Town Board Meeting Highlights
June 17, 2020
This monthly meeting lasted 175 minutes, at Town Hall and via zoom web teleconference.
Supervisor Horton publicly introduced his Ten-Year Capital Plan. He proposed several aims:
3 years: “build a new salt storage shed and town barn at the cell tower property,”
5-6 years: “start the construction of a limited sewer system,” and
10 years: “build a new Town Hall on the Fire Company property, move the golf pro shop to the Town Hall building, facilitate the gym and offices into recreational areas for crafts, public meeting rooms, Lake Management office, possible indoor driving range”, with the “former Town Barn and Pro shop to be torn down” to “sell property for a hotel or other commercial/recreational use.”
Youth Summer Recreation Program — Cancelled for 2020 (4 to 0 vote, 1 abstention).
Supervisor Authorizations —
Contact DEC and APA to propose expanding parking at Kane Mountain (5 to 0 vote).
Waive 30-day waiting for NYS Liquor Licenses: Boat House & Vrooman’s (5 to 0 vote).
Sign Majestic Fireworks permits: Pine Lake Park & Canada Lake (5 to 0 vote).
LED Lighting Project — The Town Board continued a cost-saving plan began in 2017 to purchase existing street lights from Niagara Mohawk Power (Resolution 2019-049) and replace with energy efficient LED lighting. Board rescinded Resolution 2019-011 to work with NY Power Authority (5 to 0 vote) and authorized work with RealTerm Energy (5 to 0 vote). Proposed contract includes up to $120,000.00 financed through Municipal Leasing (subject to Board approval and Town Attorney approval) and positive cash flow from start.
Planning Board — Authorized consultation with Town Attorney regarding review and proposal to control future use of storage containers in the Town (5 to 0 vote).
Town Hall —
Combined Town Hall parcels SBL#68.9-3-2 and adjacent SBL#68.9-3-3 (5 to 0 vote).
Upstate Painting to repair caulking/sealing of 10 gym windows for $300.00 (5 to 0 vote).
Authorized sale/promotion of excess kitchen equipment, fixtures, cabinets, furniture, radiators, and other unused items (valued <$100.00) at Town Garage Sale (5 to 0 vote).
Hiring — Advertise on-call backup maintenance position at $13.00/hour (5 to 0 vote).
Reporting — Authorize Retirement Reporting for Town Justice James Subik (5 to 0 vote).
Adirondack Park Local Government Review Board (LGRB) — Made a resolution to support regulation changes for cell tower development in the Adirondack Park (4 to 1 vote). Discussion in opposition noted that the LGRB position conflates cell coverage with wifi/broadband limitations, and barriers involve market issues more than regulatory issues.
Landfill Monitoring — Authorized application for one annual inspection (5 to 0 vote).
Dog Licenses — Extended deadline to September 15 (5 to 0 vote).
Monthly Bills — Approved payments as presented for audit (4 to 0 vote, 1 abstention).
Meeting Minutes — Approved 3/16, 4/15, and 5/13 minutes (4 to 0 vote, 1 abstention).
Spending — Change budget for PRLR Commission funding up to $5,000.00.
West Caroga Lake Access — Request property easement near the end of Bath Avenue.
Well Ordinance — Propose a new law to require registration of all new water wells and to encourage reporting of existing wells with Caroga Code Enforcement Office.
Many thanks to Wheelerville School for loaning equipment—free of charge—at Town Hall to redo the meeting room floor and to paint the gym walls.
The Caroga Lake State Campground and Day Use Area will open on July 1, 2020.
Caroga’s Town-wide Garage Sale will be held on Saturday July 25, 2020.
On June 12, our region was cleared for Phase 3 of reopening with precautions. As we move forward, remember that coronavirus (COVID-19) is still spreading in New York, and New Yorkers are required to wear a face covering and maintain 6 feet distance in public. Stay informed. Stay safe. Stay healthy. For more info, see:
July 8, 2020 7:00pm with zoom web teleconference
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