From the Town Board
Highlights of the December 11th 2019 Town Board Meeting
To enhance communications with residents, the Town Board will distribute this newsletter with the “headlines” from the board meetings. Detailed meeting minutes will be posted on the Town website (
This was a regularly scheduled monthly Town Board meeting and it lasted approximately one hour and 45 minutes. The public hearing on the Short Term Rentals law filled the first 50 minutes of the meeting. There were many comments and questions from residents. Most who spoke were not supportive of the proposed law in its current form.
Resolutions/Local Laws Passed:
Short Term Rentals – Following the public hearing, the board decided to table the consideration of this local law.
Code Officer – Approved the Town Code Officer to attend the required annual NYS Code Officer training session in Lake Placid at a cost of $922.
Tax Collector – Approved the establishment of a petty cash fund not to exceed $300 to use for making change during tax collections from January to April.
Account Transfers – Approved the transfer of a total of $25,300 between various accounts to maintain a balanced budget for 2019.
Reserve Funds – Approved the transfer of a total of $45,000 into the Capital ($10,000), Weed Harvester ($15,000), Garbage Truck ($10,000) and Equipment ($10,000) reserve funds as per the Town’s 2019 budget.
End of Year Deadline – Set a deadline of December 27, 2019 for any party who has claims/bills, etc. to be paid by the Town from 2019. The resolution authorizes the Town Supervisor to pay those bills.
Retirement Records – Amended the resolution from the November meeting to include the Town Tax Assessor and to confirm the workday hours (6 or 8 hours) for the Town Golf Course Manager, Bookkeeper and Tax Collector as required.
Highway Garage Repairs – Approved the Town Supervisor to pay a bill for repairs made to the Town garage by the HWY Superintendent as agreed, contingent upon review of the meeting audio tape to confirm the understanding.
The following topics were also discussed:
Bike Trail Grant Award - The Town was awarded a 2019 DEC Smart Growth Implementation Grant in the amount of $64,367.56 to be used towards the construction of the Wheelerville bike trail system. Construction is expected to begin this spring in partnership with the Adirondack Foothills Trails Association.
Upcoming Meetings:
Town Board Organizational Meeting, Saturday, January 4th 1PM at Town Hall.
Monthly Town Board Meeting, Wednesday, January 8th, 7PM at Town Hall.
Issue #19 - 2019
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