From the Town Board
Highlights of the July 10th, 2019 Town Board Meeting
To enhance communications with residents, the Town Board will distribute this newsletter with the “headlines” from the board meetings. Detailed meeting minutes will be posted on the Town website (
This was a regular monthly Town Board meeting and the meeting lasted about 2 hours. The Board was in executive session with the town attorney for about 40 minutes to discuss litigation matters.
Resolutions/Local Laws Passed:
Meeting Minutes – Approved all the meeting minutes from March to June.
Town Vehicle – Transferred the small 2WD Town pickup to the Lakes Management Program to use for hauling the trailer and rig.
Caroga Museum – Approved the donation of golf for 4 to the Museum’s Craft Fair fundraiser.
Caroga Fire Company – Approved the use of the Sherman’s parking lot and beach for a kayak poker run fundraiser.
Caroga Museum – Approved the loan of one Ferris wheel chair from Sherman’s to the Museum for display.
Common Ground Alliance – Approved Councilman Long to attend a meeting in July.
Records Management Seminar – Approved the Town Clerk to attend a seminar in August.
Use of Town Hall – Approved the Bridge group to use Town Hall on Thursdays from 1-4pm.
Town Hall – Approved going out to bid on the removal of the carpet (to remove mold/mildew) and solicit bids on replacing the surface under the carpet if needed.
Caroga Arts Collective – Approved the donation of golf for 2 for their Gala fundraiser.
Demkiw Litigation – Authorized the Supervisor to sign the settlement agreement. The pipe in dispute has been removed from the property. Signing the settlement ends the case.
Sherman’s Lawsuit – Balboaa Land Development Company has filed suit against the Town claiming breach of contract and requesting the property be returned to them. The Board voted 5-0 to proceed immediately toward a declaratory judgement to defend against the claim. In the meantime, the Town will continue to plan for the Sherman’s referendum on August 20th because if it passed, it would end all litigation with Balboaa related to Sherman’s.
Other Topics Discussed:
East Shore Road – Fulton County Sheriff Giardino attended the meeting at the Supervisor’s request and discussed options for managing traffic volumes/speed on the road along West Caroga Lake. He committed to assigning deputies during busy hours on weekends and to organizing a meeting with the NY DOT to discuss other long term options (speed bumps, etc.).
Open Meetings Law – The Town Clerk apologized to the Board for her public accusation in the May Board meeting of an unlawful Board meeting with the Town Attorney. She indicated that there is a provision in the law that allows for attorney/client meetings.
Upcoming Meetings:
Monthly Town Board Meeting, Wednesday, August 14th, 7PM at Town Hall.
Issue #10 - 2019
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