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State of New York

County of Fulton

Town of Caroga

Minutes of the Caroga Town Board meeting held Wednesday April 14, 2021 at the municipal building located at 1840 State Highway #10 at 7:09 pm with the following persons in attendance by roll call. The flag salute followed.

Supervisor Scott Horton - Here

Council Member John Glenn – Here

Council Member James Long - Here

Council Member Richard Sturgess - Here

Council Member Donald Travis - Here

Supervisor Horton, Council Members Glenn, Sturgess, and Travis were in the meeting room Council Members Long accessed the meeting remotely. Tor Shekerjian – Confidential Secretary to the Supervisor facilitated the ZOOM meeting. There was one person in attendance at town hall and there were 16 people on line using Zoom. Supervisor Horton opened the meeting at 7:09 pm.

Supervisor Horton asked for a motion to waive the reading of the minutes. The motion was made by Council Member Glenn and seconded by Council Member Travis. All board members were in favor of the motion.

Mr. Shekerjian gave the rules and various ways to be recognized to speak using zoom.

Public Comment: Mr. Shekerjian requested that the board do everything in its power to ensure the protection of personally identifiable information. This includes his signature and other signatures, monetary figures, contact addresses and email addresses of individuals for use by review boards and the public. This information is not germane to decision making and can easily be redacted. Mr. Shekerjian was concerned about fraud that could be committed against him and others.

There were no other speakers this evening. The public comment period was closed.

Department Reports:

Sole Assessor – Leigh Anne Loucks asked that the board adopt a resolution for the electronically filed grievance complaint forms. They are normally accepted through email but now it can be adopted by resolution that way the Board of Assessment Review (BAR) even if they didn’t have an original hard copy with a signature, they would have to accept it. This way it will enable anybody to file by mail, in person, fax or email. The proposed resolution was sent to the town attorney. He has not had time to review it. The resolution can be adopted at the May meeting.

The other concern the assessor had was with the 2020 grievance. She spoke to the BAR Chairperson he would like to keep the grievance hearings virtual this year. The Assessor does understand the concerns with COVID but it does put a strain on the people who can’t get their paperwork in on the days prior to Grievance Day. The law mandates people can file straight through the whole sitting of the Grievance Day – from 4 pm up until 8 pm on June 2nd, 2021.

Supervisor Horton stated last year the town was in violation because it was not stipulated that Grievance Day was only virtual.

Council Member Long sited executive order 202.1 and 202.15 stating the hearing was allowed to be virtual by the executive order. Council Member Long took issue that it was done illegally. Supervisor Horton noted that executive order 202.2 does not say shall, it says may. Council Member Long noted executive order 202.15 refers to public hearings, “and a grievance is a public hearing since the public is allowed to attend.” Council Member Long stated a public hearing must be virtual.

Supervisor Horton asked the Assessor how many towns are holding Grievance Day in person this year vs virtual. The Assessor- Leigh Anne Loucks noted in Montgomery County only one town is doing a virtual Grievance Day. All of the others are doing in person. She was in favor of a hybrid method. She noted the members of the BAR must be able to look at the paperwork while the hearing is taking place. The sticking point in how the information would be disseminated to the board so if there was not a majority, in person to review the paperwork, how could the deliberations be held fairly.

Council Member Long stated that is a challenge. If the BAR is going to accept paperwork, then it could be done by someone at town hall scanning and emailing it to him and he could disseminate it to the board. He noted there weren’t any grievances last year. Supervisor Horton stated it is extra work and an inconvenience to do that. The Supervisor hoped that most of the people on the BAR have been vaccinated and it can be done safely. Supervisor Horton noted the Town Board has met in person and no one has contracted COVID. Everyone on the board and the clerk have been vaccinated. Supervisor Horton encouraged Mark Ford – last year’s Chairman to get back to the town board and hoped they could accommodate the public properly. Some of the board members are willing to come some are not willing to come. Supervisor Horton thought there could be a quorum. Council Member Long will speak to the BAR Chairman and the Assessor and work things out.

The Assessor stated it is not an option for the grievances not to be able to be turned in between that 4 – 8 time on Grievance Day. No matter what, someone has to be able to come to town hall on Grievance Day to file a grievance from 4 – 8 pm. The public only gets one day a year, the Assessor did not want to hinder that.

Council Member Glenn reiterated that the vast majority of Grievance Days in the counties will be face to face. The Assessor did in person last year in both of the towns she worked for. Council Member Long stated as long as someone is there to scan it is a non-issue.

John Livingston spoke as a member of the BAR. It was his opinion that Council Member Long did not want transparency. Mr. Livingston was in favor of an in-person Grievance Day. He noted that the Chairman of the BAR changes every year.

Supervisor Horton did state that if there was a problem with a secretary on Grievance Day that the Town Clerk would be willing to come in and substitute for that one day.

The Assessor noted the chairman of the BAR does not made the sole decision. It is the whole board that makes the determination of what to do. Supervisor Horton thought it was the Town Boards decision in order to allow virtual. The Assessor responded yes, but when the BAR discusses it, they would come up with a solution and ask the town board’s permission.

Town Clerk/Tax Collector/Registrar/RMO – Linda Gilbert submitted written reports to the town board. The Tax Collector’s books were presented for audit. They balance and were accepted by the Fulton County Treasurer.

The clerk reported on FOIL as it pertains to complaints. Per an opinion by the Committee on Open Government the identity of the person who filed a complaint in writing, in the code office, does not have to be disclosed as it is an unwanted invasion of privacy and also it is not relevant to the work of the agency. These guidelines will be used in the clerk’s office.

Work is still needed to purge the bookkeeper’s files in the records room and the highway inventory is still needed. The clerk offered her help if needed.

The clerk is working with the Jen of the PLRT Commission and the Fulton County Planning Department to create a recreation map.

The need for certain policies was noted in the clerk’s report to the board.

Hours for the Clerk’s office will be Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 9am to 3 pm, Saturday from 9 – noon. Appointments can also be made for times convenient to the public.

In speaking to the Town Supervisor, the Town Clerk asked status the Annual Supervisor’s Report. It is about a month late. The Supervisor noted it is being worked on. He stated because of the fire the asset value report has to be changed. The information should be able to be obtained from the Insurance Company.

Supervisor Horton disagreed with the clerk on her report on FOIL. He noted over and over again we see unsubstantiated complaints of a neighbor going after another neighbor and putting the town in the middle of it. “They want to do it anonymously and then the town spends resources and time to investigate something that is not a true issue, but a personal vendetta.” There will be more discussion on this.

Code Enforcement & Sanitation – Anthony Fancher submitted a written report. Eleven permits were issued for the month collecting a total of $1,000.00 in permit fees, some permits pending. The Lakeview Store is open for coffee with food available.

The Code office will continue to work on blight cleanup. There are many projects ready to begin once the weight limit restrictions have been lifted on the roads.

Dog Control – No report, but the clerk noted there are still 20 unregistered dogs from 2020. Citations should begin to be issued.

Golf Course – Stedman/Groom/Centi/Councilman Sturgess, Council Member Sturgess reported that the temporary pro shop arrived today. Things are moving slower than Council Member Sturgess wants. The course is anticipated to open early or mid-next week.

Highway – Supervisor Horton reported that Mr. Voght had his second COVID shot and is under the weather that is why he is not in attendance. Later in the meeting there is a resolution to purchase a new excavator for the highway department. Mr. Voght also wanted to let the public know he is hosting a mine safety training event put on by the Department of Labor on April 21st here in Caroga. All of the roads have been swept with a sweeper similar to what we purchased, [this sweeper] is a little bit smaller [than the one purchased].

Lakes Management Program – Glenn/Harazin/Olm/Centi Council Member Glenn reported we are getting closer to that time of year. The ice is off the lake. He is asking Gene Centi and a group to get together between now and Memorial Day weekend to see what they need. Mr. Centi reported they were in good shape as far as everything is concerned. Mr. Centi stated they would not be able to replace the deck on the harvester due to the cost of materials to do it.

The decking prices are up 180% “so there is no reason to do that this year. We will see if it happens next year.” The divers are ready. The start date is the week before Memorial Day when they get everything ready. Evaluations and set ups will be done then. They start the first week of June. Mr. Centi stated they needed to talk about what the stewards are doing. A meeting date will be set.

Mr. Centi met with the SUNY Oneonta folks, they are going to finish up the study on East and part of West Caroga this year and we will have an in-depth analysis of those lakes. He warned boaters of a log floating on West Caroga Lake and a beaver enjoying the bark.

Town Hall Building – Council Member Travis reported that two boiler pressure tanks were worked on and the one heat exchanger is in bad shape like the other one was. Painting was completed in the Code Office. The project was done in budget. Council Member Travis noted a problem with the Nathan Littauer septic system tank covers being damaged by the snow plowing. They were open holes. Temporary plywood coverings were put on and new collars will be put on next week. They will also begin landscaping around the building. Council Member Travis thanked Larry for sweeping the parking lot.

Historian – Richard Nilsen – no report. Supervisor Horton noted that he took pictures of the setting of the Club house building.

Wheelerville Bike Trail – Mr. Manning had an unexpected emergency and could not be available for the meeting this evening.

PLRT Commission – Gene Centi wanted to go back to the golf course report. He wanted to discuss the payroll/pay scale. He has been advertising mostly through social media. They had a couple of replies. But did not think there was true interest – just contacts for unemployment insurance. They are offering $13.00; he thought the pay scale should come up. Mr. Centi did research on line for jobs in the area and found the lowest paying job was $14.50 at Burger King, Walmart is paying $19- $22, Dunkin (Donuts) $15, and Taylor Made $18.00 with benefits. It was noted the applicant must be 18 years of age. Mr. Centi recommended the board raise the salary for golf course technicians to $16.00 per hour to be competitive. It was stated that they are not just mowing, they would be training people.

Council Member Sturgess asked if Mr. Centi ran the numbers to make sure this would work within the budget. Supervisor Horton stated he had discussed this with Mr. Centi yesterday evening. The very generous unemployment benefits are having an effect on filling positions. Supervisor Horton stated this would not affect the budget. Council Member Sturgess stated that is a $3.50 more an hour. Mr. Centi stated the opening day of the golf course will be announced on the PLRT, Facebook, and the Nick Stoner pages.

Council Member Sturgess asked Mr. Centi to contact the Hamilton, Montgomery, & Fulton Counties BOCES as they have lawn tech programs. Mr. Centi stated why would people come to Caroga to work when they can get jobs in Gloversville at Burger King for more money? Council Member Sturgess responded if they are going in the field to work on lawns, they won’t be going to Burger King to flip a burger. Supervisor Horton stated we have to come up with something we can’t wait till the next board meeting. Mr. Centi will run some numbers and get back to the board later in the meeting.

Back to PLRT – Jennifer Sturgess reported on her work with the local businesses and the town calendar a few years ago.

he and Kent Kirch started a booklet advertising business in Caroga. They usually have 24 – 26 ads. They print 10,000 copies through the Leader Herald and the cost is $3,600.00. There are a couple of perks with ads in the newspaper and with video ads on their website. The book is full with 24 ads. She is working to put a map in the booklet that shows hiking, snow machine, cross country/snow shoeing, and the bike trails. There will also be a calendar to also add into that. The calendar will have events private places are having, there’s a fishing tournament, the roadside cleanup day. Volunteers are needed for this Saturday. Larry Voght has been working on a curbside cleanup day on May 1st & 2nd – no tires. Supervisor Horton stated the town has to get back to her on the date of the curbside cleanup.

Mr. Voght – Highway Superintendent stated the event was postponed due to conflicts with the Johnstown and Bleecker cleanup days. Mr. Centi stated the program would be for bulk trash only, no tires, no chemicals or paints. The electronics should be separated from the bulk trash.

Council Member Sturgess suggested after Memorial Day so it would be helpful to the people who are up here seasonally. Flyers will be posted at the post office and around town and on the various websites.

Sewer Study – Council Member Glenn stated there will be a virtual meeting this Friday April 16th with the Environmental Design Group (EDG) to finalize and prepare a preliminary study which will be sent to DEC for their informal input. It is virtual due to cost for travel time.

Supervisor’s Report: Supervisor Horton stated on the county level they have been back in person for meetings for the last two months with some COVID restrictions such as distancing.

It has worked well. The county COVID numbers are still kind of high.

Old Business:

Supervisor Horton noted resolution 2021-029 was passed to replace the thermostats to make the heating better in the rooms at the north end of the building, but they could not be installed. The wiring at the boilers was not as assumed.

Apollo was asked for a cost to replace the two boilers we have. The one is leaking and very dangerous. The price was a little over $18,000.00 for 2 commercial grade boilers. They would be wall hung. This does not solve the heating issue that was trying to be addressed. The Supervisor asked for a price for a unit mounted on the roof of the building it would have duct work and individual control for each room. It would have heat and air conditioning and fresh air.

There would be an additional expense to run power to the unit. The quote was just under $49,000.00 complete except for the roof prep work (cutting and flashing) that needed to be done also the electrical. Supervisor Horton estimated the cost to be $54,000.00 - $55,000.00. Council Member Travis noted the cost to run the propane to the unit was included. Council Member Sturgess clarified that this was instead of spending the $18,000.00 not additionally. He noted we continually talk about this heating problem – “it’s getting old.”

Council Member Glenn would like more information on this. He noted the importance of air flow. The Supervisor did not want to keep putting money into this building but something needs to be done. The Supervisor suggested going out to get three requests for proposals.

Council Member Long understands the need for this. He noted in talking with Supervisor Horton there was a discussion of a new golf clubhouse/town hall and wondered if this was the time to do this if there is even a small chance of the building being replaced in the next year or two.

Council Member Sturgess wondered if the unit could be moved and placed on a new building. Council Member Long doubted it, due to very high energy efficiency design done by Phinney. It would be an integrated system. You can’t tack on to it. Supervisor Horton agreed the configuration would not match. He suggested we limp along until there is more clarity on where the town is going with the new clubhouse. Council Member Sturgess is fine with not putting another dollar into this building as well. Council Member Glenn noted we have to prepare for the worst – come October and there is a problem. Supervisor Horton noted the material shortages. The Supervisor will look into more options as he is familiar with HVAC systems.

New Business:

Supervisor Horton pulled a resolution to update the resolution that created the PLRT Commission due to questions raised on the management structure and board oversight of the PLRT. What is the PLRT’s responsibility to the town board? What is the Town Board’s responsibility to the PLRT? What is the PLRT’s responsibility to its charge?

The Supervisor asked the attorney to draft a town law instead of a resolution. It is too early to bring out as things need to be tweaked. Supervisor Horton wanted to send it out to the board members to get their input before the next meeting. He stated Council Member Long could publish it but Supervisor Horton emphasized that this was not the proposed law. It is just a working document. It addresses a budget and submitting annual reports that were left out of the original resolution. Expect it in a week or so. It did not make a difference to the Supervisor if the public sees it before the board comments on it. The purpose of this is to address some of the concerns people have had and to put more teeth into that organization. To have everyone know and be comfortable with what the duties and responsibilities are, and the relationship between the PLRT and the Town Board.

Council Member Glenn stated historically the town board would work on it and then present it to the public for their opinion. Then move forward with the Local Law.

Supervisor Horton stated to Council Member Long that he would give the draft for the board members, they will put their input into it, and then the modified draft and then bring it to the public. Council Member Long stated it is not litigation, it is not personnel information, or medical, if you send it out to the board, he would feel obligated to publish it. He would make it very clear that it was a working draft. The Supervisor explained the idea is not to hide anything from the public, but the idea is to not have the public concerned about something that is not even going to happen. Council Member Long stated if it is a draft that is being circulated for the board’s information then it is public.

The Supervisor stated then he could just work on it himself and the attorney and just present it at the next meeting. He thought it was counterproductive. Council Member Long agreed. Supervisor Horton did not know why he would want to unnecessarily concern the public about something they may not come to fruition until the board has some sort of consensus on what they are proposing. The board could look at it at the next meeting in public. The Board may make changes at that time the attorney will then put it into a form to be published. The published form goes in front of the public for a public hearing. The Supervisor stated he has spent time the past five months dispelling fiction on the golf course. It has been one thing after another. People became anxious over things that weren’t even close to being true.

Council Member Long stated when a budget is created there are various revisions. It is a multi-step process. He thought as long as the public was aware that what is being put out is just a draft to let people know what the board is thinking as a board. If we don’t do that, we are doing a disservice to voters. Supervisor Horton agreed this was a good example. When he is putting together the tentative budget the public is not there in his office. The Supervisor does not go out and have straw polls with people. He comes up with a plan and reflects the plan in the preliminary budget. The preliminary budget is discussed with the board and then there are discussions in public. In this instance the Supervisor would like the assistance of the board but if the board can’t agree on this then the Supervisor will have to do it himself. He would prefer not to do it that way because he thinks there is a lot that the board can contribute.

Council Member Glenn asked what the process was to come up with a Local Law. Supervisor Horton explained to come up with a Local Law first the law is created. The Supervisor or generally the board would say this is the issue we are dealing with and we want a law to address the problem. He used the example of people having balloon fights every Saturday. So, the attorney is contacted. The Board creates a law that says the balloon fights can take place between 2 & 4 pm on Saturdays and no more than 3 Saturdays in a season. That law in its proper format is presented to the public by the board. It is published and then there is a public hearing on it. After the public hearing, then the board chooses to vote on it. If passed, it is filed with the Department of State. If during public comments the board hears something they missed then the process is done all over again. Council Member Glenn wanted to use this same process as this may become a Local Law. The Supervisor will put this in the format of a Local Law.

Supervisor Horton then held a discussion on the resumption of in-person meetings by Town Board members and limited attendance by the public. He also wanted to discuss if the board wanted to continue live stream or Zoom participation.

Council Member Long stated the state is still operating under Executive Orders 202.1 and 202.15 and they keep getting extended. At this time New York City is at 1% with the COVID variances from South Africa and Brazil which are not as compatible with the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. He thought it was premature to end this and as long as the executive orders are in place… this is not a safe thing to do.

Council Member (Dr.) Glenn MD stated that the Pfizer and Madder vaccines are 95% efficacious. He stated that the board members and the employees have been vaccinated with two vaccines. New York State is opening sporting events, and concerts to 33% of capacity. We are getting out of this black hole and it is imperative we start moving in that directions. He noted the Buffalo Bills will be opening up initially to 33% and then to 50% attendance and by the end of the season it will be 100% capacity. Proof of vaccine must be shown.

Council Member Sturgess suggested opening up the Town Board meetings to 10 – 15 public in this room.

Council Member Travis stated the seniors meet in this room and have 20 people.

Council Member Sturgess asked what the capacity of the room was and what is the state allowing? Council Member Glenn responded 33%. So, 25 people can be in the meeting room.

Supervisor Horton really wanted the town board meeting here in person in front of the public. He thought there could be 10 -12 members of the public to attend in person. The rest can be through zoom. It will be done safely.

Council Member Sturgess wanted to make a resolution to open up to 33% capacity. Supervisor Horton did not think we had enough room. It was stated that the windows were open. This board the Supervisor stated has done a good job. No one has contracted COVID from being here. Council Member Travis stated no one has gotten sick at town hall.

Council Member Long noted the executive orders are still in place. He noted the vaccines are amazing and miraculously effective compared to what was originally expected. We also know there are mutations. Booster shots are being developed and they will have to be widely available in the coming months. Supervisor Horton did not think any of that was relevant other than from Council Member Long’s standpoint. The Supervisor thought Council Member Long was getting to that he did not feel comfortable yet coming out in public. That is a personal choice. Council Member Long argued thought it was more than that. He would not want to encourage anyone to take a risk unnecessarily when there is an electronic option. There are times you have to be face to face this is not one of them. His duty to the town’s people is to say hey we have a solution that is afforded by executive order 202.1 202.15 and we encourage you to take advantage of that. If someone wants to show up and there are accommodations for them fine. Council Member Long stated he would be derelict in his duty to the town’s people to advocate that they show up in person.

Supervisor Horton noted since February of last year the town has had to conduct business. That means this board has taken those risks that Council Member Long says are unreasonable but we have to conduct the business of the people. Council Members Travis and Sturgess are at town hall regularly and Council Member Glenn is here for meetings. The clerk is here, the Supervisor is meeting with people and doing it as cautiously as he can. None of us have chosen to put our personal safety ahead of our duty to the town. That is where the Supervisor is coming from. “If we, do it, you should do it.” If you choose not to because of what is going on in New York City…. Council Member Long stated the Supervisor was twisting his words.

Council Member Long stated he comes to the north end of the building regularly. He does not interact face to face, he gets all the work done he needs to do volunteering as the Planning Board clerk and secretary and Zoning Board clerk and secretary, and Board of Review clerk and secretary and as webmaster for the website of record. He is able to do all these and all he needs to as a town board member. The business of the town is not being impeded by this process.

Council Member Sturgess asked when was the last time he looked at the bills. Council Member Travis stated January. Council Member Long thought the bills should be scanned and everybody should be able to see the vouchers and invoices. (Laughter) Supervisor Horton stated that was an unreasonable accommodation. That is why we are not doing that. Council Member Long wanted the public to see them. Council Member Sturgess stated they can.

Council Member Glenn stated that plays in New York City are opening at 25% capacity. Isn’t that where you, Council Member Long is stating the mutations are? Why is being allowed to happen with the executive orders. Council Member Long stutters, and replied that is where the testing is being done of the sequencing of those variance. Council Member Glenn stated the direction is to start opening the country. Supervisor Horton stated it is actually happening. The Supervisors conundrum is between principal, privacy, protecting individual rights and majority rule. All we want to do is open up the town meetings to the public and to have all of the board members in the room. The Supervisor wanted to stop this as he feels “this is the board against you and it is not.” He wanted to make that perfectly clear. Supervisor Horton asked under what circumstances would you (Council Member Long) return to being here at the meetings at least once a month? Council Member Long cannot say what the situation will be with this pandemic a month from now or two months from now. That would be foolhardy on his part.

Supervisor Horton wondered if the infection rates in the county got down to 2% would he consider it. Council Member Long stated he would abide by the executive orders. Until the executive orders 202.1 and 202.15 expire he will not be attending by zoom from his home.

Supervisor Horton reiterated that when the executive order is lifted you, Council Member Long will attend. Council Member Long replied “I did not say that. Those are your words.” Supervisor Horton asked what the difference was.

RESOLUTION 2021-041 to open up the board meetings to 12 people was offered by Council Member Sturgess at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday April 14, 2021.

WHEREAS, the Caroga Town Board members discussed opening up the town board meetings to have the public in attendance, and

WHEREAS, the board stated they would allow 12 members of the public to attend, and

WHEREAS, the Center for Disease Control guidelines would be followed to have social distancing, and to have people wear masks, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town board shall allow in person attendance at meetings next month at town hall with updates and changes being made as circumstances allow.

Seconded by Council Member Glenn

Discussion: Council Member Travis suggested that people would have to reserve a place at the meeting. Council Member Long stated he has watched these meetings and people don’t cover their nose with a mask. They slip down. If you are properly following CDC guidelines you are properly wearing a mask. He stated it is hard to be heard if you are wearing a mask. He saw that not everyone was wearing a mask now. Supervisor Horton stated he is fully vaccinated and is comfortable for the first time not wearing a mask.

Adopted by a roll call vote as follows:

Supervisor Scott Horton - Aye

Council Member John Glenn - Aye

Council Member James Long - Nay

Council Member Richard Sturgess - Yes

Council Member Donald Travis - Yes

Council Member Long stated so the hybrid meeting is continuing. Council Member Sturgess agreed stating that 12 people would be allowed to enter the room with reservations.

Supervisor Horton noted the need to reappoint Karen Wheeler to the Board of Assessment Review with the term to expire 9/30/25.

RESOLUTION 2021-042 to re-appoint Board of Assessment Review Member Karen Wheeler was offered by Council Member Glenn at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday April 14, 2021.

WHEREAS, the Caroga Town Board members discussed the need to reappoint Board of Assessment Review (BAR) member Karen Wheeler, and

WHEREAS, Supervisor Horton did contact her and she is willing to do the necessary training so she can be here for the June 2nd BAR Grievance Day, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town board does here by move to reappoint Karen Wheeler to serve as a member of the Board of Assessment review until September 30, 2025.

Seconded by Council Member Long

Adopted by a roll call vote as follows:

Council Member John Glenn - Yes

Council Member James Long - Aye

Council Member Richard Sturgess - Yes

Council Member Donald Travis – Yes

Supervisor Scott Horton - Aye

Council Member Long will talk with the BAR Chairman and work with the Sole Assessor about the upcoming Board of Assessment Review meeting. Council Member Glenn noted the decision has to be made by all of the members of the Board of Assessment Review. The decision of the BAR has to be presented to the Town Board for their action.

Discussion on allowing Town employees and elected officials to have free golf privileges at the Nick Stoner Golf Course for 2021. Supervisor Horton wanted to know who would qualify. He has something to bring to the next meeting of this if there is not a decision today. The Supervisor also wanted to discuss should [the number of golf] rounds be limited. The Supervisor asked was this for any full-time employee to have privileges, and would this be limited to times when the course was not busy. Excluding high volume and tournaments was discussed. Council Member Sturgess wanted to spend time talking about this. The board was given information by the clerk on a resolution that was passed in 2018. It was noted this was a benefit to employees but one that not all can take advantage of.

Council Member Long stated this perk has to be considered under the IRS regulations as taxable compensation. Several board members agreed. This has a dollar value Council Member Long noted and therefore its compensation and is taxable. Supervisor Horton was not sure it was a taxable benefit or not. The time is 8:50 pm and Council Member Sturgess suggested staying away from it for now. Council Member Glenn thought previous board members used to play golf for free. He did not believe there were limits on access. Council Member Sturgess wondered if this happens, would it be just greens fees? Now the town has the carts to consider. Supervisor Horton suggested getting a year on the golf course under their belts. Council Member Long noted by 2019 the board was aware of the legal and tax issues and that is why it was not extended in 2019. Council Member Glenn stated he was in favor of giving town employees free golf. If its taxable Council Member Sturgess stated then it is not free. Supervisor Horton stated more work has to be done on this. Council Member Long stated anytime the town offers a perk other than medical benefits, anything of tangible value that is compensation. Council Member Sturgess wondered if we could set certain rates for the employee as we do for leagues. Council Member Long stated it is a benefit it has a taxable value. The board decided to table this issue.

Council Member Glenn thought the board needed to discuss, sometime, having an ethics committee/board/commission. He has been reading about a local issue going on in Gloversville where a mayoral candidate over stepped his authority and intimidated employees. . He thought there might be issues that could pop up here in Caroga Lake. Council Member Travis remembers reading an ethics policy and signing a document when he took office. Supervisor Horton hoped we wouldn’t need it but it is like buying insurance. He supported looking into it.

Council Member Sturgess and Council Member Long stated they were following the issue. Supervisor Horton paraphrase the situation. He stated it is better to be prepared. Currently the town would refer a situation to the Fulton County Ethics Board. Supervisor Horton would prefer to keep his stuff in house. Council Member Long suggested tabling this as it is not a Caroga problem. Ethics is a broad issue. Council Member Sturgess also wanted to look into it. He wanted to see what policies other municipalities have. Calling the County for their policy was suggested. Council Member Glenn will bring back information for the next meeting.

Correspondence: as presented on the agenda. The Correspondence was not referenced during the meeting.

Caroga Transfer Station on summer hours. It is open Mon. & Fri 8 – 4 Wed 4 – 8, & Sat 8 - 12

Fulton county Workers Compensation 1st Quarter Report

Nick Stoner Trailers

Email re: Online Training for Wastewater Options for small communities 4/22 6 – 8 pm

Email Joe Hyland of CT Male re: stimulus money & sewer and broadband

Federal Grant Opportunity –

Dept. of Labor – Elevators and Other Conveyances Licensing goes into effect 1/1/22


Supervisor Horton read a letter to the town from the Nick Stoner Trailers Snowmobile Club addressed to Land Owner. They are in the process of filing for a Recreational Trails Program Grant to purchase new trail grooming equipment. The club needs the town’s authorization to use the new equipment on town property.

RESOLUTION-2021-043 to authorize the use of Town owned lands by the Nick Stoner Trailers was offered by Council Member Glenn at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday April 14, 2021.

WHEREAS, the Caroga Town Board received a letter from the Nick Stoner Trailers Snowmobile Club as land owners, and

WHEREAS, the Nick Stoner Trailers are applying for a grant to purchase new trail grooming equipment, and

WHEREAS, to help support the application and approval of the grant the club needs the town’s authority to use the new equipment on town property, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board does hereby move to authorize the use of the new equipment by the Nick Stoner Trailers snowmobile club and does further RESOLVE to authorize the Town Supervisor to sign the document provided as the land owner.

Seconded by Council Member Sturgess

Adopted by a roll call vote as follows:

Council Member James Long - Aye

Council Member Richard Sturgess - Yes

Council Member Donald Travis – Yes

Supervisor Scott Horton – Aye

Council Member John Glenn - Yes

Supervisor Horton stated the second resolution on the agenda is moot. There was a discussion about looking at placing the new clubhouse on the 10th fairway. It was not part of the design contract that the town signed with the Phinney Group. The Supervisor called the Phinney group and they agreed to waive any engineering fees to look at that location.

Supervisor Horton stated back in 2010 CT Male did an inspection of the town hall building. They found that there were numerous floor joists problems. The Supervisor thanked Council Member Travis and the Town Clerk for pulling out the documents. The Supervisor would like the Phinney group spend an hour (that would be free) to look the documents over, if the board agrees, and look at the areas that were designated by CT Male as questionable. They have a person on staff who is an expert on steel trusses. The Supervisor stated we need to know where we are. They would design a scope of work and this information will be presented at the next board meeting.

Resolution 2021-044 to receive a free proposal from the Phinney Design Group to review C.T. Male reports circa 2010, on the Town Hall building and to do a re-inspection of floor and roof trusses, was offered by Council Member Long at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday April 14, 2021.

WHEREAS, the Caroga Town Board discussed the need to reevaluate the floor and ceiling joists in the town hall building, and

WHEREAS, the Phinney Group, who is working on the Golf Course Building, has a steel truss expert on staff, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board does hereby move to authorize the Phinney Design Group to review the C.T. Male reports circa 2010 on the Town Hall building and to do a re-inspection of the floor and roof trusses.

Seconded by Council Member Sturgess

Adopted by a roll call vote as follows:

Council Member Richard Sturgess - Yes

Council Member Donald Travis – Yes

Supervisor Scott Horton – Aye

Council Member John Glenn – Yes

Council Member James Long - Aye

A resolution to combine properties was tabled. Supervisor Horton spoke to Council Member Long today about this proposed resolution. Council Member Long pointed out that since these parcels were donated to the town, that combining them it may make things difficult. Council Member Long was thanked for pointing out a potential problem if the parcels were combined.

Supervisor Horton noted since there is a proposal to rent out the former clinic area, the privilege of using the handicapped accessible bathroom will no longer be available. This is not the only area where the town is not Americans with Disabilities Act compliant. The existing divider between two stalls in the women’s room would be removed to make one stall in the women’s room. There needs to be a five-foot diameter area for a wheelchair. One toilet would be eliminated and the other moved. Tom Baird has looked at this. The Supervisor would like to get a bid for this.

Resolution 2021-045 to get costs to convert the women’s rest room to a handicapped accessible unisex bathroom was offered by Council Member Long at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday April 14, 2021.

WHEREAS, the Caroga Town Board discussed the need to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act to have an accessible bathroom in the town hall building, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board does hereby move to authorize Supervisor Horton to solicit prices to convert the women’s rest room to a handicapped accessible unisex bathroom.

Seconded by Council Member Sturgess

Discussion: The clerk asked what the width of the doorway was. It needs to be three feet the supervisor replied. The clerk asked if this would be part of this plan. The Supervisor noted all we are doing is getting pricing on it.

Adopted by a roll call vote as follows:

Council Member Donald Travis – Yes

Supervisor Scott Horton – Aye

Council Member John Glenn – Yes

Council Member James Long - Aye

Council Member Richard Sturgess - Yes

The Supervisor took a moment to photo copy the proposed list of greens fees, and cart fees for the Nick Stoner Municipal Golf Course for the board. The excel spreadsheet was sent to Council Member Long and he put up the proposed fees up as HTML on the website. Council Member Long read the fees.

Resolution #2021-046 to set greens fees, and cart fees for the Nick Stoner Golf Course for the year 2021 was offered by Council Member Long at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday April 14, 2021.

WHEREAS, Supervisor Horton presented a spread sheet of the membership fees, greens fees and cart fees for members, and during a league, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the fees for the Nick Stoner Municipal Golf Course are as follows: Membership Incentive Rates Before May 1

Individual membership: $525 Couples combined membership: $1,000

Senior membership (age 65 & up) $450

Junior age Junior age20andunder: $125 Annual Golf Cart membership: $550

Memberships rates after May 1st

Individual membership: $600 Senior membership (age65&up) $450

Couples combined membership: $1,100 Junior’s age 20 and under: $125 Cart membership: $550

Daily Use Member Cart Fee

18 Holes Walking: $23 18 Holes: $10 per person

Cart Fee: $12 a person 9 Holes: $7 per person

9-Hole Walking Ticket: $13 Cart Fee: $10 a person

Pull Cart: $5

League Cart Fee

18 Holes: $11.00

9 Holes: $8.00

Seconded by Council Member Sturgess

Discussion: Council Member Sturgess thought the board should add on to the resolution that there would be a limit to 10 or 15 this year on memberships for carts. Council Member Long stated if we had a limited supply of something and we run out, it’s just the way life is. The clerk asked about the price the difference between the cart fee for a member and the cost of a cart during a league. Are you a member during a league? The Supervisor explained if you are a member and have an annual membership then you get a special rate for the carts. And if you so choose you also may take an annual cart membership. If someone is not a member and they are playing in a league price.

Supervisor Horton noted with the point-of-sale system the board will know what the usage was and if the fees were reasonable if they provided too much of a benefit or too little of a benefit. The Supervisor gave a shout out to Jerry Groom who did a lot of leg work calling other golf clubs around here to get information from them on their fees so we would not be out of whack.

Adopted by a roll call vote as follows:

Supervisor Scott Horton – Aye

Council Member John Glenn – Yes

Council Member James Long - Aye

Council Member Richard Sturgess – Yes

Council Member Donald Travis – Yes

Resolution 2021-047 to approve the purchase of a used walk behind mower for fairways and rough mowing for $3,500 from Grassland offered by Council Member Glenn at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday April 14, 2021

WHEREAS, the Caroga Town Board discussed the need to purchase a used mower for the fairways to open the golf course as the mower the town purchased won’t be ready until June, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Board does hereby move to purchase of a used walk behind mower for fairways and rough mowing for $3,500 from Grassland.

Adopted by a roll call vote as follows:

Council Member John Glenn – Yes

Council Member James Long - Aye

Council Member Richard Sturgess – Yes

Council Member Donald Travis – Yes

Supervisor Scott Horton – Aye

Resolution 2021-048 to rent the former Nathan Littauer office space to Bette-Cring was offered by Council Member Travis at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday April 14, 2021.

WHEREAS, the board was given a copy of the general rental agreement between the Town of Caroga 1840 State Highway 10 P O. Box 328 Caroga Lake NY 12032 and Bette & Cring LLC 22 Century Hill Drive Latham NY 12110, and

WHEREAS, the rent would be $650.00 per month for the rental of office space in conjunction with the NYSDOT Project D264331, with the agreement expected to run until November 30th 2021, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board does hereby move to enter into an agreement to rent the former Nathan Littauer Hospital office space to Bette-Cring according to the terms outlined in the agreement.

Seconded by Council Member Glenn

Discussion: Supervisor Horton stated he did pass the contract by the Town Attorney. The Supervisor stated due to COVID the town would do the first cleaning in the morning and they will do the second cleaning.

Adopted by a roll call vote as follows:

Council Member James Long - Aye

Council Member Richard Sturgess – Yes

Council Member Donald Travis – Aye

Supervisor Scott Horton – Aye

Council Member John Glenn – Yes

It was noted that Council Member Sturgess was able to secure this. He was at the right place at the right time.

Supervisor Horton stated the next resolution to purchase an excavator is in three parts. The first is to purchase the excavator the second is to trade in the Gradall Excavator. Research has been done and the board thought it was twice as much as they would get on Auctions International. The last resolution is to enter into a five, seven, or ten-year lease agreement through Municipal Leasing Consultants.

Council Member Long thought the first and third resolutions were intertwined in his mind. Supervisor Horton noted that if the leasing was not obtained then the purchase could not be made. Council Member Long understood. The Supervisor stated the town could do the financing resolution because there was nothing to buy. Then we could not get the price for the lease without putting in the $20,000.00 trade-in.

Resolution 2021-049 to purchase an excavator for the highway department offered by Council Member Long at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday April 14, 2021.

WHEREAS, the highway Superintendent Larry Voght has identified the need to purchase an excavator for the highway department, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Highway Supervisor is hereby authorized to purchase a new ADMAR New Wacker Neuson EW100 Wheeled Excavator with cab, heat/AC, long dipper stick, 3 piece boom, dozer blade, rear stabilizers, all wheel steer, hydraulic quick coupler, 18.6 mph, beacon kit, hydraulic thumb and hose kit, 24 inch pin on HD bucket with teeth, 60 inch pin on HD bucket with cutting edge, mudguard fender kit, AM/FM radio, 3 year or 3000 hour warranty includes training and delivery for $180,769.00 subject to a $20,000.00 trade in for a grand total of $160769.00 from ADMAR Construction Equipment & Supplies per a quote dated March 10, 2021.

Seconded by Council Member Sturgess

Discussion: Highway Superintendent Voght did not have anything to add. Council Member Sturgess wondered what the trade in value of this machine would be in ten years. Supervisor Horton stated we own it at the end of the lease for $1.00. This is a lease to purchase. The Supervisor discussed the minimum lifespan with Mr. Voght. They thought it would be 15 years with a maximum of 20 years. The current Gradall is 21 years old. Council Member Sturgess wondered why we did not go with a five-year lease. The response was cost, to save money. Council Member Sturgess stated it would cost the town an additional $11,000.00 in interest over the additional 5 years. Supervisor Horton if the agreement is for five years it is more of a burden on the taxpayers and it will restrict other equipment we might need to purchase. We can afford the $18,000.00 annually. Supervisor Horton stated that future budgets would only have a line item of about $65,000 to $70,000.00 for equipment replacement per year.

Council Member Long wanted to empathize something Supervisor Horton said. If we were to buy something that had a one-hundred-year life and pay for it all at once we are unfairly burdening the present taxpayer instead of spreading it over the useful life of that hundred-year item. He emphasized that it needs to be spent over the useful life partly for the benefit of the taxpayers. Council Member Sturgess noted when this was talked about with the highway superintendent, he discussed the trade in value after five years. He was shocked of the ten-year lease on it. It was discussed that after five years the town would be able to trade it in and upgrade this piece of $180,000.00 piece of equipment for $60,000.00. You take the hit the first five years then it is not a hit anymore. Council Member Long stated he makes an important point. He noted there is a cancellation fee of $695.00 so if in five years the town wanted to pay off the remainder of the lease and trade in the town could do that for a penalty of $695.00. Mr. Shekerjian stated the cancellation fee is only if the town decides to pull the plug on the lease, not if you close it early. The fee to pay off the lease early is 103% of the remaining balance.

The clerk asked which office this was being purchased out of Albany or Binghamton. Albany was the reply.

Adopted by a roll call vote as follows:

Council Member Richard Sturgess – Yes

Council Member Donald Travis – Aye

Supervisor Scott Horton – Aye

Council Member John Glenn – Yes

Council Member James Long – Aye

It was noted that the time was 9:30 pm.

Resolution 2021-050 to trade in the Gradall Excavator for a trade in value of $20,000 offered by Council Member Long at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday April 14, 2021.

WHEREAS, the highway Superintendent Larry Voght has identified the need to purchase an excavator for the highway department, and

WHEREAS, Mr. Voght has discussed trading in the Gradall Excavator with ADMAR Construction Equipment & Supplies, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board does hereby authorize the trade in of the Town’s Gradall to ADMAR as part of the purchase process on the new Wacker Neuson in the amount of $20,000.00.

Seconded by Council Member Sturgess

Adopted by a roll call vote as follows:

Council Member Donald Travis – Yes

Supervisor Scott Horton – Aye

Council Member John Glenn – Yes

Council Member James Long - Aye

Council Member Richard Sturgess – Yes

Resolution 2021-051 to enter into a 10 - year lease agreement through Municipal Leasing Consultants to pay for the excavator: DA 5130.2 Amount $18,139.57 annually for 10 years was offered by Supervisor Horton at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday April 14, 2021.

WHEREAS, the Highway Superintendent has identified a need to purchase a new Excavator, and

WHEREAS, the Caroga Town Board has approved the purchase of a new Wacker Neuson EW100 wheeled excavator, and

WHEREAS, the Caroga Town Board has authorized the trade in of the Gradall to ADMAR Constriction & Equipment for $20,000.00, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board does hereby move to enter into a ten (10) year lease agreement through Municipal Leasing Consultants with a phone number of 802.372.8435 and a fax of 802.372.4775 to pay for the excavator with the funds coming from DA5130.2 in the amount of $18,139.57 annually for ten years, and be it Further RESOLVED that the town agrees to pay a $450.00 documentation fee which is included.

Seconded by Council Member Long

Mr. Shekerjian was thanked for working on the financing. Mr. Centi indicated he wanted to speak however it was on another subject matter and he was asked to wait.

Adopted by a roll call vote as follows:

Supervisor Scott Horton – Aye

Council Member John Glenn – Yes

Council Member James Long - Aye

Council Member Richard Sturgess – Yes

Council Member Donald Travis – yes

Council Member Long asked that the next resolution be tabled as he had not seen the website. There is a perfectly functional website that is currently the official website of the town and it has served that function well. Supervisor Horton stated the resolution was not presented, so he then presented the following resolution.

Resolution 2021-052 to adopt the caroga.town web site as the official Town of Caroga website was offered by Supervisor Horton at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday April 14, 2021.

WHEREAS, the clerk has researched the development of a website, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board does hereby move to adopt the caroga.town web site as the official Town of Caroga website

Council Member Travis seconded the motion

Discussion: there is a motion by Council Member Long to table this as he had not seen it. The clerk asked if we saw his website before it was voted on. Council Member Long stated the website was operational before he was even in office. It was unofficial for a while then made official. It was widely used. Council Member Glenn asked who owns the website now. Council Member Long stated the Town of Caroga domain name is owned by him. Some of the content is copy written some is public domain. The supervisor did not want to spend a lot of time on this. The Supervisor has stated that James Long’s website is an excellent website. The issue that the Supervisor has had with this is that it is not, and Council Member Long has stated this numerous times, that since his website is his that he has the legal right, and the Supervisor agreed with him, to put anything on his website that he so chooses. The majority is town business but he also puts on other information and that is where we have had some issues.

Council Member Long asked to what he was referring. Council Member Long stated he has kept this nonpartisan. He has not used it as a political vehicle. Council Member Long stated “if it is not the website of record anymore it will be a political vehicle for sure, instantly.”

As long as it is the website of record Council Member Long felt he had a moral obligation and perhaps more than that as an officer of this board to keep it complete and non-discriminatory and put everything he can on to be a useful tool to the people of Caroga.

Supervisor Horton wanted to clarify hoping he did not hear what he thought he heard. Supervisor Horton stated if the board chose tonight to adopt the caroga.town website, that the clerk has been working on, that you, Council Member Long would then use your website as a political tool. Council Member Long stated he would have the option. Council Member Long stated he “would no longer feel obligated not to.” Supervisor Horton stated that sounds like a threat. Council Member Long stated, “I don’t not want to threaten you guys.” That is what the Supervisor heard and just wanted to clarify it. Council Member Long reiterated that he was “not threatening anything.”

Supervisor Horton asked if there was a second on the motion to table this issue. It was noted the other website can go live by hitting a button.

Supervisor Horton again asked if there was a second on the motion to table. Hearing none.

Council Member Long asked what the legal standing was as he serves also as the Secretary and clerk to the Planning Board and Zoning Board and that is where he is putting up notices. The clerk stated he could no longer do that.

Supervisor Horton reiterated the resolution is to adopt the caroga.town web site as the official Town of Caroga website. Effective on Monday April 19th, 2021.

And be it further RESOLVED that the TownOfCaroga.com website is hereby rescinded as the official website of the town of Caroga and is replaced with the Caroga.Town website as the official website.

Adopted by a roll call vote as follows:

Council Member John Glenn – Yes

Council Member James Long - Nay

Council Member Richard Sturgess – Yes

Council Member Donald Travis – Yes

Supervisor Scott Horton – Aye

Mr. Centi reviewed the budget as far as the personnel on the golf course. It was based on having two full time people and two part-time people. The full timer hour says 40 hours a week the part timers are a total of 44 hours a week. He calculated part timers would be from April 15th to November 15th and full time from May 1st to October 1st. He budgeted for $43,784.00 and the actual number would be $53,184.00. The difference is $9,400.00 with a change in the rate of pay from $13.00 per hour to $16.00 per hour. Council Member Sturgess noted that is a 25% increase. Council Member Glen noted at the current level we are not competitive. Council Member Sturgess stated he took the same position on increases after the budget was made with Mr. Manning last month. He would be agreeable to go to $13.50 or $13.00. He noted the minimum wage just went up last week from $11.80 to $12.50 sixty days ago. Supervisor Horton asked if a cap to hire up to $16.00 per hour and not say it is $16.00 would work. Council Member Glenn thought the rate should be set a uniform rate. He thought maybe $16.00 was too much. Council Member Sturgess agree that $16.00 per hour was too much. Mr. Centi noted that was the average he found on line for businesses in the Gloversville - Johnstown area. He was not proposing any number at all. Council Member Glenn suggested $15.00 per hour. The board continued to discuss the salary for the only for the grounds. Council Member Sturgess stated in his opinion people are getting paid too much to go out and apply for a job. Council Member Travis suggested $14.50. The clerk read the total budget for the golf course in 2021 as budgeted is $155,040.00. That includes Personal Services at $114,000.00, and Port-A johns $1040.000. These figures are without the amendments that were made at the last months meeting. Supervisor Horton noted with the revised budget for labor was $176,000.00. Council Member Sturgess noted everyone was struggling to find people to work even at an increase in the rate per hour. He did not believe raising the rate was going to change anything. Mr. Stedman cannot be out there working by himself Mr. Centi stated you have to try something. Council Member Long used to say Steve Jennings did the work of three people he was wrong he did the work of five people. He wishes he was still here. Mr. Centi stated let’s talk about the present and not the past. Supervisor Horton thought the best thing to do is to go with the high rate and see if you can get qualified people if you can see what productivity you can get out of them. We are not going to blow the budget at week one or month one. Then if there is increased productivity then maybe we will be back in at budget. Pick a number. We won’t increase the budget; we will try it for a couple of months. We have to get the course in order. In a month or two we will look at how we are doing budget wise. Then at that time we will have to make another decision if we are going over budget. We may have to pull back on maintenance. The most important part of the golf course is during the growing season and needs the most amount of maintenance. As fall comes along the grass doesn’t grow as fast. Mr. Centi stated there is one worker carried over from last year he is at $14.99. Mr. Centi recommended making the part time employees $15.00 per hour and full-time employees $16.00. Denny Fincke suggested the golf course architect who is also a professor at the University at Rutgers has suggested that college interns might be available to work. Supervisor Horton stated this is urgent. Council Member Glenn verified that there were two full time employees and two part time employees. We have to manage this course. If the course improves then revenues may increase the Supervisor noted. It was stated that the part timers will work 30 weeks and the full timers 22 weeks. Council Member Sturgess stated he would go with $15.00 an hour not $16.00. Mr. Centi noted Mr. Stedman put together the personnel schedule based on the work that needs to be done on the course to bring it up to snuff/par. It was noted these numbers don’t take into effect weather. Council Member Sturgess compared the rate of pay for the highway department noting they needed more money then too. Mr. Centi stated as with the weed harvesting program if they don’t need it, they will not spend it. That is his nature anyway. Supervisor Horton wanted it asked to the candidates why they did not take the job was it because they were unemployment seekers. Council Member Sturgess noted there are 65 restaurants in Fulton county right now that are hiring and nobody is looking to work right not. It doesn’t matter what the pay is. There isn’t much difference between full time and part time it is just how they are needed.

RESOLUTION #2021-053 to allow the P.L.R.T. to offer employment to work on the golf course grounds at a wage of $15.00 per hour was offered by Supervisor Horton at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday April 14, 2021.

WHEREAS, Gene Centi Chairman of the Parks, Lakes, Recreation, and Tourism Commission P.L.R.T. has indicated a need to increase the hourly rate for employees who work on the grounds of the Nick Stoner Municipal Golf Course in order to bring people to fill these positions, and

WHEREAS, the budget would not be raised until after results are seen after a month or two of work and have time to evaluate where we are headed, and

WHEREAS, Supervisor Horton suggested a monthly report on the progress, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the wage for employees to work on the golf course grounds is set at $15.00 per hour, and be it further RESOLVED, that privileges on the golf course will not be included in any future ads.

The motion was seconded by Council Member Sturgess

Adopted by a roll call vote as follows:

Council Member James Long - Nay

Council Member Richard Sturgess – Yes

Council Member Donald Travis – Yes

Supervisor Scott Horton – Aye

Council Member John Glenn – Yes

Supervisor Horton made a motion to accept the minutes of the March 10, 2021 Board Meeting. Council Member Sturgess seconded the motion. Council Member Long has not had time to review the minute’s marked final, final. Supervisor Horton stated the minutes changed by correcting the exact dollar amount that was talked about the loader equipment, the other was in brackets because it was not stated in the minutes but it was a clarification where Larry Voght said it would save the town money by buying the sweeper. But what he did not say which was put in brackets was that it is saving the town money because it only requires one person instead of two or three people to sweep the roads. Council Member Long wanted to table the acceptance of the minutes so a DOCX could be circulated and he can compare versions to know what has been changed instead of reading through the whole thing. There was a motion and a second the roll was called.

Adopted by a roll call vote as follows:

Council Member Richard Sturgess – Yes

Council Member Donald Travis – Yes

Supervisor Scott Horton – Aye

Council Member John Glenn – Yes

Council Member James Long – Nay - “I have not seen them.”

Supervisor Horton made a motion to pay the bills as presented for audit. Council Member Sturgess seconded the motion. All Board Members were in favor of the motion except Council Member Long who abstained from accepting the motion to pay the bills as presented for audit.

Supervisor Horton stated he had two very late invoices come in this afternoon. One was for the delivery from the Mohawk Valley Sheds Fonda NY. Council Member Sturgess asked that the payment be pulled from the agenda. The other was from the Phinney Design Group for services rendered in the amount of $1,800.00. Supervisor Horton stated this could be a prepaid as it was included in the budget and this is for the first part – the town agreed to pay them this amount of money for their services. It was decided that there was already a resolution on the books to pay them and another resolution was not needed.

At 10:12 pm Council Member Travis made a motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Council Member Sturgess. All board members were in favor of the motion.

Respectfully Submitted,

Linda M. Gilbert, RMC, CMC

Caroga Town Clerk

General #’s General Park #’s

Prepaid #’a Highway #’s

Copyright © James McMartin Long 2017–2025