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Caroga News Flash

Town Board Meeting Highlights

January 8, 2020

To strengthen communication with residents, this newsletter provides headlines from Town Board meetings.

This meeting lasted 75 minutes.

Resolutions/Local Laws Passed:

  1. Implementation of the Wheelerville Trails Project – The Town Board voted 5 to 0 to begin trail construction with Jeremy Manning as Trail Director. Additional temporary positions will include Senior Lead Trail Builder, Assistant Lead Trail Builder, and Trail Laborer. Funding will come from the 2019 Smart Growth Implementation Grant. Project details will be presented at the next Town Board meeting on February 12.

  2. Training Conferences – Doug Purcell and Matt Cooper will attend the February 5 Saratoga Planning and Zoning Conference (5 to 0 vote). Don Travis, Rick Sturgess, and Scott Horton will attend the January 15-17 Newly Elected Officials Training (5 to 0 vote).

  3. Clerk/Secretary to Planning Board, Zoning Board of Appeals, and Board of Assessment Review – James Long will continue to serve (5 to 0 vote).

  4. Attorney Retainer – Scott Horton will sign an agreement with Girvin & Ferlazzo, including retainer payment of $1050 monthly (4 to 0 vote with 1 abstention).

  5. Workplace Violence/Harassment Prevention – Scott Horton and Rick Sturgess will be the lead contact people to implement this policy and program (5 to 0 vote).

  6. Humane SocietyContract will be renewed (5 to 0 vote).


Next Meeting:

Issue #02 - 2020

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