From the Town Board
To enhance communications with residents, the Town Board will distribute this newsletter with the “headlines” from the board meetings.
This work session was scheduled to address several important items that are time sensitive. This included a proposal for a summer Farmer’s Market at Sherman’s, a new furnace for the Highway Department garage and a revised proposal from the CAC for the use of Sherman’s.
Farmer’s Market – Approved the Fulton Montgomery Farmers Market Association to hold weekly markets at the Sherman’s parking lot on Fridays from 3-6PM this summer.
Caroga Arts Collective – Approved six concerts/events to be held at Sherman’s this summer using the same financial arrangements as last year.
Highway Dept Garage – Approved rebidding of a replacement furnace to include duct work. New/revised bids will be considered during the February 14, Board meeting.
Approved Planning Board – Appointed Peter Kiernan to a 2 year term.
Zoning Board of Appeals – Appointed Kathy Ellerby to a 5 year term.
The following items were also discussed:
Caroga Lake Kayak & Canoe Poker Run – The board supported a request to use the beach at Sherman’s for participants to launch from for the fundraising event, but agreed to check into the matter with the town insurance agent and attorney regarding liability waivers, etc. and make a final decision at the February 14th Board meeting.
Storage Structure – The board continued discussions on the design of a new Highway Dept building, reviewed photos of structures & discussed the grant process.
Real Estate Developer – Neil Swingruber, a Malta, NY based developer spoke about the processed used by developers and towns to develop properties like Sherman’s.
Sherman’s – Rick Ruby, President of the Caroga Arts Collective, shared information about their ideas and latest proposal regarding the long term use of the property.
Executive Session – A short non-public board session was held to discuss a personnel matter.
Next Meeting: Monthly Town Board Meeting, Wednesday, February 14th at 7PM.
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Issue #3 - 2018
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