Meeting of September 9, 2020 contains all issues of the Caroga News Flash.
This monthly meeting lasted 128 minutes, at Town Hall and via zoom web teleconference.
Resolutions/Local Laws:
Local Law #3 of 2020 Public Hearing — The Board called for a public hearing on October 14, 2020 at 7:00pm (5 to 0 vote). The Wheelerville Bike Trail Smart Growth Grant has invested in a public trail system designed and built for non-motorized recreation. The proposed law prohibits motorized vehicles on the Town-owned Wheelerville Bike Trails parcel. It also creates enforceable fines for violation.
Local Government Records Law — Adopted Retention and Disposition Schedule for New York Local Government Records (LGS-1), Article 57-A ACA Law (5 to 0 vote)
Personnel Spending — Approved paying $4,500.00 for Pinnacle Human Resources LLC to review duties and responsibilities of Town Clerk, Highway Superintendent, Supervisor, Town Board Members, Sole Assessor, & Bookkeeper. (4 to 1 vote, Discussion questioned discretionary spending during fiscal crisis and noted Code Clerk omission from review.)
Balanced Budget — Transferred $66,320.00 from budget line DA5110.4 General Repairs to DA5112.2 CHIPS (Consolidated Highway Improvement Program) (5 to 0 vote)
Building Code Waiver — Approved non-conforming use waiver extension from October 1, 2019 to September 30, 2021 for the Lakeside Motel while it is not open (5 to 0 vote)
Congratulations — Recognized and congratulated the Kirchen Grove Association on the 100th Anniversary of the local organization (5 to 0 vote)
Minutes and Bills — Approved 8/12/2020 and 8/26/2020 meeting minutes and approved payments as presented for audit (4 to 0 vote, 1 abstention)
Thank you to all volunteers for cleaning Harris Park and for helping with the bike trail.
The next Wheelerville Bike Trail Volunteer Day will be Sunday, September 20 at 9:00am.
The Caroga Transfer Station will be open for winter hours from October 3 to March 31 (Monday 8:00am to noon, Wednesday Noon to 4:00pm, and Saturday 8:00am to Noon).
Next Town Board Meetings: see how to attend at
Special September 25, 2020 10:00am
Monthly October 14, 2020 7:00pm
Copyright © James McMartin Long 2017–2025