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Town of Caroga

Parks, Lakes, Recreation and Tourism Commission

Minute of Monthly Meeting of May 27, 2020

Meet was held via Zoom and was called to order at 7PM.

Commissioners in attendance were, Centi, Sturgess, Palcovich, Dutcher, Cernak, Simonds

Commission discussed concentrating on the 2021 Winter Festival. Due to the current restrictions the commission felt we should not plan any large summer events this year.

Ideas for the festival included Out House Races, Car Races. Motorcycle Races, Hole in one on the ice golf, food vendors, best dressed snowmobile.

A tentative date has been established for the second weekend in February.

Cross country skiing on the golf course was also discussed. Gene Centi will follow up with Steve Jennings.

Karen Dutcher offered to head up the planning of a cross country program.

Torrance Fish and Kathy Manning representing CAC were present. They were interested in knowing what the commissions goals were and offered to assist in promoting any town programs through the CAC and likewise the commission offered the same in return. We both agreed that it was both our goals to see an increase in tourism in town. Torrance was asked if it would be possible for the town to use the Sherman’s property when CAC was not using it. He said we could work together and plan to work around schedules especially during the winter months.

Linda Gilbert suggested the wall at Route 10 and 29A could be used for some type of mural promoting the town. It is owned by DOT and she would reach out to them to see about the repair or replacement.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:00PM

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