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Caroga News Flash

From the Town Board

Highlights of the February 13th, 2019 Town Board Meeting

To enhance communications with residents, the Town Board will distribute this newsletter with the “headlines” from the board meetings. Detailed meeting minutes will be posted on the Town website (TownOfCaroga.com) on the website’s Minutes page.

This was a regular monthly Town Board meeting. The meeting lasted approximately 90 minutes before the board went into executive session at the end of the meeting to discuss several legal matters.

Resolutions/Local Laws Passed:

  1. Out of Order – Removed a town resident from the meeting for being out of order.

  2. Transfer Station Permits – Approved selling car and truck transfer station stickers at half price from January 1st until April 1st each year until the new permits arrive.

  3. Town Clerk Records – Approved the Town Clerk’s 2018 records. The Board acknowledged they found the records well organized and accurate during the audit.

  4. Code Office Training – Approved the Code Officer to attend mandatory annual training in Lake Placid at a cost of approximately $900.

  5. Pay Rates – Approved 2019 pay rates for the Highway Dept Secretary ($2,144 annually), Senior Golf Course laborer ($14.56/hr) and Senior BTI Tech ($11.76/hr).

  6. Farmers Market – Approved the Farmers Market at the Sherman’s parking lot for every Friday afternoon from 3-6PM from June 7th to September 13th for 2019.

  7. Cash Investment – Authorized the Supervisor to establish a new Certificate of Deposit (CD) up to $240,000 at Key Bank at a 2.25% annual rate.

  8. Local Government Conference – Approved the Supervisor and Deputy Supervisor to attend the APA Local Government Conference in Lake Placid on April 3-4th.

  9. Grass Mowing – Approved the posting of a request for estimates for the mowing of Town cemeteries and the Sherman’s property for the summer and fall of 2019.

  10. Meeting Minutes – Approved the meeting minutes from July 2018 to January 2019.

Upcoming Meetings:


Issue #3 - 2019

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