so if it meets the requirements for an accessory structure. Is that what we would like to see? Mr. Duesler notified Council Member Long that he issued a notification for the removal of one. He did not know he had backed down off that. The Supervisor noted that is why we are going down this road. It is to control these things not to allow them. Council Member Long stated he misunderstood. Council Member Sturgess stated this is to set some guidelines if they are going to be used. This will require public hearings.
Adopted by a roll call vote as follows:
Supervisor Scott Horton - Yes
Council Member John Glenn - Yes
Council Member James Long - Yes
Council Member Richard Sturgess – Yes
Council Member Donald Travis - Yes
RESOLUTION 2020-084 to authorize a change order for Upstate Painting Company was offered by Council Member Travis at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town board held on Wednesday June 17, 2020 at 7 pm at town hall 1840 State Highway 10.
WHEREAS, upon examining the condition of the block windows in the gym it was found that additional work should be done to seal and protect the municipal building, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that a change order be issued for Upstate Painting Company to repair the caulking to seal the 10 gymnasium windows for $300.00,
Seconded by Council Member Glenn
Adopted by a roll call vote as follows:
Council Member John Glenn - Yes
Council Member James Long - Yes
Council Member Richard Sturgess – Yes
Council Member Donald Travis - Yes
Supervisor Scott Horton - Yes
RESOLUTION 2020-085 to sell excess equipment was offered by Council Member Travis at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town board held on Wednesday June 17, 2020 at 7 pm at town hall 1840 State Highway 10.
WHEREAS, during the painting of the gymnasium at town hall there was found to be excess equipment, fixtures, cabinets, furniture, kitchen equipment, radiators, and any other unused items now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the town shall offer up for sale any equipment,
fixtures, cabinets, furniture, kitchen equipment,
radiators, and any other unused items with a value of
less than $100.00 in value at time of the Town Wide Garage Sale on July
25th 2020.
Seconded by Council Member Sturgess
Discussion: the Supervisor noted there is a lot of material in the gym that is of no use to the town other than a couple of cabinets with inventory ID #’s on them. This is an opportunity to get rid of it and get money for the taxpayers. Mr. Shekerjian noted the old radiators should not just go out for scrap.
AMENDED – to remove radiators from items to be sold. The amendment was seconded by Council Member Long.
Amendment Adopted by a vote 5 Ayes: Horton, Glenn, Long, Sturgess, Travis
Adopted by a roll call vote as follows:
Council Member James Long - Yes
Council Member Richard Sturgess – Yes
Council Member Donald Travis - Yes
Supervisor Scott Horton - Yes
Council Member John Glenn - Yes
RESOLUTION 2020-086 to advertise for a backup maintenance person was offered by Supervisor Horton at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town board held on Wednesday June 17, 2020 at 7 pm at town hall 1840 State Highway 10.
WHEREAS, a need has been identified to have a backup maintenance person to be on call in the event that the Town maintenance person is unavailable, as the current maintenance person has another part job, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Town shall advertise in the Leader Herald using the same ad as previously run, for a backup maintenance person, which shall have no effect on the budget, at the hourly rate of $13.00 / hr.
Seconded by Council Member Long
Adopted by a roll call vote as follows:
Council Member Richard Sturgess – Yes
Council Member Donald Travis - Yes
Supervisor Scott Horton - Yes
Council Member John Glenn - Yes
Council Member James Long - Yes
Supervisor Horton represents the county on the Adirondack Park Local Government review board. They passed a resolution asking the Adirondack Park to loosen up on cell towers. There would be fewer towers if you could go 10 – 20 feet above the tree line and if towers could be put on other existing structures like water tanks.
RESOLUTION 2020-087 to support the Adirondack Park Local Government Review Board resolutions to support cell tower development in the Park was offered by Supervisor Horton at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town board held on Wednesday June 17, 2020 at 7 pm at town hall 1840 State Highway 10.
WHEREAS, government’s primary responsibility is to protect the health, safety and welfare of the public, and
WHEREAS, cellular telephone (cell phone) service and emergency telecommunication systems are increasingly critical to the health, safety and welfare of Adirondack residents and visitors, and
WHEREAS, cell phone service and smart phones allow users, including business people and students, to participate in remote meetings and educational classes using Zoom or similar services, and
WHEREAS, cell phones are a crucially important tool used by emergency response personnel, including forest rangers, police, fire and ambulance services to receive reports of incidents, to provide lifesaving instructions to lost or injured people, and to locate them through triangulation or the location feature of their phones, and
WHEREAS, users may send text messages to emergency response personnel, even when signal strength is insufficient for voice communications, and
WHEREAS, life threatening incidents have occurred in the Adirondacks during which the lack of cell phone and emergency radio service have led to delays in response, and to worse outcomes for the people involved, and
WHEREAS, cell phone service has enabled forest rangers to help lost and injured people in the Adirondacks avoid serious injury, and
WHEREAS, radio communication is based on the “line of sight” transmission of radio waves from transmitting antennas to receivers, including cell phones and emergency radio receivers, and
WHEREAS, radio transmissions can only be received within a limited range of the transmitter, with the range depending on transmitter power, antenna radiation pattern, receiver sensitivity, noise level, and presence of obstructions between transmitter and receiver, including trees, buildings, mountains, and other obstructing topography.
WHEREAS, radio transmitting antennas, outside the Adirondacks, are often sited in locations that avoid obstructions to provide maximum transmission range for radio waves, including cell phone signals and emergency radio transmissions, and
WHEREAS, currently cell phone service is unavailable in many areas of the Adirondacks, and
WHEREAS, Adirondack local governments believe that the unavailability of cell and emergency radio service in many areas of the Adirondacks is the foreseeable result of the fact that the towers supporting the antennas for those services have been required by the APA policy on towers to be “substantially invisible”, and consequently substantially lower than such towers elsewhere in New York State, and at, or very near, the height of obstructing tree canopies, and below the height of surrounding topography, which reduces the range of the radio waves, and
WHEREAS, the “substantial invisibility” standard is fundamentally incompatible with optimum essential cell phone and emergency radio service for Adirondack residents and visitors, and
Clinton County, Essex County, Franklin County, Fulton County, Hamilton County, Herkimer County, Lewis County, St. Lawrence County, Saratoga County, Warren County, and Washington County
WHEREAS, the COVID-19 pandemic has shown the importance of cell service and the internet, which have become indispensable for distance learning and telemedicine vital to residents and visitors attempting to work from home and school children and college students attempting to continue their education by learning at home with technology, and
WHEREAS, the Review Board believes that the APA’s current “tower policy” results in cell carriers settling for lower towers than they would build outside the Adirondacks, because they are aware of the limited maximum height the agency will require to approve their permits, and
WHEREAS, the lower towers result in shorter transmission range, which negatively affects public health, safety, welfare, education, and the economy, and
WHEREAS, the Review Board firmly believes that, with careful planning and siting, APA staff is capable of balancing protection of the view shed with the cellular needs of residents and visitors, and
WHEREAS, the Review Board believes that the APA cell tower policy should be amended to allow and encourage improved cell phone and emergency radio communications, while recognizing the need to protect the Adirondack’s resources, and
WHEREAS, the current definition of “substantial invisibility” requires that towers not be “readily apparent” as to size, composition or color and that the structures will, to the maximum extent practicable, blend with the background vegetation, other structures or other landscape features as seen from all significant potential public viewing points, and
WHEREAS, the Review Board believes that “not readily apparent” is a more reasonable standard considering the pressing need for improved cell service,
RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board supports the Review Board who respectfully requests that the APA review and modify its tower policy and adopt “not readily apparent” as the new standard, and also add the following incentives and exceptions for specific sites:
• encourage vertical collocation of carrier’s antennas, by offering a height incentive of 10 to 15 feet above the tree height to encourage vertical collocation and reduce the proliferation of towers horizontally collocated with other towers, which would have the added benefit of reducing carrier’s costs, and
• offer general permits for cell carrier antennas on existing tall structures such as water towers, hotels, ski lift towers, inside church steeples and on government buildings, provided they meet certain specified conditions, and
• allow cell carrier antennas of some height, such as 20 feet above existing structures within the APA Hamlet classification, and
• offer a height bonus of 10 to 20 feet above the tree canopy for new towers serving currently unserved areas, in recognition of the pressing need vividly illustrated by COVID-19 restrictions on meetings, and
• add a requirement to its policy that staff and commissioners ask cell tower applicants for information, including a map, showing how a higher tower would expand coverage and benefit residents and travelers, which would enable APA commissioners to weigh the visibility cost against the public benefit.
Seconded by Council Member Sturgess
Discussion: Council Member Long has some familiarity with this. He noted most people are using their Wi-Fi and not using their data plans for internet stuff. There is no data showing rejection of towers by the Adirondack Park Agency (APA). The APA has approved every emergency tower local governments have proposed. He believes this has more to do with free market issues. He did not believe this was a credible resolution. The Local Government Review Board (LGRB) cannot demonstrate where a cell tower or emergency communication project has been rejected. There are dead spots all through upstate New York it is a density issue.
Supervisor Horton agreed that this was economy driven. The LGRB want to open the dialogue on this with the APA. He thanked Council Member Long for the good points he brought up.
Adopted by a roll call vote as follows:
Council Member Donald Travis - Yes
Supervisor Scott Horton - Yes
Council Member John Glenn - Yes
Council Member James Long – No
Council Member Richard Sturgess – Yes
Supervisor Horton stated as everyone knows that Nathan Littauer Hospital is going to move out of town hall. They want to build a facility next door to Town Hall on the south end of the town’s property. He noted it is a separate parcel. He is asking that the two parcels be combined. They will have to go through the Zoning Board of Appeals. It is a good idea to combine the parcels he said even if they weren’t doing the project.
RESOLUTION 2020-088 to combine two parcels of land owned by the town was offered by Supervisor Horton at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town board held on Wednesday June 17, 2020 at 7 pm at town hall 1840 State Highway 10.
WHEREAS, Nathan Littauer Hospital is beginning a process to build a separate free standing clinic on property located south of the existing clinic, and
WHEREAS, a need has been identified to combine parcels 68.9-3-2 the Town hall building lot and 68.9-3-3 the small lot south of town hall next to the fence, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Caroga Assessor is hereby authorized and charged to combine the two town owned parcels 68.9-3-2 and 68.9-3-3.
Seconded by Council Member Long
Adopted by a roll call vote as follows:
Supervisor Scott Horton - Yes
Council Member John Glenn - Yes
Council Member James Long – Yes
Council Member Richard Sturgess – Yes
Council Member Donald Travis - Yes
RESOLUTION 2020-089 to authorize C.T. Male Associates to apply to the Department of Environmental Conversation to reduce the landfill monitoring was offered by Supervisor Horton at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town board held on Wednesday June 17, 2020 at 7 pm at town hall 1840 State Highway 10.
WHEREAS, the Town of Caroga has been monitoring the old landfill site on Lane Road for many years, and
WHEREAS, results of said monitoring have been stable for several years, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board does hereby move to authorize C.T. Male Associates to apply to the Department of Environmental Conservation for a reduced schedule from four times per year to once per year for the landfill monitoring.
Seconded by Council Member Sturgess
Adopted by a roll call vote as follows:
Council Member John Glenn - Yes
Council Member James Long - Yes
Council Member Richard Sturgess – Yes
Council Member Donald Travis - Yes
Supervisor Scott Horton - Yes
A resolution to fund the PRLT Commission up to $5,000 for golf course advertising, and promotional endeavors including flag purchases, brochures, prizes. This money will be used to help put on another event. Money may be needed to be moved around from other accounts. Since no account numbers were available to make the transfers from, the resolution was tabled.
Supervisor Horton has been thinking about this. The town has used a 20’ strip of property at the end of Bath Ave. to launch boats which we want to control. He asked the board what they thought about a resolution to formally request that the CAC/Balboaa grant the Town a 20’ permanent easement at the end of Bath Ave. to West Caroga Lake. The purpose of the easement would be for emergency access to the lake by EMT, control over unauthorized launching of watercraft to prevent contamination of the lake from invasive aquatic species and have access to the lake for recreational purposes, especially snow mobiles, ice racing, special water tournaments, out house races and other important recreational and safety events.
Council Member Long stated there is no launch site on the CAC property. He believed what was being referred to was a small beach parcel that was always owned by Balboaa Land Development and it has a lockable gate. The part that CAC or Balboaa owns “not going there,” was never involved in the transfer to the town and then back to Balboaa and then to CAC. It was always a separate sliver of a parcel that has remained in Balboaa’s hands all along. Before we proceed on this he wanted the town to be clear as to which Section Block and Lot (SBL) number is being referred to. Council Member Sturgess agreed with Council Member Long. The matter was tabled. When the matter is brought back out again the board should be very clear about which SBL # is being referenced.
Supervisor Horton stated there have been some issues with retirement reporting for two positions the Town Clerk and the Town Justice that were brought to our attention. This resolution is to accept the reporting requirements going back to 1993 to present for the Town Justice James Subik.
RESOLUTION #2020 - 090 to accept Retirement Reporting for Town Justice James Subik was offered by Council Member Glenn at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town board held on Wednesday June 17, 2020 at 7 pm at town hall 1840 State Highway 10.
WHEREAS, the bookkeeper Joanne Young was notified by New York State and Local Retirement System 110 State Street, Albany NY 12244 on May 8 of a problem in the method used to calculation the reported days worked for two town employees, and
WHEREAS, the bookkeeper has reviewed the employment records from July 1, 1993 to September 30, 2010 of Town Justice James Subik, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board does hereby move to accept the retirement reporting of Town Justice James Subik for the time frame of July 1, 1993 to September 30, 2010 to show that his standard reporting for each month would be 14.09 days per month.
Seconded by Council Member Sturgess
Adopted by a roll call vote as follows:
Council Member James Long - Yes
Council Member Richard Sturgess – Yes
Council Member Donald Travis - Yes
Supervisor Scott Horton - Yes
Council Member John Glenn - Yes
Supervisor Horton noted drilled wells in town are not registered. There is no record of who put it in, its location, depth, amount of water/recovery. In a town that does not have a public water system he thought this was important that we begin to keep inventory of these wells. This is supposed to be done by New York State. Their records are horrible. Council Member Sturgess asked how this was what it is going to help. It is just more paperwork. Supervisor Horton thought it would be simple for the well driller to fill out and provide a copy to the town. It would then be a permanent record for future landowners. He is proposing no fee for this.
Before a public hearing can be held the clerk asked that the document language be put in its final form. Council Member Long stated the clerk is correct.
The clerk received two fireworks applications one for Canada Lake Conservation Association and the other for Pine Lake Park both on July 3, 2020.
RESOLUTION #2020 - 091 to permit two Fireworks Display on July 3, 2020 was offered by Council Member Long at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town board held on Wednesday June 17, 2020 at 7 pm at town hall 1840 State Highway 10.
WHEREAS, the Clerk received two applications for Fireworks displays on July 3, 2020 in the town by Majestic Fireworks Inc. 29 College St. Clinton NY 13223 now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board does hereby approve both applications.
Seconded by Council Member Sturgess
Adopted by a roll call vote as follows:
Council Member Richard Sturgess – Yes
Council Member Donald Travis - Yes
Supervisor Scott Horton - Yes
Council Member John Glenn - Yes
Council Member James Long - Yes
The clerk has been approached by groups wanting to use the meeting room to play Bridge or Mahjong. She would like the board to put something on the record if it was OK. Supervisor Horton did not have an objection. He noted that the resolution for emergency authority has expired. He advised everyone to follow CDC requirements, and state mandates. We have to start getting back to normal. Council Member Long was concerned. There is a lot of pressure to reopen and businesses to reopen. It would not be prudent to be encouraging this at this time. He believes there will be a second wave. Supervisor Horton stated there has been compliance with wearing face masks to come in the building. There has to be a point in time when you try something. Council Member Long may not be aware that there is a sign in book at town hall and at the golf course for contact purposes. Council Member (Dr.) Glenn stated there was no proof there will be a second wave and that there will probably be a vaccine within one year. He thought it would OK to open the building up if the guidelines are followed. No more than 18 people would be allowed in the meeting room.
The clerk asked to extend waiving the late fee and the time requirements for licensing a dog. Many people are still calling saying they can’t get in to a veterinarian or that they do not have the money to go. There are no clinics right now. A motion was made by Council Member Long to extend waiving the late fees on all dog licenses and to waive the time requirement for the licensing of dogs as necessary until September 15, 2020. The motion was seconded by Council Member Sturgess. All board members were in favor of the motion.
Supervisor Horton noted that Council Members Travis, Sturgess, and Glenn have reviewed the bills as presented for audit. The bill for water testing on the lakes was submitted for last year and this year. The amount was $400 for each year. Council Member Long noted this was the largest park wide testing of lakes. It has been going on for 20 years and has had on the order of 80 lakes. It tests their pH, salt, phosphorus and more. It shows the ecology of the lake. Supervisor Horton holds up the report. He did not know if the testing was going to be done this year or not. Council Member Long stated that Trevor Glenn has received the material and he will do the first sample of the season the week of June 20. Council Member Long will be doing as a volunteer on Canada Lake testing also at the same time as Trevor. These are synchronized tests. The lab is waiting for samples. West Caroga is participating in the Citizens Statewide Lake Assessment Program (CSLAP) this year. Now that we know what the bill is for the Supervisor was in favor of paying it.
Supervisor Horton made the motion to pay the bills as presented for audit. There was a question on the account for Highway voucher #63. The clerk stated the highway clerk did this bill. Initially the clerk noted there wasn’t any documentation with the voucher. There were two other account problems with the Highway bills. They will be corrected. Council Member Travis seconded the motion. Four board members were in favor of approving the bills as presented for audit. Council Member Long abstained as he did not review the audits. Council Member Glenn made a motion to approve the minutes of the 3/16, 4/15, 5/13 meetings. Council Member Sturgess seconded the motion. All board members were in favor of the motion.
Supervisor Horton asked about the next meeting on July 8, 2020. Council Member Long strongly recommended the meeting format stay the same. He knows how this virus is transmitted. Council Member Sturgess wanted to get back on track. He noted the gym is going to be done we can keep 6 feet apart. He wanted to hear what the people have to say. By August we have to back.
At 9:50 pm Council Member Glenn made a motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Council Member Sturgess. All board members were in favor of the motion.
Respectfully Submitted,
Linda M. Gilbert, RMC, CMC
Caroga Town Clerk
Copyright © James McMartin Long 2017–2025