Town Board Meeting Highlights
February 12, 2020
To strengthen communication with residents, this newsletter provides headlines from Town Board meetings.
This regular monthly meeting lasted 99 minutes. Special presentation topics included the golf course, cybersecurity services, lake management, sewer planning, and microphone system.
Resolutions/Local Laws:
Lake Steward and Boat Wash Station Program – The Town Board voted 4 to 0 to continue the program in 2020, with John Olm as the supervisor of lake stewards (see
Budget – $9,000 will be reallocated from Building Personnel Services for the Confidential Secretary to the Supervisor in the 2020 Town budget (4 to 0 vote). Note was made that $1,828.39 for the proposed microphone system is available in the current 2020 budget.
Planning Board – Burt Wilson and Karen Dutcher were appointed to serve as alternate members of the Planning Board for a 1-year term expiring 12/31/2020 (4 to 0 vote).
Computer Support – A 2-year cybersecurity support contract (from 02/12/2020 to 12/31/2021) was approved with Brian McIntosh of Canada Lake Computers at a rate of $25.50 per month per machine plus an unspecified hourly rate (4 to 0 vote).
Nick Stoner Municipal Golf Course – After input from Steve Jennings, a 60-month lease was approved with Grassland Equipment for a golf course fairway mower costing $871.41 monthly (5.1% interest) for 60 months, with 2020 fiscal impact of $6,099.87 (4 to 0 vote). The board also approved donation of 4-person golf outing for an Eccentric Club Fundraiser (4 to 0 vote).
Caroga Historical Association and Museum – $4,000 payment approved (4 to 0 vote).
Municipal Insurance Update – Approved insurance policy for official undertaking of new municipal officers Mr. Horton, Mr. Sturgess, Mr. Travis, and Mr. Voght (4 to 0 vote).
Zoning and Planning Training – Approved 02/26/2020 FMCC training expenses for ZBA member Frank Malagisi, and approved 04/29-04/30/2020 Local Government Day Conference registration fee for Planning Board Chair Al Kozakiewicz (4 to 0 vote).
Brennan Humane Society – Approved lower annual contract rate of $1,000 (4 to 0 vote).
Parks, Lakes, Recreation, and Tourism Commission – Revised prior resolution to include Commission’s 5 member terms (1st for 1 year, 2nd for 2 years, 3rd for 3 years, 4th for 4 years, 5th for 5 years), with 1st 1-year appointment of Gene Centi, Chair (4 to 0 vote).
Wage Rates – Established pay scales for uncertified Building Safety Inspector Assistant Code Enforcement Official $15 hourly, Deputy Town Clerk $15 hourly, and Confidential Secretary to the Supervisor $18 hourly with 500-hour yearly maximum (4 to 0 vote).
Additional Information from Steve Jennings at the Nick Stoner Golf Course (tel. 518-835-4220):
Golf Incentive Rates (before 5/1/2020): Seasonal Senior $450, Individual $525, Couple $1,000
Golf Regular Rates (starting 5/2/2020): Seasonal Individual $600, Couple $1,100, Junior $125, Weekly $120, Monthly $240, Daily 18 Holes $23, Daily 9 Holes $13, Cart $12, Locker $35
The annual 2020 Nick Stoner Golf Clinic will be held on Monday March 9, 2020.
Contact Mr. Jennings if interested in joining the 8-week summer PGA Junior League (ages 12-15).
Next Meeting:
Monthly Town Board Meeting, Wednesday, March 11, 7:00pm at Town Hall.
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Issue #04 - 2020
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