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Caroga News Flash

From the Town Board

Highlights of the September 11th, 2019 Town Board Meeting

To enhance communications with residents, the Town Board will distribute this newsletter with the “headlines” from the board meetings. Detailed meeting minutes will be posted on the Town website (TownOfCaroga.com).

This was a regular monthly Town Board meeting that lasted approximately one hour and 45 minutes.

Resolutions/Local Laws Passed:

  1. Budget Transfers – Approved the transfer of $106,600 between 3 accounts to balance the budget. $105,000 of that amount will cover a paving bill that will be reimbursed by NY State.

  2. Tax Assessor – Finalized the re-appointment of Vickie Hayner as Tax Assessor for a new 6 year term at an annual salary of $25,235 and office hours of 9am-2pm on Tuesdays effective Oct 1st.

  3. Fireworks Display – Approved a fireworks display for a wedding at Pine Lake Park on Sept 14th.

  4. Barbara McMartin’s Book – Authorized the release of the wax mechanicals for the book to Professor Allen Farber for restoration work. The town holds the copyright to the book.

  5. Paving Bid – Approved the bid for paving Mussey Road from Callanan Company for $209,217.

  6. Paving Invoice – Approved payment of $217,109 for paving about 1.5 miles of Mussey Road. The actual amount was higher than the bid due to the requested completion of road shoulder work not included in the bid. The Town will be reimbursed for the entire cost from by the NY State CHIPS Fund.

  7. Compliance Officer – Appointed Supervisor Selmser as the Town Harassment & Discrimination Officer and point of contact.

  8. Stop Signs – Approved new Local Town Law #1 of 2019 for the 6 new stop signs (two new signs at each of 3 intersections) on East Shore Road of West Caroga Lake. There was a public hearing for this law during the meeting. This law makes the new stop signs legally enforceable with a violation fine of up to $250. The signs are intended to slow traffic and will be up all year.

  9. Morey Road Petition – Authorized Supervisor Selmser to sign the Verified Petition for the Morey Road Legal Case and proceed with eminent domain condemnation proceedings for approximately 15 ft. wide by 1,075 ft. long strip of property for use as a public trail to NY State land.

The following topics were also discussed:

Upcoming Meetings:

Issue #15 - 2019

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