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Caroga News Flash

From the Town Board

Highlights of the May 16, 2018 Town Board Work Session

To enhance communications with residents, the Town Board will distribute this newsletter with the “headlines” from the board meetings.

This was a special work session for the Board to focus primarily on the proposed Wheelerville Mountain Bike Park. A conceptual plan and associated maps were presented at the meeting by Steve Ovitt, owner of Wilderness Property Management, Inc. (WPM). WPM specializes in outdoor recreation development. Key points include that most of these mountain bike parks are approximately 95% funded by grants and that NYS law protects municipalities from lawsuits from anyone injured on trails unless caused by gross negligence. About 6 members of the Johnstown based Adirondack Velo (mountain bike) Club and Scott Hock from the No. 22 Bicycles company were in attendance to show their support for the project.

Resolutions/Local Laws Passed:

  1. Fireworks Permit – Approved a permit for the Canada Lake Conservation Association for Saturday, July 7th.

  2. LED Street Lighting – Passed a resolution to send a letter to National Grid to formally request the inventory of street lighting, the cost if the town were to acquire that lighting and any conversion costs that would be incurred by the town. This information is needed for the board to assess the payback period and projected savings to the town.

  3. Golf Course – Amended a resolution passed at the last meeting to provide no cost memberships Town employees to only include current, full-time, non-elected Town employees in 2018. A list of qualified employees will be provided to the golf course.

  4. Mountain Bike Project Proposal – Passed a resolution to formally request a full proposal from Wilderness Property Management, Inc. to construct the Wheelerville Mountain Bike Park.

The following items were also discussed:

Attention: Residents are asked to report anyone tampering with street signs to Steve Putman at 518-835-2835 or the Sheriff’s Department at 518-736-2100.

Next Meeting: Monthly Town Board Meeting, Wednesday, June 20
th at 7PM.

Please email James@JamesLong.com to receive this news flash by email.

Issue #9 - 2018

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