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Caroga News Flash

August 12, 2020

This 133-minute monthly zoom meeting had poor sound, due to the distance of the sole microphone from the Board members. Requests were made to fix the problem next month by feeding the several microphones of the unused new PA system into the zoom computer.

Assemblyman Robert Smullen discussed the COVID-19 crisis and downward budget pressure.

Resolutions/Local Laws:

  1. Water Well Law — After public hearing, the Town Board adopted local law #2 of 2020 as part of Building Code. New water wells must be registered with Code Enforcement, with site map, driller name/address, total depth, casing depth, and recovery rate. (5 to 0 vote)

  2. Zoning Amendment — After public hearing, zoning was changed from Conservation to Hamlet for Town-owned parcel SBL 68.9-3-2.5. This allows use flexibility. (5 to 0 vote)

  3. Code Violation — Approved Maddalone agreement (5 to 0 vote) During public speaking, the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) Chair expressed frustration with the circumstances that led to the need for this agreement.

  4. Innovative Energy Solutions — Approved contract with Municipal Leasing Consultants to poll lenders for the project to convert to high-efficiency LED street lighting (5 to 0 vote)

  5. Fish Stocking — Approved $500.00 for Caroga Lake Fish and Game Club (5 to 0 vote)

  6. Meeting Minutes —

  7. Tax Records — Approved 2020 Tax Collector records (4 to 0 vote, 1 abstention)

  8. Bill Payment — Approved payments as presented for audit (4 to 0 vote, 1 abstention)


Next Town Board Meeting: September 9, 2020 7:00pm with zoom web teleconference

To subscribe by email, contact James@JamesLong.com Issue #12 – 2020

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