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Caroga News Flash

From the Town Board

Highlights of the April 11, 2018 Monthly Town Board Meeting

To enhance communications with residents, the Town Board will distribute this newsletter with the “headlines” from the board meetings.

This was a routine monthly board meeting. Craig Ivancic, President of the Nick Stoner Trailer Snowmobile Club spoke at the meeting to announce the club has been approved for a grant of over $100,000 toward the purchase of new trail grooming equipment and to thank the Town for its support in the grant process. Lynne Delesky spoke to announce the Town Highway Clean Up day on May 5th starting from 8-9AM at the Town Hall building. She invited all residents to join in to help Caroga look great for the summer.

Resolutions/Local Laws Passed:

  1. Golf Course Management – Approved the calendar 2018 contract for Steve Jennings that is identical to the contract for last year.

  2. Golf Course Fees – Approved the golf fees to be the same as last year. Reciprocal arrangements with other courses and special pricing will be considered next month.

  3. Board Meeting Procedures – Approved the use of a new monthly department update report format that will provide written reporting and reduce board meeting times. Also approved text for the agenda providing meeting conduct guidance for all attendees.

  4. PBA State Forest Rangers – Endorsed an increase in State Forest Ranger staffing to better manage activity. Many other towns in the county have done the same.

  5. Use of Sherman’s – Approved the North Bush Church to use the Information Booth for an ice cream social on June 29th in conjunction with the first Farmer’s Market.

  6. Town Property Usage – Approved a new property use form required for group activities on Town property. The form addresses financial and legal issues.

  7. Zoning Law – Approved the update to the zoning law to send to the Adirondack Park Agency for their informal review prior to a public hearing. This zoning update has been in process for a number of years and this is one of the final steps to approval.

  8. Engineering Inspection – Approved the hiring of Charlie Ackerbauer or another professional engineer to inspect two buildings the code officer has identified as unsafe.

The following items were also discussed:

Caroga Business SpotlightCaroga Lake Marina & General Store – Karl Ziemann

Next Meeting: Monthly Town Board Meeting, Wednesday, May 9th at 7PM.

Please email James@JamesLong.com to receive this news flash by email.

Issue #7 - 2018

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