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Caroga News Flash

Town Board Meeting Highlights

April 15, 2020

To strengthen communication with residents, this newsletter provides headlines from Town Board meetings.

The April 15 monthly meeting was a GoToMeeting.com teleconference, lasting two hours. Special thanks went out to first responders, essential business workers, and town employees who have been keeping our local community going during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Resolutions/Local Laws:

  1. Local Law 2020 #1 – A public hearing was held for a “Local Law to provide for the written notification for defects and obstructions on town highways, bridges, streets, culverts, and walkways in the Town of Caroga.” Attorney Ferlazzo will prepare the SEQR proceeding.

  2. Town of Caroga State of Emergency Extended to May 15, 2020 (5 to 0 vote)

  3. Nick Stoner Municipal Golf Course –

  4. Highway Department – Accepted Superintendent Larry Voght’s three-month calendar for a rate of 21.7 days per month reported to the NYS Retirement System (5 to 0 vote)

  5. Lake Stewards Program – Approved steward hiring and authorized spending up to $200.00 for equipment (5 to 0 vote)

  6. PLRT Commission – Mr. Centi reported holding a PLRTC teleconference meeting. Members discussed a parade, fishing tournament, and welcome book. During public comment, it was noted that this meeting violated NYS Open Meeting Law as no public notice was given and no minutes taken.

  7. Computer Spending Approved a $1,272.68 purchase from Brian McIntosh for computer and software for Supervisor Horton (5 to 0 vote). The Board tabled initially proposed IT upgrades for $8,200.00 plus labor. Discussion focused on needs to comply with General Municipal Law Section 103 and Caroga’s procurement policy.

  8. Sewer Study Spending – Authorized paying $10,000.00 for Travis Mitchell to do an environmental wastewater study (4 to 1 vote). This included $6,000.00 budgeted plus $4,000.00 more. Discussion focused on risks of Board-created Town budget shortfalls and lack of state grant funding, given the current pandemic-related financial crisis.

  9. Other Approvals – Paid bills and approved March 11 and March 16 minutes (4 to 1 vote). Final minutes were not provided to all Town Board members prior to approval.

  10. Planning Board – Proposed resolution to remove Kim Hart and appoint Karen Dutcher was withdrawn, given Attorney Ferlazzo’s written advice to lawfully follow due process.

Next Meeting:

Monthly Town Board Meeting, Wednesday, May 13, 7:00pm, GoToMeeting Teleconference. Dial: 1(866)899-4679 with access code: 870205333#, for information see TownOfCaroga.com.

To subscribe by email, contact James@JamesLong.com Issue #07 – 2020

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