From the Town Board
Highlights of the March 13th, 2019 Town Board Meeting
To enhance communications with residents, the Town Board will distribute this newsletter with the “headlines” from the board meetings. Detailed meeting minutes will be posted on the Town website ( on the website’s Minutes page.
This was a regular monthly Town Board meeting. The meeting lasted approximately 90 minutes before the board went into executive session to discuss several legal matters.
Resolutions/Local Laws Passed:
Golf Course Rates – Approved the use of the 2018 fee rates for 2019 – no increase.
South Shore Road, West Caroga Lake – Approved the implementation of a summer 2019 test of a one way flow for this road to reduce traffic volumes and speeds.
Caroga Lake Marina – Approved a letter of appreciation to the marina for inspecting boats launched from their marina for invasive aquatic species for the summer of 2019. They will inspect all day, seven days a week at no cost to the town.
Town Court Records – After board members performed an audit, approved the Town Court records for 2018.
Caroga Historical Museum Signs – Approved the posting of up to two signs on the Sherman’s property to inform visitors of the Historical Museum and its location.
Use of Sherman’s – Approved the North Bush United Methodist Church to use the Information Booth at Sherman’s for ice cream social fundraisers in conjunction with the Farmer’s Market on Friday, June 28th and Friday, July 26th.
Nathan Littauer Hospital Annual Fundraiser – As in prior years, approved the donation of a golf/cart package for four at the Town municipal course to this event.
Caroga Town Board Statement – Approved the wording of a communication to provide residents with comprehensive information about the status of the Sherman’s property. It was agreed that this communication should be made available through various communications channels – hard copy, online, The Leader Herald, etc.
The following items were also discussed:
Water Well – The Highway Superintendent informed the board that his crew has noticed a strong odor coming from the water in the new well that was drilled last year. The board agreed that the water should/will be tested.
Salt/Sand Shed – The Highway Superintendent shared specifications for a proposed new salt/sand shed. The specifications are an 80 ft wide by 87 ft long shed with eight foot concrete walls to hold 5,000 ton of material. The cost is estimated at approximately $325,000. The board will submit a grant application to cover most of the cost.
Upcoming Meetings:
Monthly Town Board Meeting, Wednesday, April 10th at 7PM at town hall.
Issue #5 - 2019
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