Town Board Meeting Highlights
February 4, 2020
To strengthen communication with residents, this newsletter provides headlines from Town Board meetings.
This work session lasted 166 minutes and focused on special spending allocations.
Resolutions/Local Laws:
New Commission — The Town Board voted 4 to 1 on a resolution establishing a “Parks, Lakes, Recreation, and Tourism Commission” led by Gene Centi. Discussion included plans for fund-balance spending and questions about powers granted.
Planning/Zoning Training — Resolution failed 1 to 4 to approve registration/travel expenses for the 2020 Saratoga Annual Planning & Zoning Conference for Kim Hart, Michael Voght, Rick Gilmour, and Linda Gilbert. A resolution that excluded Kim Hart passed 4 to 1. Discussion questioned the individual exclusion.
Morey Road Project — With a 5 to 0 vote, the Board approved Dunn & Dunn to continue providing legal services for the Town to complete the Morey Road eminent domain case.
Position Hiring –
With a vote of 5 to 0, the Board appointed Kim Satterlee as Highway Secretary. The Board also voted 5 to 0 to approve a total annual salary of $2208.
With a 5 to 0 vote, the Board created a new position of Building Safety Inspector (BSI) Assistant Code Enforcement Official (CEO). The board also voted 5 to 0 to appoint Jennifer Blowers to this position.
With a 4 to 1 vote, the Board created a Temporary Confidential Secretary to the Supervisor. The Board also voted 5 to 0 to appoint Tor Shekerjian to this position (for 6 months or 500 hours, whichever comes first).
Topics discussed and tabled for future action:
Proof-of-residency documents for board appointments
Changes to 2020 Town budget and pay scales: BSI Assistant CEO ($15/hour, $20/hour with certification); Confidential Secretary to the Supervisor ($18/hour); Deputy Town Clerk ($15/hour); Elected Town Clerk Service Incentives ($1000 annually after 5 years, $2000 after 10 years, $3000 after 15 years)
New service contract with Brian McIntosh of Canada Lake Computer Services, Inc. ($1530 annual security updates plus additional hourly rate)
Purchase of microphone system with recorder and speaker for $2800.42 or $2231.30
Next Meeting:
Monthly Town Board Meeting, Wednesday, February 12, 7:00pm at Town Hall.
Issue #03 - 2020
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