From the Town Board
Highlights of the June 12th, 2019 Town Board Meeting
To enhance communications with residents, the Town Board will distribute this newsletter with the “headlines” from the board meetings. Detailed meeting minutes will be posted on the Town website (
This was a regular monthly Town Board meeting and the meeting lasted about 90 minutes.
Resolutions/Local Laws Passed:
LED Street Lights – Authorized the Supervisor to sign the NYS Power Authority operating agreement contingent upon edits from the town attorney and purchase all Town street light equipment from National Grid at a cost of $31,535. The project is projected to save the Town about $24,000 annually after the 5 year finance period. (Note: Passed at the 5/29/19 work session.)
Golf Course – Approved the refund a membership fee due to the resident’s move out of state.
Boat Stewards – Appointed John Olm as the Lake Steward Supervisor for the 2019 season.
Bookkeeper – Approved attendance to an Accounting Principles seminar.
Town Hall – Authorized the repair of boiler #3 for $2,670 by Appolo Heating.
Caroga Lake Fire Company – Approved as to form the issuance of a tax exempt note up to $1,200,000 with Greene County bank for construction of a new firehouse. This resolution is required by the IRS for tax exempt status and a lower interest rate. The Town is not party to the transaction and has no financial obligations related to the loan.
Survey Work – Authorized the hiring of Ferguson & Foss to survey the cell tower property. The survey is required for a grant application to help pay for a new Town sand/salt shed.
Sherman’s Purchase Agreement – Approved the acceptance of the Caroga Arts Collective (CAC) Property Sale Contract contingent upon a successful referendum on August 20th, 2019. The purchase agreement and the related legal General Release & Waiver from Balboaa Land Development Inc. are posted on
Fireworks Display – Approved a fireworks display on West Caroga Lake at Sherman’s on July 5th sponsored by the CAC and conducted by Majestic Fireworks, Inc.
Sherman’s – Approved a small wedding on August 24th, 2019 for a fee of $250.
East Shore Road – On a trial basis, from June 24th until September 2, the north and south entrances to the road from State Highway 10/29A and State Highway 10 will be closed to all traffic in an effort to reduce traffic volumes and speeds. All other roads connecting to East Shore Road will be open for access. The primary objective is to reduce or eliminate through traffic.
Youth Program – The summer youth program will run from July 8th to August 16th.
Upcoming Meetings:
Monthly Town Board Meeting, Wednesday, July 10th, 7PM at Town Hall.
Issue #9 - 2019
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