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Caroga News Flash

From the Town Board

Highlights of the August 14th, 2019 Town Board Meeting

To enhance communications with residents, the Town Board will distribute this newsletter with the “headlines” from the board meetings. Detailed meeting minutes will be posted on the Town website (TownOfCaroga.com).

This was a regular monthly Town Board meeting that lasted approximately two hours. The Board spent about an hour in executive session discussing an employee relations matter and litigation.

Resolutions/Local Laws Passed:

  1. Tax Collector Records – Approved the Town Tax Collector records for 2019.

  2. New Snow Plow Truck – Approved the financing for the new truck with NBT Bank for an amount of $110,000 at an interest rate of 2.7% over a three year period. The Town will cover the remaining balance of $49,122 directly from the Highway Reserve account.

  3. 2020 Budget – Scheduled 2020 budget meetings for September 25th and October 2nd.

  4. County Contract – Authorized the Supervisor to sign the 2019/2020 snow/ice contract with the County to maintain approximately 5 miles of County roads within the Town. The contract pays the Town $25,650 for providing this service.

  5. Town Assessor – Approved the reappointment of Vicki Hayner as Town Assessor for another year starting in October.

  6. Meeting Minutes – Approved the meeting minutes from the July 10th, July 22nd and July 31st meetings.

  7. Balboaa Land Development Corporation Lawsuit – Authorized the Supervisor to sign the response prepared by Dunn & Dunn to the lawsuit filed against the Town on July 25th which claims breach of contract and damages with regard to the donation of the Sherman’s property to the Town. Balboaa Land Development is owned by George Abdella.

Other Topics Discussed:

  1. East Shore Road – There was discussion about the new stop signs installed recently to slow/reduce traffic on the road. Residents requested that white stop lines should be painted at each sign because some drivers were not stopping. The HWY Superintendent indicated this is already in process with the County and should be completed soon.

Upcoming Meetings:

Issue #13 - 2019

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