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Caroga News Flash

From the Town Board

Highlights of the June 20, 2018 Monthly Town Board Meeting

To enhance communications with residents, the Town Board will distribute this newsletter with the “headlines” from the board meetings.

This was a regularly scheduled monthly Town Board meeting. The meeting included a public hearing for two properties (2328 NY HWY 10 & 2116 NY HWY 10) that were cited by the Town Code Office for being unsafe structures.

Resolutions/Local Laws Passed

  1. Water Well – Authorized the solicitation of bids to bury the water and electric lines from the newly drilled well to the town highway garage and a water line to golf clubhouse.

  2. Deputy Highway Supervisor – Approved Henry Snell as Deputy Highway Supervisor.

  3. Highway Mechanic – Approved reclassification of Chad King to the Mechanic position.

  4. Youth Program – Approved 2017 pay rates for use in 2018 for Youth Program staff.

  5. Golf Membership – Approved the credit of one golf membership to be applied in 2019 for a town resident with a new medical issue who cannot use their 2018 membership.

  6. Town Bookkeeping – Transferred $6,000 from the trails grant account to Beautification grant account to balance the ledger.

  7. Town Property – Approved the initiation of the second round of the bid auction for a small property (SBL 83.6-3-2) on Route 10/29A near the post office.

  8. Volunteer Workers – Approved the creation of a new waiver and the use of volunteer workers for the golf course. Volunteers must have waivers filed with the Town Clerk.

  9. Town Hall Meeting – Set date for open forum town hall meeting for July 24th at 7PM.

  10. Public Hearing – To re-open the public hearing for two unsafe structures on July 11th.

  11. Zoning Ordinance – Approved the revised proposed ordinance for APA review.

  12. Ottuso Legal Case – Authorized the Town Supervisor to accept the settlement offer of $4,300 to close the case regarding the non-payment of health care premiums. The fact that the town bookkeeper at the time did not bill Ottuso for the premiums affected the outcome of the case. The board voted unanimously to accept the settlement.

June 10, 2018 Town Board Work Session Resolutions:

  1. Public Hearing – Set a public hearing for two unsafe structures on June 20th.

  2. Code Office – Approved the Reposting of the open Assistance Code Officer position.

Attention: Residents are asked to report anyone tampering with street signs to Steve Putman at 518-835-2835 or the Sheriff’s Department at 518-736-2100.

Next Meeting: Monthly Town Board Meeting, Wednesday, July 11 at 7PM.

Please email James@JamesLong.com to receive this news flash by email.

Issue #10 - 2018

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