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State of New York

County of Fulton

Town of Caroga

Minutes of a Caroga Town Board meeting held Wednesday March 10, 2021 at the municipal building located at 1840 State Highway #10 at 7:10 pm with the following persons in attendance by roll call. The flag salute followed.

Supervisor Scott Horton — Here

Council Member John Glenn — Here

Council Member James Long — Here

Council Member Richard Sturgess — Here

Council Member Donald Travis — Here

Supervisor Horton, Council Members Glenn, Sturgess, and Travis were in the meeting room Council Members Long accessed the meeting remotely. Tor Shekerjian — Confidential Secretary to the Supervisor facilitated the Zoom meeting. There were 38 people on line using Zoom. Supervisor Horton opened the meeting at 7:08 pm. Supervisor Horton reviewed various ways to get recognized to participate during the Zoom meeting

Public Comment: Bonnie Lane Marino asked if there would be a farmers’ market in Caroga this year. Supervisor Horton stated that one opened in Broadalbin last year. The clerk will contact Fulton Montgomery Farmers market Association and ask. The public portion of the meeting was closed at 7:11 pm.

Department Reports:

Town Clerk/Tax Collector/Registrar/RMO Linda Gilbert submitted written reports. The Clerk asked tentatively for permission to attend the Annual Town Clerks Conference virtually on April 26–28. The cost is $125.00 to register. The agenda is not available yet.

The Code Officer Anthony Fancher submitted a list of his files. The Bookkeeper files still need to be sorted and purged from the records room per the retention schedule. In previous monthly reports the clerk has asked for her retirement reporting to be corrected. This situation has existed since May of 2020. She emphatically requested that this be reported and submitted.

Tax Collection to date $2,652,341.70 has been collected and processed leaving unpaid taxes at $716,093.39. These figures are comparable to last year’s figures. A check will be written out to the Supervisor for penalties collected.

The third and fourth Saturdays in April the clerk will go to the Transfer Station to sell permits. The stickers are being printed and should be ready at the end of this week or the beginning of next week.

The Clerk noted there was one more correspondence that was not on the agenda. It is from the Fulton County Treasurer’s office; it is a report showing all of the payments issued to the town in 2020. The report is per New York State Law Article 13 Section 550. Council Member Long requested a copy of this correspondence.

The new website is ready to go live the beginning of next week. The website is Caroga.town and can be found using any search engine.

Code Enforcement & Sanitation — Anthony Fancher submitted a written report. Five permits were issued for the month of February. There are several permits pending. Mr. Fancher noted Lake View Store is open for gas. The Nathan Littauer Hospital Micro Clinic opened on Monday. They have their certificate of occupancy. Mr. Fancher noted many projects are coming to him for review despite the snow on the ground.

Dog Control — the Clerk reached out to Mr. Dutcher regarding the 20 some delinquent license renewal from last year. He will be writing tickets. The courts are now open so they can be written but not so to overwhelm the system.

Golf Course — was covered in the Steering Committee meeting earlier this evening. Mr. Centi stated that 95% of the people attending the Town Board meeting were on earlier. Mr. Centi noted that Jerry Groom III will be Clubhouse Manager and Steve Stedman will be the Golf Course Superintendent They have jumped in with both feet to get this golf course up and running. Jerry has been working to get clothing, displays, refreshments, score cards, and Tee signs done. Steve has been getting to know the town and working on the equipment that was damaged or lost in the fire. Council Member Glenn welcomed the two new employees.

Highway — Larry Voght gave a report on what was going on at the highway department and his equipment needs. The Gradall excavator has 9,000 hours on it. He gave the board members three quotes for a new excavator. Milton Cat 500 Commerce Drive Clifton Park NY — $210,000.00 - it is too big. Hyundai via chris@amontanoco.com for $161,000.00. This only has a two-piece boom. We need a three piece for low clearance on wires. The third quote is from Admar of 1950 Brighton Henrietta Town Line Road Rochester NY 14623 — $180,769.00 and they will take our old machine in trace for $20,000.00 for a net sale price of 160,769.00. They put $15,000.00 in the Gradall last year for repairs. It is not worth it to keep putting money into it.

The Highway Superintendent Mr. Voght stated that we need a new road sweeper. Currently we have to pull it behind a truck and uses two people for the job. A new one is $20,000.00 and change. This would save the taxpayer money. [Since it only requires one operator vs two minimum.]

Mr. Voght stated that no other superintendent has gone through what he has with COVID to get things done. He has had to work with ½ staff but he did it. The Town Supervisor noted it was a very trying year he thought Mr. Voght had done an excellent job. “You did save the taxpayers money by going to that schedule.”

Supervisor Horton thought the reduction in the use of salt would be appreciated by the community. The highway department did 28 straight days of plowing.

Council Member Sturgess asked how much it cost to rent a Gradall last year. Mr. Voght replied $4,000.00 for a month. The Supervisor noted there is also a cost to transport it back and forth. Council Member Long thought we needed to act on this.

Supervisor Horton stated the sweeper is $20,064.00 it is on state contract and it is the only one out there and it will fit on our Cat equipment. There is money in the budget. It is in stock.

RESOLUTION 2021-028 authorizing the Highway Superintendent to purchase a CAT Sweeper was offered by Supervisor Horton at the March 10, 2021 regular monthly town board meeting held at Caroga Town Hall.

WHEREAS, the Highway Superintendent Larry Voght has indicated a need to purchase a new sweeper, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board does hereby move to purchase from Milton CAT a SA 30 angle broom hydraulic sweeper. With a hook broom fusion for a total price of $23,584.00 less a 15% discount of $3,537.60 for a net price of $20,046.40, and be it further

RESOLVED, that the funds will come out of DA5130.2.

Seconded by Council Member Long

Adopted by a roll call vote as follows:

Supervisor Scott Horton — Aye

Council Member John Glenn — Yes

Council Member James Long — Aye

Council Member Richard Sturgess — Yes

Council Member Donald Travis — Yes

For the next meeting the Supervisor asked the Highway Superintendent to look into financing for the Gradall. This piece of equipment is on state contract. This summer, Gradall equipment was priced out at $350,000.00. The piece of equipment being looked at will give the town more versatility, it has 8 – wheel drive, four tires in the front and four in the rear. It has front and rear steering. The cab can be moved while it is being operated. It has a thumb. Mr. Voght noted when it swings the old Gradall used to take up both lanes. This one won’t take up both lanes.

Supervisor Horton thought this piece of equipment would be good for 15 years. Mr. Voght noted he was looking at a five-year lease and then the town can sell it back to the company for $100,000.00 — $120,000.00 and buy another one for $60,000.00 — $70,000.00. Supervisor Horton likened it to an automobile lease. The town would be paying for the depreciation. Mr. Voght was asked to get the final numbers for the next meeting.

The clerk saw in the paper that the County is doing some spring clean-up programs. She asked the Highway Superintendent had any plans to do one in Caroga. Mr. Voght would like to set something up. He stated he would go around and pick it up. Supervisor Horton asked how the county ran their program. The clerk noted it has been done various ways. First the County needs to be contacted to be put on the schedule. In the past a dumpster was placed at the highway barn, or at the transfer station, and it was done curbside. A coupon policy would have to be set up for tires. The Clerk again noted this has to be set up through the county. Mr. Voght wanted to run it through our garbage truck and compact it. The goal is to have it closer to the summer months when everyone is here.

The clerk asked if we were back on a full crew schedule yet. Mr. Voght responded not yet. They are not on summer hours yet either.

Mr. Voght left the meeting as he gets up at 4 am.

Lakes Management Program — Council Member Glenn had nothing to report but thought everything was ready to go for the program. Mr. Centi stated that the continuation of the survey of East Caroga Lake will finish up this summer.

Town Hall Building and the NLH Mini Clinic — Council Member Travis reported it is set and going. On March 15th Apollo will be here to install thermostats in the Judge’s chambers and the Code office. The cost is $850.00.

RESOLUTION 2021-029 to spend funds to install thermostats was offered by Council Member Long at the March 10, 2021 regular monthly town board meeting held at Caroga Town Hall.

WHEREAS, the Council Member Travis has indicated a need to install thermostats in the Code and Judge’s chambers, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board does hereby move to spend $850.00 from account A1620.4.

Seconded by Council Member Sturgess

Adopted by a roll call vote as follows:

Council Member John Glenn — Yes

Council Member James Long — Aye

Council Member Richard Sturgess — Yes

Council Member Donald Travis — Yes

Supervisor Scott Horton — Aye

Council Member Travis noted the code office staff have asked to have the room painted using two colors one on top the other on the bottom. Council Member Travis asks that Robert Nellis come in to paint and to move file cabinets. He estimates the cost to paint the room at $200.00 for Mr. Nellis and $200.00 for paint. The town has accounts at Noble Ace Hardware or at Sherwin Williams for the paint. The board set a budget of $500.00 to do the painting project.

Council Member Travis also suggested wallpapering the north wall of the meeting room (non-block) the wallpaper was donated to the town and is four feet wide.

RESOLUTION 2021-030 to spend up to $500.00 to paint the Code Office was offered by Council Member Glenn at the March 10, 2021 regular monthly town board meeting held at Caroga Town Hall.

WHEREAS, the Council Member Travis has indicated that the employees in the Code Office desire to have the room painted, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board does hereby move to spend up to $500.00 for labor and paint.

Seconded by Council Member Long

Adopted by a roll call vote as follows:

Council Member James Long — Aye

Council Member Richard Sturgess — Yes

Council Member Donald Travis — Yes

Supervisor Scott Horton — Aye

Council Member John Glenn — Yes

Council Member Travis will explore wallpapering the one wall of the meeting room. Tor Shekerjian — Confidential Secretary to the Supervisor stated he can help with that.

Historian — No report. The Supervisor did speak to him about keeping an eye on the momentous and historical time period for the Town of Caroga with the Golf Course. Mr. Fincke is also keeping an eye on this to capture what is going on.

Wheelerville Bike Trail — Jeremy Manning reported that the paperwork has been submitted to the Department of Environmental Conservation and the town should be receiving payment soon. One employee will start working on the trail in mid-May with one piece of equipment. They are still working with a designer for a logo for Tee shirts and hats. They do now want people on the trails during the spring as they will be muddy. The trails will have to be closed soon until they dry out. In talking to the builders, a couple of weeks ago, Mr. Manning was asked for an increase in their salaries. He did not think they understood the budget process. He has discussed this with Supervisor Horton. Mr. Manning thought he could work within the budget but wanted to amend the wages for the lead builder from $25.00 to $30.00, and the assistant lead builder rate would go from $20.00 to $23.00. The lead builder was offered a really good package to stay in Arkansas, working on a project financed by the Walton Family — Walmart, but really wanted to come back to the Adirondacks and said he would work for $30.00.

Supervisor Horton stated there is a $45,000.00 budget and noted another piece of equipment was found that was larger that could fit on the trails. They are looking to bring back the two-primary people — Eli and Jason. This was a bit of a surprise the Supervisor noted. They do want to get the same amount of trail built. They had a good system at the end of last year. They were able to knock out a mile of trail in two weeks’ time. It was not fancy. It was noted that the laborer rates will stay the same. The project may have to be supplemented with more volunteers.

Mr. Manning thought the salary changes would be less than $4,000.00/$3,800.00. He will let the board know if the finances are getting tight. Council Member Sturgess noted this change is about 10% of their budget for the whole project. He calculated it is a 15% raise.

Supervisor Horton noted the key to the trail building is consistency of the designer. He thought this was important. The Supervisor noted that Eli — the lead trail builder can go anywhere. The Supervisor wanted to get these guys back but did not think the budget should be amended. It should stay at $45,000.00. The trails that were built will be open this year.

RESOLUTION #2021-031 to amend the lead trail builder and assistant trail builder rate of pay was offered by Supervisor Horton at the March 10, 2021 regular monthly town board meeting held at Caroga Town Hall.

WHEREAS, Jeremy Manning discussed with the Town board a change in the rate paid to the Lead Trail Builder and the Assistant Trail Builder on the Wheelerville Bike Trail project, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board does hereby move to amend the rate of pay for the lead trail builder from $25.00 to $30.00 per hour and assistant trail builder hourly rate from $20.00–$23.00.

Seconded by Council Member Long

Discussion: Council Member Sturgess stated that Mr. Manning had stated that this trail building season will end sooner than last year. Mr. Manning responded “right.” Council Member Sturgess asked when this season would end with the money that is budgeted right now. Mr. Manning noted last year the Old Forge project started first so our project started in early July. This year Eli will start when he gets back or when things are dry in mid-May. Then they will build for 12 weeks. He estimated the building would be done in mid-July. From that point on the trail system would be open to ride for the rest of the year.

Council Member Sturgess asked Mr. Manning if he would be willing to take a little bit of a pay cut out of his salary being that it is only going to be a half a year that he would be working up there vs what was done last year. Mr. Manning responded that he was not asking to amend the budget what-so- ever. Council Member Sturgess is seeing less build for a 10% of the budget going back into payroll.

Mr. Manning stated they would be putting in just as much trail as last year. They are going to be doing twelve weeks of work, the same as last year. Mr. Manning stated he is up there as well, cutting trees, and hauling brush. He stated the $10,000.00 to do those things is still extremely low. He is still looking to write one if not two grants. He was there working last week on the mapping. He continues to work with a designer on a logo. It is more than just the physical time there.

Council Member Sturgess wanted to know where the money would be moved around in the budget. Mr. Manning stated they would just have to be more careful of the hours. Council Member Glenn asked if there would be a decrease in hours due to the increase in the hourly rate. Mr. Manning replied maybe just the laborers. That could be supplemented with volunteer help. Mr. Manning stated it is “not a lot it’s only thirty-eight hundred bucks.”

Supervisor Horton stated the larger piece of equipment is going to cost $400.00 more a month in rental. But the larger piece of equipment will allow the lead trail builder to do more work and not need the laborers as much. So much was budgeted in the line item for personal services (PS) and so much for contractual expenses (CE). The budget would be kept the same but money could be moved between the two-line items.

Mr. Manning noted that Eli would be working by himself for two weeks and will get done twice as much instead of having to pay Justin and the laborers for 2 ½ to 3 weeks. “We have spots where we can save.”

Supervisor Horton stated that trail building is different than other construction projects it is part art and part construction. You feel your way around. When you actually start cutting the trails you make changes. Sometimes you come upon a fantastic erratic one of which was not planned. A bridge was built which was not in the budget at all but it came out marvelously. Supervisor Horton stated we have to be careful about exceeding the budget. The person running the program has to have latitude to do what he needs to do to get the job done. Supervisor Horton stated the message is see how much we can get done for $45,000.00. When we get to the very end of the project we can talk to the board and give them a heads up on the progress that was made.

Adopted by a roll call vote as follows:

Council Member Richard Sturgess — No

Council Member Donald Travis — Yes

Supervisor Scott Horton — Aye

Council Member John Glenn — Yes

Council Member James Long — Aye

PLRT Commission — Gene Centi also had the weed harvester report. He gave that report fist. He has all of the divers lined up. He could use one more diver. He will get the word out on social media that he is looking for another diver. As soon as the weather breaks, they will start making normal repairs to the equipment.

PLRT — Mr. Centi stated the logo has not been decided upon yet. There were 12 entries. As soon as there is a logo it will be given to Council Member Long and to the Town clerk to post. It will also be posted on the PLRT website. There will be a Facebook page for the golf course.

The next event being planned is for a Memorial Day Parade. It is in the planning stage. He did not have details at this time.

Council Member Long asked Mr. Cent to submit minutes of the committee meetings. Council Member Long stated “under New York law committees and boards, and whatever need to create minutes but also under town law each of us five officers on the town board can solicit any document — demand any document from any person from the Sole Assessor, from the Bookkeeper, from the ZBA Chair, Planning Board Chair., highway, any document. We do not have to go through any intermediary. The public does of course. They’ve got to go through the town clerk for this.” He asked for minutes directly to him.

Mr. Centi hoped Council Member Long was not going to bring this back up again this evening. Mr. Centi was in touch with the Department of State, Committee on Open Government, the Assistant Director Kristin O’Neill today. Mr. Centi presented Council Member Longs argument to her. Her reply was read by Mr. Centi as follows: “Individual board members do not have any greater authority to access Town records than any other member of the public. If the Town Clerk, as the legal custodial of the records pursuant to NYS Town Law, would prefer that all requests for records be filtered through their office, then that is how the Board member should pursue access to those records. While government agencies often provide their employees and officials with access to their records on a more informal basis, particularly if the employee/official needs those records in order to fulfil their official obligations, the Freedom of Information Law is an individual Board member’s only statutory right to any of those records.”

Mr. Centi stated Council Member Long was not entitled to demand any record from anybody. The email from the Department of State will be forwarded to Council Member Long. Council Member Long stated he would defer to Kristin O’Neill.

Supervisor Horton thanked both Mr. Centi and Council Member Long noting that the issue is clear. Supervisor Horton stated that the Town Clerk is the record keeper for the town. It is her responsibility to disseminate that. The Supervisor stated that information in the normal deliberations of the board’s business is available. If for some reason a board member needs to go out and do some research then it would take a different route.

The clerk was asked to email the correspondence from the Committee on Open Government to the town board members. Council Member Long requested a copy of the Steering Committee Meeting minutes. Mr. Centi stated the Steering Committee needs to have more transparency. “We have not submitted minutes, you know that as well, as everybody else does.” Mr. Centi stated that there needs to be a discussion about that among themselves and get it worked out.

Supervisor Horton stated there are two sets of minutes. “Ones from the 29th of January, and then ones from the 20th.” They are labeled notes. Mr. Centi did not know that minutes were taken at those meetings. Council Member Long requested the minutes from both of the Steering Committee meetings.

Mr. Centi want to clarify with Council Member Long about the Parks, Lakes, Recreation and Tourism Commission (PLRT). Mr. Centi did some very intensive research. First this is a commission not a committee. Council Member Long noted that Attorney Ferlazzo stated the PLRT had the powers of a committee which is advisory only to advise the board. Mr. Centi stated the current Town Attorney said the PLRT was created as a commission under General Municipal Law (GML). Mr. Centi then contacted Assemblyman Smullen who had a legislative aid to research this. His response was that Article 13 Section 241 — 246 of GML that the commission has to operate with the funds appropriated by the town to carry out the responsibility of the commission is charged with. Mr. Centi continued by saying his understanding of the law was that the commission would have to present to the town board of an itemized proposed annual operating budget for the town’s review potential, modification, and approval. One approved the commission will be able to spend their operating funds within the specific parameters of the budget as approved by the Caroga Town Board. Mr. Centi will forward the correspondence to Council Member Long. Mr. Centi further directed Council Member Long to look on line at the specific section of the law that he quoted. Mr. Centi wanted to stop arguing about this. He wanted to work together and move ahead to make Caroga a better town recreationally and otherwise. He wanted to do this with Council Member Long’s cooperation. Council Member Long stated the law refers to “recreation”, not Parks, Lakes, Recreation and Tourism. He will review what is forwarded to him.

Sewer Study — Council Member Glenn reported he spoke to (engineer) Travis Mitchel and Scott Henze (Fulton County Planning Department. They are prepared to go out for grants. They are waiting for the door to open. Senator Chuck Schumer will be talking with the group in the near future about monies available to the town. He hopes that will be a resource for funding the sewer project. Supervisor Horton stated when they go to the public, he wants to have funding sources and what the potential monetary value is of the sources are. “We are all set now to go out and get the funding that we were not set to do at the beginning of last year.” The funding starts out with more engineering, but the study part of it has been done. This will be a long process.

Council Member Sturgess keeps hearing the words long process. What is the process? How many years is the process? When does the shovel go into the dirt five years, ten years? Council Member Glenn guessed four to five years if everything is lined up.

Council Member Glenn wants to have a town hall meeting to have a presentation from Department of Environmental Conservation, and maybe with Assemblyman Smullen. Supervisor Horton knows the public is going to have a lot of questions on this. The Supervisor noted that one of the things that came out of the study so far is how things can be configured in two different ways. One way costs a lot less, and one that costs more but doesn’t have as much impact on the users. A meeting was suggested for August. Funding sources need to be worked on. We are going to end up with something that is customary and usual for a sewer cost then we will look what this system costs and what amount of money we need to reduce that nut down to point that it is reasonable for the normal citizen. Right now, the cost is too high.

Council Member Sturgess noted that the Town Clerk forwarded an email about $750,000.00 in grant money that was available. He thought this could come into play for the Green Lake Road parking area issue. Council Member Long noted the property is state land, he was not sure how this would come into play. Council Member Sturgess thought if the town labor was going to be used the grant money could supplement the expense.

Supervisor’s Report began at 8:13

Supervisor Horton stated the town received permission last year to go from quarterly to yearly monitoring. There will be a resolution later in the meeting. This will save the town about $5,000.00 a year.

Supervisor Horton noted the Highway Department did plow the access road to Kane Mountain. The insurance certificates were obtained. Jonathan DeSantis from the Department of Environmental Conservation did send an email that said the town should start this approval process earlier next year. Both a Temporary Revocable Permit (TRP) and a copy of the town’s liability insurance certificated agreement are necessary. This has to be done every year. ©J.Long

New Business:

The town received an application for a private Fireworks Display on March 20, 2021. The Caroga Lake Volunteer Fire Company Chief was notified and given the paperwork. Mr. Dutcher reviewed the paperwork and did not see a problem with the display.

RESOLUTION#2021-032 to approve a private firework display in the Town of Caroga was offered by Council member Glenn at the March 10, 2021 regular monthly town board meeting held at Caroga Town Hall.

WHEREAS, the Town clerk received an application for a private firework display on March 20th by Santore’s World Famous Fireworks, LLC 848 Stillwater Bridge Road, Schaghticoke, NY 12154, and

WHEREAS, the application included all the necessary paperwork including the liability insurance certificate, the site map, and various licenses, and

WHEREAS, the Caroga Lake Volunteer Fire Company Fire Chief Howard Dutcher did review the application, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board does hereby move to approve the display for Royal Mountain Ski area.

Seconded by Council Member Sturgess

Adopted by a roll call vote as follows:

Council Member Donald Travis — Yes

Supervisor Scott Horton — Yes

Council Member John Glenn — Yes

Council Member James Long — Aye

Council Member Richard Sturgess — Yes

The correspondence listed on the agenda (as follows) was not referenced at this evening’s meeting.

From Maureen Sasscer re: permit issued to Smith and Vesey

Email from Amanda Kaier on Clean Energy Program

Two emails regarding the Nick Stoner Golf Course


Supervisor Horton proposed a resolution to make an adjustment to the 2021 budget to maintain a balanced budget as follows:

RESOLUTION-2021-033 to make the following adjustments to the 2021 budget to maintain a balanced budget was offered by Supervisor Horton at the March 10, 2021 regular monthly town board meeting held at Caroga Town Hall.

WHEREAS, the Budget Officer Joanne Young has identified a need to make an adjustment to the 2021 budget, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board does hereby move to make the following adjustments to maintain a balanced budget.

To: A1440.41 Sewage Study $1,000.00

From: A1990.4 Contingency $1,000.00

Seconded by Council Member Glenn

Adopted by a roll call vote as follows:

Supervisor Scott Horton — Aye

Council Member John Glenn — Yes

Council Member James Long — Aye

Council Member Richard Sturgess — Yes

Council Member Donald Travis — Yes

Supervisor Horton noted the next resolution addressed one of the concerns of our citizens. This deals with the money received from the insurance company from the fire. Supervisor Horton noted these budget amendments and amendments were necessary to run the golf course.

RESOLUTION 2021-034 to make the following adjustments to the 2021 budget by adding and funding the following budgetary codes was offered by Supervisor Horton at the March 10, 2021 regular monthly town board meeting held at Caroga Town Hall.

WHEREAS, the Budget Officer Joanne Young has identified a need to make an adjustment to the 2021 budget, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board does hereby move to make the following adjustments to the 2021 budget by adding and funding the following budgetary codes.


A2680.10 Fire Recovery $998,790.00

A2025.1 Golf Cart Rentals (renamed) $52,000.00

A2025.2 GC merchandise (renamed) (funded)

A1110 Sales Tax $4,000.00


A1985 Distribution of Sales Tax $4,000.00

A1620.42 Golf Course Building $548,790.00

A7180.1 GC Superintendent (funded)

A7180.11 GC Clubhouse Manager (funded)

A7180.12 Golf Course P/S $31,000.00

A7180.13 Clubhouse P/S $31,000.00

A7180.20 Golf Course Equipment $240,000.00

A7180.21 Golf Carts $25,000.00

A7180.4 Golf Course C/E $150,000.00

A7180.42 GC merchandise $25,000.00

Accounts in Bold, already have funding, this amount would be added to the existing budget amount.

Seconded by Council Member Glenn

Discussion: Gene Centi was thanked for his help on the numbers, as was Council Member Sturgess for creating this together, and to Council Member Travis for helping to identify equipment needs.

Council Member Glenn noted this was a detailed accounting of everything that comes in and goes out. This addressed the concern Council Member Sturgess had when the rebuilding effort began.

Adopted by a roll call vote as follows:

Council Member John Glenn — Yes

Council Member James Long — Aye

Council Member Richard Sturgess — Yes

Council Member Donald Travis — Yes

Supervisor Scott Horton — Aye

Supervisor Horton stated the next resolution is out of the clear blue ski but in looking at the town property map because they were looking to put two sheds in the Glenn Harris Park, Supervisor Horton noticed there are two small parcels next to it, identified as 68.1-22 and 68.1-23 (the Glenn Harris Park properties) with 68.1-24 the Nick Stoner Golf course front 9 property. Council Member Sturgess seconded the motion to talk about it.

Council Member Sturgess asked if there was a need to do this right now. The Supervisor brought this up because the two temporary structures are being put in. The Town Code does not deal well with temporary structures and if we ever wanted to put a permanent structure over there the town would need to have a minimum of two acres. Nothing could be built on these two pieces of properties. The Supervisor stated that what is there is probably illegally at this time. Council Member Long stated the property is conservation and thought it was not wise and probably in contravention of the donation agreement. Council Member Long thought this needed a lot more research. He stated it was clear when the parcels were combined by the town for the building of the Nathan Littauer Clinic.

Council Member Sturgess wondered if the town could pass a resolution giving the town permission to put a temporary structure up on the property vs combining the properties. Council Member Long stated those are actions that may have to go through a Planning and or Zoning Board. He did not thing the board should be trying to pass a resolution to supersede those two boards. Council Member Sturgess was just concerned because there isn’t another town board meeting scheduled before the temporary sheds come in. The shed company won’t come up and move them around. Council Member Long suggested putting an application in first to the code office then to either board as necessary. Council Member Sturgess stated shed delivery is about 20 days from now.

Supervisor Horton asked Council Member Long if he had received anything from the town in his capacity of Secretary to the Planning or Zoning Board of Appeals. He had not was the reply. Supervisor Horton stated that he requested that the code office reach out and do that application. He will follow up on this tomorrow. A tentative date for the next ZBA meeting is March 31. Supervisor Horton did reach out to the ZBA Chairman Doug Purcell who told him he could build any building he wanted on this property which is zoned conservation. Council Member Long will reach out to the chairman of both boards for their council on this. This issue was tabled.

Resolution 2021-035 to appoint two members to the Golf Course Steering Committee was offered by Supervisor Horton at the March 10, 2021 regular monthly town board meeting held at Caroga Town Hall.

WHEREAS, there are two new employees in town, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board does hereby move to appoint Steven Stedman, Golf Course Superintendent and Jerry Groom III, Clubhouse Manager to the Golf Course Steering Committee.

Seconded by Council Member Glenn

Adopted by a roll call vote as follows:

Council Member James Long — Aye

Council Member Richard Sturgess — Yes

Council Member Donald Travis — Yes

Supervisor Scott Horton — Aye

Council Member John Glenn — Yes

Resolution 2021-036 to purchase $28,608.18 of small equipment tools and tool chest was offered by Supervisor Horton at the March 10, 2021 regular monthly town board meeting held at Caroga Town Hall.

WHEREAS, all of the tools used on the golf course were destroyed due to the fire on November 15, 2020, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board does hereby move to purchase $28,608.18 of small equipment tools and tool chest from account A7180.20.

Seconded by Council Member Travis

Discussion: Council Member Sturgess suggested adding a little bit more for this purchase just in case something is forgotten as was done in the purchase of the sheds. Supervisor Horton stated this was from an actual quote the town received from Snap On Tools.

An amendment was offered by Council Member Sturgess to change the dollar amount from $28,608.18 to $30,000.00

The amendment was seconded by Council Member Travis.

Adopted by a roll call vote as follows:

Council Member Richard Sturgess — Yes

Council Member Donald Travis — Yes

Supervisor Scott Horton — Aye

Council Member John Glenn — Yes

Council Member James Long — Aye

Resolution 2021-037 to approve the purchase of re-sale merchandise in the Clubhouse was offered by Supervisor Horton at the March 10, 2021 regular monthly town board meeting held at Caroga Town Hall.

WHEREAS, a budget $10,000 to buy shirts, hats, soft drinks and other items for re-sale in the clubhouse, and

WHEREAS, this will be a revolving fund that will be replenished as merchandise is sold, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board does hereby move to approve the purchase of re-sale merchandise in the Clubhouse in the amount of $10,000.00 from account: A7180.42.

Seconded by Council Member Glenn

Discussion: Supervisor Horton stated the town will probably sell more than $10,000.00 of merchandise. We may have merchandise that will be left over. The point-of-sale system that the town has purchased will keep track of the inventory and an inventory will be conducted from time to time to assure with the clubhouse manager that the numbers match. If the clubhouse manager sees a need to replenish certain items he can just go and do that as long as the $10,000.00 approved is not exceeded. The initial order is less than $5,000.00. The Supervisor noted that the oversight will be there. Receipts will be monitored every week.

Adopted by a roll call vote as follows:

Council Member Donald Travis — Yes

Supervisor Scott Horton — Aye

Council Member John Glenn — Yes

Council Member James Long — Aye

Council Member Richard Sturgess — Yes

Resolution 2021-038 to approve the C.T. Male Associates proposal for landfill monitoring at a time and material contract with estimated cost of $4,976.00 was offered by Supervisor Horton at the March 10, 2021 regular monthly town board meeting held at Caroga Town Hall.

WHEREAS, CT Male submitted a proposal for landfill monitoring services during the 2021 calendar year at the Caroga Lake Landfill located on Lane Road in the Town of Caroga Lake, County of Fulton, State of New York dated March 2, 2021, and

WHEREAS, this year’s monitoring is significantly reduced compared to 2020 monitoring as the approved monitoring reduction request letter was received from NYSDEC dated November 23, 2020, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town board does hereby move to approve the C.T. Male Associates proposal for landfill monitoring at a time and material contract with estimated cost of $4,976.00.

Seconded by Council Member Long

Discussion: Supervisor Horton explained it is time and material — it could be a little more, it could be a little less. This contract has been given to all board members. The clerk asked if the board was giving authority for the supervisor to sign the contract.

The resolution was amended by Supervisor Horton giving him authority to sign the contract with CT Male and Associates for landfill monitoring at a time and material contract with an estimated cost of $4,976.00.

Council Member Long seconded the amended resolution.

Adopted by a roll call vote as follows:

Supervisor Scott Horton — Aye

Council Member John Glenn — Yes

Council Member James Long — Aye

Council Member Richard Sturgess — Yes

Council Member Donald Travis — Yes

RESOLUTION #2021-039 to allow the Town Clerk to attend a virtual Annual Conference was offered by Council Member Sturgess at the March 10, 2021 regular monthly town board meeting held at Caroga Town Hall.

WHEREAS, The New York State Town Clerks Association will hold their Annual Conference on April 26- 28, 2021 virtually, and

WHEREAS, the Town Clerk Linda Gilbert desires to attend, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town board does hereby move to allow the clerk to attend the conference and to approve the expenditure of $125.00.

Seconded by Council Member Glenn

Adopted by a roll call vote as follows:

Council Member John Glenn — Yes

Council Member James Long — Aye

Council Member Richard Sturgess — Yes

Council Member Donald Travis — Yes

Supervisor Scott Horton — Aye

Supervisor Horton made a motion to suspend the reading of the minutes. The motion was seconded by Council Member Sturgess. All board members were in favor of the motion.

Supervisor Horton made a motion to accept the minutes of the February 10 and 20th board meetings. Council Member Long amended the motion to include the December 9th 2020 meeting. All board members were in favor of the motion.

Supervisor Horton made a motion to pay the bills as presented for audit. The motion was seconded by Council Member Sturgess.

Adopted by a roll call vote as follows:

Council Member James Long — Abstained

Council Member Richard Sturgess — Yes

Council Member Donald Travis — Yes

Supervisor Scott Horton — Aye

Council Member John Glenn — Yes

At 8:50 pm Council Member Long made a motion to “enter into an executive session to discuss the medical, financial, credit or employment history of a particular person or corporation, or relating to the appointment, promotion, demotion, discipline, or removal.” Council Member Long stated this was code office issues. The motion was seconded by Council Member Travis.

The motion was passed by a roll call vote as follows:

Council Member Richard Sturgess — Yes

Council Member Donald Travis — Yes

Supervisor Scott Horton — Aye

Council Member John Glenn — Yes

Council Member James Long — Aye

Shirley Holiday leaves the meeting

At 9:36 Council Member Long made a motion to exit the executive session. The motion was seconded by Council Member Glenn. All board members were in favor of the motion.

Council Member Long offered the following resolution.

RESOLUTION #2021 — 040 to promote Jennifer Blowers to the position of Code Enforcement Officer was offered by Council Member Long at the March 10, 2021 regular monthly town board meeting held at Caroga Town Hall.

WHEREAS, the board entered into an executive session this evening, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board does hereby move to promote Jennifer Blowers to the position of Code Enforcement Officer at an initial pay rate of $22.00 an hour for 40 hours a week and health benefits.

Seconded by Council Member Sturgess

Discussion: Supervisor Horton stated “even during COVID Ms. Blowers did training and worked very hard. Her scores on tests were in the 90th percentile. Under extremely difficult situations, she is a mom, has kids at home having to study, doing her jobs as a wife and a mother. I think it is remarkable what she was able to do and she did it in about eight months.”

Council Member Sturgess noted we are coming into our busy season here and this town has had an issue for many, many, many years not having enough help in that code enforcement room. “Having two people that can handle the town’s needs is definitely going to be a benefit.”

It was asked if there was a start date. Council Member Long stated effective immediately if that is possible. Supervisor Horton stated it should be effective the beginning of the next pay period. She is paid biweekly — 26 pay periods in a year.

The resolution was AMENDED by Council Member Long to promote Jennifer Blowers to the position of Code Enforcement Officer at an initial rate of $22.00 per hours working 40 hours per week with health benefits with this salary taking effect at the next pay period which commences March 15th.

The amendment was seconded by Council Member Sturgess.

Adopted by a roll call vote as follows:

Council Member Donald Travis — Yes

Supervisor Scott Horton — Aye

Council Member John Glenn — Aye

Council Member James Long — Aye

Council Member Richard Sturgess — Yes

At 9:43 pm Council Member Long made a motion to adjourn. Council Member Travis seconded the motion. All board members were in favor of the motion.

Respectfully Submitted

Linda M. Gilbert, RMC, CMC

Highway #’s 16 - 22 $13617.37 General #’s 56-98 $21,280.50

Prepaid #’s 45 - 66 $26,746.09 General Park # 6 $517.36

Copyright © James McMartin Long 2017–2024