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Caroga News Flash

From the Town Board

Highlights of the October 23rd & 25th 2019 Town Board Meetings

To enhance communications with residents, the Town Board will distribute this newsletter with the “headlines” from the board meetings. Detailed meeting minutes will be posted on the Town website (TownOfCaroga.com).

These were two emergency meetings of the Town Board intended to primarily address time sensitive legal matters. The October 23rd meeting lasted 8 minutes and the meeting on the 25th was just over one hour long. Most of the meeting on the 25th was in executive session with attorney Greg Dunn who provided information and counsel to the board on legal matters.

Resolutions/Local Laws Passed:

October 23rd Meeting:

  1. Livingston Lawsuit – Approved attorneys Dunn & Dunn to respond to the lawsuit on behalf of the Town. The papers were served to the Town on October 17th and the response to the court was due on October 23rd.

  2. 2020 Budget – Approved the correction of the word “Tentative” to “Preliminary” for the announcement of the public hearing on the 2020 budget on November 13th.

October 25th Meeting:

  1. Balboaa Land Development Corp Lawsuit – Approved a settlement agreement and authorized attorneys Dunn & Dunn to present the signed agreement to the attorney representing Balboaa in the case for signature and then to the presiding judge in the case to be read into court record, signed and entered by the judge as an order of the court should the judge make that decision. Given the pending case, not much can be shared about the settlement agreement terms until the judge makes a ruling. What can be shared is that it would return the Sherman’s property to Balboaa, both parties would rescind the Donation Agreement and the Town would be released from all responsibilities or liabilities related to the Donation Agreement and/or the Sherman’s property.

  2. Livingston Lawsuit – Approved adding the Town Clerk’s name to the resolution (see #1 above on October 23rd) since she was also named as a defendant in the case.

  3. Senior Bake Sale – Approved the senior group to hold a bake sale in Town Hall during the November 5th elections as they have done in prior years.

The following topics were also discussed:

Upcoming Meetings:

Issue #17 - 2019

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