About this Website
This website was created by and is maintained
by James McMartin Long.
Report errors to James McMartin Long.
at James@JamesLong.com
or (518)835-3734.
Photograph Credits
- Home page Kane Mt. Panorama, Home page Nick Stoner statue,
Gallery page Nick Stoner statue — Anita McMartin Long
- Town Board page — Anita McMartin Long
- Library page — James McMartin Long
- Durey Creek Bluegrass Band page — Doug Purcell
- Kyle Hall page — Kyle Hall
- Golf Course page, Gallery page Golf Course — Jerry Groom, II
- Golf Course page — Nick Gale
(©Nick Gale Photography)
Goals for this Website
The following goals are aspirational.
The website does not meet all the goals listed below.
- Include in the calendar every public event or important date
affecting persons in Caroga.
- Include links from the calendar to additional information
about those public events or important dates.
- Include links to authoritative sources, if available.
- Aid persons or organizations in Caroga in scheduling their
own events to minimize the number of conflicting event dates.
- Include all laws, ordinances, meeting minutes, hearing notices,
decision letters, etc.
- Update the website quickly as new information arrives.
- Include all departmental information: hours, contact information,
forms, procedures, etc.
- Keep the website simple to use and navigate.
Technical Goals
Protecting your privacy
- Keep the site free of any tracking cookies.
- Avoid use of JavaScript, especially third party JavaScript
from the big search engine and social media companies:
those companies sell your personal information.
- Avoid linking to pages on social media sites.
Design Goals
- Make the content smartphone friendly.
- Keep column widths narrow for ease in reading: roughly
“30 em”, similar to newspaper column widths.
- Minimize the number of clicks required to reach desired
- Keep the content compact to ensure fast page display.
- Avoid third-party files, especially third-party JavaScript,
to ensure fast page display, to protect privacy, and to
protect user security.
- Minimize use of 8.5×11 paper-centric PDF files,
which are poorly suited for reading on smartphones.
- Where PDF images of original documents must be presented,
attempt to also provide modern HTML transcriptions
of those legacy documents.
- Make as much content available as HTML as possible.
- Minimize use of proprietary word processor files such as
“.DOC” files, which may not be readable by all users.
- Maximize the content that strictly adheres to
public standards:
HTML (primarily HTML 4.01 Strict)
and CSS (CSS level 3).
Known Issues
- Apple Safari browser on iOS does not adhere to HTML standards:
The calendar months vary in width when they should not.
- Retyping old laws and ordinances is an enormous task and
will take time to complete.
- All copies of laws enacted before 1968 may have been destroyed
by a fire in the town barn.
- Converting all “.DOC” files to HTML will take time
to complete.
- Site searching function relies on Google instead of an internal
search function. Google searches may not find the very latest pages.
Search this website with Google
Copyright © James McMartin Long 2017–2025