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Caroga News Flash

From the Town Board

Highlights of the August 8th, 2018 Town Board Meeting

To enhance communications with residents, the Town Board will distribute this newsletter with the “headlines” from the board meetings.

This was a regularly scheduled monthly Town Board meeting. The meeting included proposal presentations by two local phone service providers and the Town’s insurance agent.

Resolutions/Local Laws Passed:

  1. Nick Stoner Golf Course – Approved the extension of special Labor Day pricing of $25 for a round of golf with a cart until October 31st to increase the number of golfers during those dates.

  2. Town Land Fill Accepted of the C.T. Male Associates quote to complete required testing/inspections of the land fill for $3,570.

  3. Fulton County Snow/Ice Removal Contract Approved the contract for the Town to be paid $25,650 to maintain 5.13 miles of county roads for the 2018/2019 season.

  4. Fulton County Planning Services Contract Renewed the county prepaid contract for planning services to the town to support zoning law efforts and other work.

  5. Fund Transfers – Approved fund transfers into the Youth Program ($1,132), Highway Dept ($15,000) and Software Support ($1,050) to maintain a balanced budget.

  6. Board Work Session – Scheduled a work session on August 28th at 7pm (see below).

  7. Fireworks Permit – Approved for a small display at a private wedding on August 11th.

  8. Sherman’s Carousel Building – Approved the $430 cost to replace the entrance doors to make the largest fire exit in the building functional.

  9. Alfred Dennison – Approved a request to place a donated plaque at the golf course or town hall recognizing Mr. Dennison for his work to establish the Nick Stoner Golf Course in the early 1900s.

Attention: Residents are asked to report anyone tampering with street signs to Steve Putman at 518-835-2835 or the Sheriff’s Department at 518-736-2100. Upcoming Meetings:

Please email James@JamesLong.com to receive this news flash by email.

Issue #12 - 2018

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