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Caroga News Flash

From the Town Board

Highlights of the March 14, 2018 Monthly Town Board Meeting

To enhance communications with residents, the Town Board will distribute this newsletter with the “headlines” from the board meetings.

This was a routine monthly board meeting. Rich Ruberti, Superintendent of the Wheelerville School spoke for about 20 minutes about his board’s desire to work with the Town to increase student enrollment (currently 127) at the school. Affordable housing, quality of life, after school programs and a brochure to attract out of district students were discussed.

Resolutions/Local Laws Passed:

  1. Youth Program – Reimburse Jessica Smith for Lifeguard certification when complete.

  2. Code Office – Advertise the open Assistant Code Officer position in Leader Herald.

  3. Town Payroll – Arrange a direct deposit option with NBT Bank for Town employees.

  4. Kayak Poker Run – Approved launch from Sherman’s on August 4th (or 5th rain date) with agreed insurance per the Town insurance agent.

  5. Summer Concert – Approved CAC use of Sherman’s on June 8th for a Sawyer Fredericks concert using the same arrangements agreed to for the summer of 2018.

  6. Economic Development Seminar– Approved $50 fee for Kent Kirch to attend in Gloversville.

  7. Equipment Sale – Old town hall kitchen dishwasher to Ralph Hayner for $200.

The following items were also discussed:

Caroga Business SpotlightCampers Corner Store - Rick Sturgess
Barbara Donnelly won the Gift Certificate drawing.

Next Meeting: Town Board Work Session, Wednesday, March 21st at 7PM.
Please email James@JamesLong.com to receive this news flash by email.

Issue #5 - 2018

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