State of New York
County of Fulton
Town of Caroga
Minutes of a Caroga Town Board meeting held Wednesday January 6, 2021 at the municipal building located at 1840 State Highway #10 at 7:00 pm with the following persons in attendance by roll call. The flag salute followed.
Supervisor Scott Horton - Here
Council Member John Glenn – Here
Council Member James Long - Here
Council Member Richard Sturgess - Here
Council Member Donald Travis - Here
Supervisor Horton, Council Members Glenn, Sturgess, and Travis were in the meeting room Council Member Long accessed the meeting remotely. Tor Shekerjian – Confidential Secretary to the Supervisor facilitated the ZOOM meeting. There were 14 people on line using Zoom.
Supervisor Horton opened the meeting at 7 pm. He announced there would not be any privilege of the floor at this reorganizational meeting.
RESOLUTION #2021-001 Naming Elected Officials and their Positions was offered by Supervisor Horton at the reorganizational meeting held Wednesday, January 6, 2021 at 7 pm at Town hall.
The Town Board reviewed the list of elected officials as follows:
Supervisor — Scott Horton
Highway Superintendent — Larry Voght
Town Clerk/Tax Collector/Registrar/Records Management Officer — Linda Gilbert
Town Justice — James Subik
Council Member — Dr. John Glenn
Council Member — James Long
Council Member — Richard Sturgess
Council Member — Donald Travis
Seconded by Council Member Long
Adopted by a roll call vote as follows:
Supervisor Scott Horton - Aye
Council Member John Glenn - Yes
Council Member James Long - Aye
Council Member Richard Sturgess - Yes
Council Member Donald Travis - Yes
RESOLUTION #2021-002 stating Organizational Business — Miscellaneous was offered by Supervisor Horton at the reorganizational meeting held Wednesday, January 6, 2021 at 7 pm at town hall.
The following information was examined:
Financial Institution: NBT Bank
The Regular meetings of the Town Board of the Town of Caroga will be held on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm, and December 29, 2021 at 7:00 pm.
That the Supervisor is authorized to do the following: Invest money anytime that there is money to invest, pay fixed bills such as telephone, electric, gasoline, propane, salaries, contract and insurance, etc., when due. Pay monthly salaries of elected officials.
That Gas Mileage for the year 2021 will be $0.58 per mile per IRS regulations. Detailed logs shall be kept and submitted monthly.
That the Highway Superintendent is authorized to spend up to $2,000.00 without authorization, $2000.00 -$5,000.00 with Supervisor approval, over $5,000.00 with Town Board approval, keeping within budget appropriations for daily and weekly supplies.
The official newspaper — The Leader Herald.
If an elected or appointed official is going to be out of town on vacation or to a seminar, etc., for more than 48 hours, the Town Clerk shall be notified and it should be marked on a calendar in the Town Clerk’s office.
Holidays — New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, General Election Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day.
Seconded by Council Member Long
Adopted by a roll call vote as follows:
Council Member John Glenn - Yes
Council Member James Long - Aye
Council Member Richard Sturgess - Yes
Council Member Donald Travis – Yes
Supervisor Scott Horton - Aye
RESOLUTION #2021-003 Naming Appointed Positions for the year 2021 was offered by Supervisor Horton at the reorganizational meeting held Wednesday, January 6, 2021 at 7 pm at town hall.
The following persons are hereby appointed as officials in the Town of Caroga for the year 2021:
Sanitation Inspector & Code Enforcement Officer — Anthony Fancher
Registrar of Vital Statistics — Linda Gilbert
Dog Control — Howard Dutcher
Youth Director — Colleen Ricciardi
Historian — Richard Nilsen
Building Maintenance Staff — Robert Thompson, alternate, Robert Nellis
B.T.I. Coordinator — John Delesky
Weed Harvesting Coordinator — Gene Centi
Sole Assessor — Leigh Anne Loucks
Golf Professional/Greens Keeper/Manager — vacant under negotiations
Planning Board Chairman — Al Kozakiewicz
Zoning Board of Appeals Chairman — Douglas Purcell
Alternate Members to the Planning Board — to be announced
Alternate Member to the Zoning Board of Appeals — to be announced
Code Building Safety Inspector and Code Clerk — Jennifer Blowers
Deputy Town Supervisor — Dr. John Glenn
Deputy Highway Superintendent — Henry Snell
Deputy Town Clerk — Judith Aldinger
ZBA & Planning Clerk — James McMartin Long
Bookkeeper & Budget Officer — Joanne Young
Court Clerk — Thelma Subik
Clerk to the Highway Superintendent — Kim Satterly
Trail Manager — Jeremy Manning
Seconded by Council Member Long
Discussion: Supervisor Horton stated the golf pro contract is under negotiation when he read that title. Mr. Centi thought the youth director position was vacant. Supervisor Horton stated that Council Members Long and Travis both spoke to her today and she wanted to continue in that position. Council Member Long corrected the pronunciation of the name Ricciardi stating her preferred pronunciation was rih-CHAHR-dee.
Adopted by a roll call vote as follows:
Council Member James Long - Aye
Council Member Richard Sturgess - Yes
Council Member Donald Travis – Yes
Supervisor Scott Horton - Aye
Council Member John Glenn - Yes
RESOLUTION #2021-004 to set yearly salaries and hourly rates for the year 2021 was offered by Supervisor Horton at the reorganizational meeting held Wednesday, January 6, 2021 at 7 pm at town hall.
The following salaries were reviewed and discussed as follows:
Highway is by contract. All other positions will be reviewed. Pay increases will be retroactive to January 1, 2021, and decreases, if any, will be effective on resolution.
Salary Elected & Appointed Officials to be paid quarterly
Budget Officer $2,920.00
Weed Coordinator & Director $16,000.00
Salary Elected & Appointed Officials to be paid monthly
Town Justice $15,810.00
Dog Control Officer PT $5,869.00
Attorney to the Town As Billed
Court Clerk $3,535.00
4 Town Board Members $3,043.75 each
Supervisor $10,232.00
Bike Trail Manager $10,000.00
Salary of Appointed Officials to be paid annually
Health Officer ________
Historian $700.00
Deputy Superintendent of Highways $2,208.00
Salary for Elected & Appointed Officials to be paid bi-weekly
Bookkeeper to Supervisor (secretary) $25,505.00
Town Clerk/Tax Collector $37,031.00
Registrar of Vital Statistics $812.00
Superintendent of Highways (refuse Coordinator duties) $50,000.00
Greens Keeper (Manager/Golf Pro) per contract
B.T.I. Coordinator $16,475.00
Youth Director $5,875.00
Youth Teacher $1,635.00
Appointed Employees to be paid hourly
Sole Assessor $26.00
Confidential Secretary to the Supervisor $18.00
Code Enforcement Officer — $26.00
Building Safety Inspector and Code Clerk PT $20.00
Highway — Motor Equipment Operators by contract
Highway Mechanics — by contract
Deputy Town Clerk $15.45
Laborers (Golf Course I) $14.99
Laborers (Golf Course II) $14.56
Assistant to Golf Professional (Pro Shop) $12.50
BTI Technicians (I) $13.54
BTI Technicians (II) $12.88
Divers senior — has worked for the town previously $24.00
First year starting diver rate $22.64
Tenders — senior $13.62
First year tender $13.23
Laborer (Janitorial) $14.05
Boat Wash/Lake Stewards $12.50
Summer Youth/Recreational $12.50
Summer Youth/Recreational Bus Driver $16.50
Summer Youth/Recreational Life Guard $13.00
Lead Bike Trail Builder $25.00
Assistant Lead Bike Trail Builder $20.00
Bike Trail Laborer $15.00
Seconded by Council Member Glenn
Discussion: the clerk asked if/thought the health inspector was paid recently $185.00 by voucher. Supervisor Horton stated he thought the position was paid per call. The health officer position will be discussed on Wednesday. Council Member Sturgess stated the bike trail laborer was at $15.00, but the golf course laborer was at $14.99. Supervisor Horton thought the bike path labor works harder and more continuously. The Supervisor noted the bike trail worker salaries are the same as last year.
Supervisor Horton thought Mr. Purcell wanted to speak. Mr. Purcell did want to speak but the topic was not relevant to the current topic. He would like to speak later at the end of the meeting.
Adopted by a roll call vote as follows:
Council Member Richard Sturgess - Yes
Council Member Donald Travis – Yes
Supervisor Scott Horton - Aye
Council Member John Glenn - Yes
Council Member James Long – Nay for reasons he has stated in past meetings.
RESOLUTION #2021-005 to re-appoint Karen Dutcher to the Planning Board was offered by Supervisor Horton at the organizational meeting held Wednesday, January 6, 2021 at 7 pm at town hall.
WHEREAS, the term of Karen Dutcher Planning Board member expired December 31, 2020, and,
WHEREAS, Karen Dutcher has performed her duties regularly and with good will and is a resident of the Town of Caroga.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of Caroga Town Board re-appoints Karen Dutcher of Morey Road, Caroga Lake, NY 12032 to a seven-year term on the Planning Board commencing January 1, 2021 until December 31, 2027.
Seconded by Council Member Glenn
The clerk thought the term re-appointment should be used as Karen Dutcher served on the board last year. The wording was changed from appoint to re-appoint.
Adopted by a roll call vote as follows:
Council Member Donald Travis – Yes
Supervisor Scott Horton - Aye
Council Member John Glenn - Yes
Council Member James Long - Aye
Council Member Richard Sturgess - Yes
RESOLUTION #2021-006 to re-appoint Frank Malagisi to the Zoning Board of Appeals was offered by Council Member Long at the organizational meeting held Wednesday, January 6, 2021 at 7 pm at town hall.
WHEREAS, the term of Frank Malagisi as member of the ZBA expired December 31, 2020, and
WHEREAS, Frank Malagisi has ably served the Town of Caroga for years as a member of the ZBA,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of Caroga Town Board appoints Frank Malagisi, Caroga Lake NY 12032 to a five-year term on the Zoning Board of Appeals commencing January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2025.
Seconded by Council Member Sturgess
Discussion: Council Member Glenn noted this is also a reappointment. Council Member Long noted it is a reappointment but it is still an appointment. To be consistent Supervisor Horton thought the word reappointment should be used.
Adopted by a roll call vote as follows:
Supervisor Scott Horton - Aye
Council Member John Glenn - Yes
Council Member James Long - Aye
Council Member Richard Sturgess – Yes
Council Member Donald Travis – Yes
RESOLUTION #2021-007 - to appoint Christopher Langlois of the firm of Girvin & Ferlazzo as Attorneys for the Town as Independent Contractors was offered by Council Member Glenn at the reorganizational meeting held Wednesday, January 6, 2021 at 7 pm at town hall.
WHEREAS, the board discussed naming a town attorney as part of the organizational business being conducted this evening, and
WHEREAS, Girvin and Ferlazzo have agreed to the same terms of service as in the year 2020, namely that the monthly retainer will be $1,050 per month for non-litigation services, and $195 per hour for litigation services and legal services over 72 hours per year, and
WHEREAS, Girvin and Ferlazzo has dutifully and competently served the Town of Caroga.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town of Caroga appoints Attorney Christopher Langlois of the firm Girvin & Ferlazzo as Attorney for the Town.
Seconded by Council Member Glenn
Adopted by a roll call vote as follows:
Council Member John Glenn - Yes
Council Member James Long – Nay Council Member Long stated he felt the firm of Girvin & Ferlazzo has served the town very poorly visa vie the Sherman’s situation and the removal of Planning Board member this spring.
Council Member Richard Sturgess - Yes
Council Member Donald Travis – Yes
Supervisor Scott Horton - Aye
RESOLUTION #2021-008 to re-appoint Gene Centi Chairman of the Parks, Lakes, Recreation and Tourism Commission was offered by Supervisor Horton at the organizational meeting held Wednesday, January 6, 2021 at 7 pm at town hall.
WHEREAS, the Gene Centi, Chairman of the PLRT, was appointed to a one year term on the PLRT which expired on December 31, 2020 and,
WHEREAS, Gene Centi a resident of the Town of Caroga residing on South Shore Road East, Caroga Lake, NY has expressed interest in continuing his position on the PLRT as chairman and,
WHEREAS, Gene Centi has served the Town of Caroga ably and with honor as chairman of the PLRT and,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of Caroga Town Board appoints Gene Centi to a seven year term as a member of the PLRT Commission commencing January 1, 2021 and expiring December 31, 2028, and to further appoint Gene Centi as Chairman of the PLRT Commission for one year, effective January 1, 2021 and expiring December 31, 2021.
Seconded by Council Member Glenn
Discussion: Council Member Glenn pointed out this was a reappointment and wanted it to be consistent.
Adopted by a roll call vote as follows:
Council Member James Long – Nay Council Member Long explained for reasons of temperament on some interactions he has had experienced and on some that have been reported to him.
Council Member Richard Sturgess - Yes
Council Member Donald Travis – Yes
Supervisor Scott Horton - Aye
Council Member John Glenn - Yes
RESOLUTION #2021-009 to appoint Amanda French to the Parks, Lakes, Recreation and Tourism Commission was offered by Supervisor Horton at the organizational meeting held Wednesday, January 6, 2021 at 7 pm at town hall.
WHEREAS, the Karen Dutcher resigned from the PLRT Commission effective December 31, 2020, and her seat which runs to December 31, 2025 is now vacant and,
WHEREAS, Amanda French a resident of the Town of Caroga residing on South Shore Road East, Caroga Lake, NY has expressed interest in filling the vacancy and,
WHEREAS, Amanda French contributed to the very successful “Trunk or Treat” event in 2020 and,
WHEREAS, Gene Centi, chairman of the PLRT recommends the appointment of Amanda French to the PLRT Commission,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of Caroga Town Board appoints Amanda French, Caroga Lake, NY 12032 to fill the remaining term of Karen Dutcher which expires December 31, 2025 to the Caroga PLRT Commission effective January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2025.
Seconded by Council Member Long
Discussion: The clerk asked if the board accepted the resignation of Karen Dutcher – with regrets. Supervisor Horton stated she did not submit a resignation. She told the Chairman Gene Centi. The clerk asked if the Chairman could get something in writing.
Adopted by a roll call vote as follows:
Council Member Richard Sturgess - Yes
Council Member Donald Travis – Yes
Supervisor Scott Horton - Aye
Council Member John Glenn - Yes
Council Member James Long – Aye
RESOLUTION #2021-010 to appoint Barb DeLuca to the Parks, Lakes, Recreation and Tourism Commission was offered by Supervisor Horton at the organizational meeting held Wednesday, January 6, 2021.
WHEREAS, the PLRT Commission is authorized to have up to seven members on the Commission and,
WHEREAS, only six members were appointed to the Commission in the year 2020 and,
WHEREAS, the seventh member of the PLRT which was created in the year 2020 would have had a term commencing January 1, 2020 and expiring December 31, 2027 and,
WHEREAS, the seventh seat remains unfilled and,
WHEREAS, Barb DeLuca desires to be a member of the PLRT, and that there is an open seat on the commission and,
WHEREAS, Barb DeLuca a resident of the Town of Caroga has expressed interest in filling the vacancy and Gene Centi the Chairman of the PLRT Commission recommends that she be appointed to fill the vacant seat and,
WHEREAS, Barb DeLuca has served the Town in numerous able and honorable capacities including Chief of the Caroga Lake Volunteer Fire Company and,
WHEREAS, Gene Centi, chairman of the PLRT recommends the appointment of Barb DeLuca to the PLRT Commission,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of Caroga Town Board appoints Barb DeLuca, Caroga Lake, NY 12032, to fill the open seat on the PLRT Commission commencing January 1, 2021 and expiring December 31, 2027.
Seconded by Council Member Long
Supervisor Horton noted everything she does is done with gusto and enthusiasm and he is very happy to have her on the commission. Council Member Long stated we were fortunate to have her.
Adopted by a roll call vote as follows:
Council Member Donald Travis – Yes
Supervisor Scott Horton - Aye
Council Member John Glenn - Yes
Council Member James Long – Aye “and we are lucky to have her”
Council Member Richard Sturgess - Yes
Council Member Glenn asked if the attorney contract would be further discussed. The Supervisor emailed the board members the retainer agreement for 2021. Supervisor Horton thought the town used 90.5 hours last year of regular hours. The agreement is for 72 hours. The town will be billed for 18.2 hours. The Town clerk did not receive a copy of the retainer agreement. The clerk asked if the resolution should refer to the retainer agreement. Council member Long injected about giving the floor to Mr. Purcell. Supervisor Horton continued and noted the agreement was the same as last year. The resolution states they are an independent contractor and the rates. Council Member Sturgess noted the resolution stated monthly retainer. Supervisor Horton noted we didn’t have one lawsuit in 2020. The agreement can be attached to the resolution.
The floor recognized Doug Purcell Chairman of the Zoning Board of Appeals. He thanked the board for reappointing Frank Malagisi. He was going to make that recommendation. He feels his many years on the board are beneficial to the two newer members of the board. He learned a lot from Mr. Malagisi when he joined the board. He again thanked the board.
Mr. Purcell thanked the board and the highway department for clearing the parking lot of the bike trail. He and his wife have used the trails twice this winter for some snowshoeing.
Mr. Purcell noted the town will not have curbside recycling in January. He noted people can take their recycling to the dump (Caroga transfer station) without a permit. He asked the board to consider making a resolution so people can take recycling to the dump the month of January without a permit.
Mr. Purcell noted that somewhere along the line the information for access code for the ZOOM meeting is falling apart. Specifically in the area of calling in. The Leader Herald did not list a proper pass word for access. He stated James Long had the correct information on the town website. He asked the board to figure this out so people have the proper information.
Supervisor Horton thought that the meeting ID will be the same. Council Member Long stated the newspaper had the passcode Caroga and that will not work, only the six digit passcode will work for that. It is important to have the correct information. The Supervisor did not know why or how this happened. Mr. Shekerjian stated he copies the invitation from the ZOOM website which has the pass code two ways. The Supervisor stated we will try harder on that and thanked him for bringing it to the board’s attention. The clerk has not received any calls on this.
Council Member Long wondered if a resolution was going to be made regarding recycling. Supervisor Horton stated he had to talk to the town clerk and Fulton County Solid Waste on this. The clerk stated there was a memo from the county which stated they will allow people into the transfer station without a permit to dispose of recycling. The Supervisor stated we can’t make a resolution that binds the county. He was not comfortable making a resolution at this time. Mr. Purcell was thanked for bringing this to the boards attention.
At 7:42 pm Council Member Long made a motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Council Member Sturgess. All members were in favor of the motion.
Respectful Submitted,
Linda M. Gilbert, RMC, CMC
Town Clerk
Copyright © James McMartin Long 2017–2025