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Morey Road

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As of November 2020 the eminent domain public law process is now complete. The Town of Caroga now owns a 15-foot wide parcel all the way to state land.

As of the March 11, 2020 Town Board meeting, all but three property owners have accepted checks from the Town of Caroga, completing the eminent domain public law process for their respective parcels.

On December 21, 2019, the Town Board authorized Supervisor Jim Selmser to issue checks to each of the property owners in amounts matching the recently completed property appraisals. If a property owner accepts the check, the transfer will proceed for that strip (7.5 feet wide strip, with strips on each side, for a total width of 15 feet).

The Morey Road eminent domain public law case argument before the Supreme Court of the State of New York, Appellate Division, Third Judicial Department was Tuesday, April 24. The Third Department ruled on June 21, 2018 in a 5 to 0 decision in favor of the Town of Caroga. It is possible for the opposing party to seek permission to file an appeal to be heard by the New York Court of Appeals, the highest court in New York, although it is unlikely that permission would be granted. This is very favorable news for the Town of Caroga and all those who want to resume using Morey Road access to state land.

The Town of Caroga appointed the law firm of Dunn&Dunn to complete negotiations on acquisition of the several parcels.

All news on the Morey Road case will be posted on this page.

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