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Caroga News Flash

Town Board Meeting Highlights

March 11, 2020

To strengthen communication with residents, this newsletter provides headlines from Town Board meetings.

This regular monthly meeting lasted 95 minutes.

Resolutions/Local Laws:

  1. Local Law 2020 #1 – The Board voted 4 to 0 to hold a public hearing on 4/8/2020 at 7:00pm, regarding “a Local Law to provide for the written notification for defects and obstructions on town highways, bridges, streets, sidewalks, crosswalks, and culverts in the Town of Caroga.”

  2. Land Lease NegotiationsAuthorized Supervisor Horton as negotiation liaison with Nathan Littauer Hospital (NLH) for possible land lease and clinic project (4 to 0 vote).

  3. Nick Stoner Municipal Golf Course –

  4. Fire Department – Waived local fees for building the new fire hall (4 to 0 vote).

  5. Employee Assistance Program – Renewed EAP contract with St. Mary’s (4 to 0 vote).

  6. Microphone System Approved $1,828.39 microphone system purchase (3 to 1 vote).

  7. Training – Approved Supervisor Scott Horton for training at Lake Placid (4 to 0 vote). Approved Town Clerk Linda Gilbert to attend NYS Town Clerk’s Conference (4 to 0 vote).

  8. Municipal Insurance – Approved oath of undertaking with insurance policy for re-elected Town Justice, James Subik (4 to 0 vote).

  9. Other Approvals – Approved minutes of the February 12th board meeting (4 to 0 vote). Approved 2019 annual audit of the Town Justice and Town Clerk books (4 to 0 vote). Approved paying bills as presented for audit (4 to 0 vote).

Coronavirus Information:

To find out more, go to the US Centers for Disease Control or NYS Department of Health:

Next Meeting:

To subscribe by email, contact James@JamesLong.com Issue #05 - 2020

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