From the Town Board
Highlights of the September 12th, 2018 Town Board Meeting
To enhance communications with residents, the Town Board will distribute this newsletter with the “headlines” from the board meetings.
This was a regularly scheduled Town Board monthly meeting.
Resolutions/Local Laws Passed:
Code Office – Approved the Code Officer’s request to allow his assistant to work up to 10 additional days this calendar year to keep the code office open during his time off.
Land Fill – Accepted the C. T. Male quote to conduct required tests on the land fill.
Boat Wash Steward – Authorized the Supervisor to send a request to the DEC to have their Lake Steward assigned to the boat wash across from Town Hall instead of the state campground since boat launch volumes are very low at the campground.
HWY Department - Authorized the HWY Superintendent to purchase a new plow/pickup truck for $43,537. The current 4WD pickup will be transferred to the Code Office and the current 2WD Code Office pickup truck will be sent to auction.
Town Property – Accepted the bid of $1,750 for a small property (SBL 83.6-3-2) on NYS HWY 10/29A near the post office. As a result, it will be put back on the tax roll.
Public Hearing – Set a public hearing for the revised zoning law for October 10th at 7PM to coincide with the October Town Board meeting (see below).
Budget Meetings – Set 2019 budget meetings for Wednesday, September 26 and Wednesday, October 3rd at 7PM (see below).
The following items were also discussed:
General – Various topics were discussed including the printing of more hiking maps, salt residue in East/West Caroga Lake, recent work connecting the new well to the HWY garage/Golf Clubhouse, delinquent dog licenses and employee compensation.
Executive Session – The board discussed a personnel matter and a purchase contract for Sherman’s received this week from the Caroga Art Collective.
Upcoming Meetings:
Town Hall Meeting on Sherman’s, Tuesday, September
18th at 7PM at town hall.
The proposed
sale of the Sherman’s property to the CAC will be discussed.
2019 Town Budget Meetings, Wednesday, Sept
26th and Wednesday, Oct
3rd at 7PM at town hall.
Monthly Town Board Meeting, Wednesday, October
10th at 7PM at town hall.
This meeting
will include a public hearing for the revised town zoning law.
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Issue #14 - 2018
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