Town Board Meeting Highlights
May 13, 2020
This monthly meeting lasted 160 minutes, at Town Hall and via zoom web teleconference. The venue was announced on May 11. More than 50 households participated.
With the COVID-19 disaster emergency upon us, New York State Executive Orders authorized public teleconference meetings, provided that the public has advance notice to view or listen to proceedings and that the meeting is recorded and minutes later transcribed.
Local Law #1 of 2020 — The Caroga Town Board authorized Supervisor Horton to sign documents (5 to 0 vote) and to adopt the new written notification law about highway defects and obstructions (5 to 0 vote).
Morey Road Project — Authorized Supervisor to sign settlement agreement to complete the successful negotiations completed by Attorney Dunn and the prior Board (5 to 0 vote).
NYS Smart Growth Grant — The Wheelerville Trails project has boots on the ground doing trail layout. The Board authorized hiring 4 people to begin construction (5 to 0 vote).
Dog Licenses — Waived late fees until further notice (5 to 0 vote).
Contract Authorizations —
Authorized contract for Fulton County to pay the Town $3,094.00 to mow along local county highways twice yearly (5 to 0 vote). Supervisor Horton reported that he asked Highway Superintendent Voght not to be present for discussion.
Authorized NYS DEC Contract for $10,525.00 to the Town (5 to 0 vote).
Planning Board —
Town Board claimed a vacant seat by questioning Kim Hart’s residency (4 to 1 vote). Attorney Ferlazzo reported that she is currently a legal resident, but he questioned residency in January 2018 when appointed, given Gloversville mailing address (and despite Caroga voter registration). During public speaking, Ms. Hart, Attorney Mark Schachner, and multiple citizens supported her legal status and relevant qualifications to serve currently and at the time of appointment. Attorney Schachner noted that the Board could expose the Town to costly litigation, given overwhelming evidence and precedent against them.
The Town Board then appointed Karen Dutcher to the Planning Board (4 to 1 vote).
Lakes Management Committee — Appointed John Glenn (Chair), Marcus Harazin (Vice Chair), Mike Durkee, John Olm, Gene Centi, Scott Horton (4 to 1 vote). James Long was removed, despite lake management, applied limnology, and grant funding experience.
Town Website — Debated value of, provided free by James Long.
Created Web Master job duty at rate of $60/month, and appointed Town Clerk Linda Gilbert to assume duties immediately for a new as-yet-unnamed website (4 to 1 vote). Motion to table received no second. Discussion emphasized major financial crisis risks and projected budget shortfall. Costs to register, develop, administer, and update a proposed domain and email could be $10,000.00 to $100,000.00.
Approved budget modifications for Clerk Gilbert’s Web Master expenses (4 to 1 vote).
Additional Spending — Discussion emphasized increasing risks of major financial crisis.
Information Technology Upgrade — Approved spending $8,120.20 plus fees to Brian McIntosh of Canada Lake Computer Services, Inc. for 5 additional Seneca Core PCs, MS Office, CTERA cloud storage, network, and 1-year portal license (4 to 1 vote).
Town Hall Improvements — Approved spending $5,400.00 for labor to scrape, seal, and paint the Town Hall gym auditorium and storage shed (4 to 1 vote).
Welcome Booklet — Approved spending $840.00 for cover page and business subsidies of the “Welcome to Caroga” booklet in the Leader Herald (4 to 1 vote).
Monthly Bills — Approved payments as presented for audit (4 to 0 vote, 1 abstention).
Thank you to the local volunteers who did trash pickup along Route 29A in Caroga.
To give donations to the North Bush Food Pantry, see Jennifer Blowers before May 21 (for more information, call Jennifer at 518-705-5485 or Don Travis at 518-835-6612).
To be counted in the US Census, look for a census taker personally to deliver a numbered form directly with a door-to-door visit (if you get mail only at the Post Office).
Caroga’s Nick Stoner Municipal Golf Course is open for business and welcomes visitors.
From May 4 to September 30, Caroga Transfer Station summer hours will be:
Monday 8:00am to 4:00pm
Wednesday 4:00pm to 8:00pm
Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm
Saturday 8:00am to 12:00 Noon
June 17, 2020 7:00pm (note change to third Wednesday)
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