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Town of Caroga

Parks, Lakes, Recreation and Tourism

Monthly Meeting 08/26/20 Minutes

Meeting called to order at 7:00PM

Commissioners in Attendance








Two open discussions took place with regard to the Cross Country Skiing/Snowshoe Trail and the Winter Festival.

The members agreed to get together sometime in the next few weeks and meet with Steve Jennings to look at the golf course map and where the trail would run. We also discussed the need for signage to prevent snowmobiles/atvs from entering the course. Linda Gilbert stated that there is a local gentleman that regularly uses the back nine for cross country skiing. Jennifer has someone who would be willing to groom the trail for us.

Was suggested that we might be able to have the Fulton County mapping department produce a map of the course.

Discussion on the Winter Festival that is schedule for the second weekend in February. It was the consensus that we keep the number of activities to two or three for the first year and build on it from there. The events would be outhouse races, AMEC car races and a family oriented activity (as suggested by Linda Gilbert). Chris Cernak/Rachel Simonds will take the lead on organizing the outhouse race, Gene Centi will follow up with AMEC. Discussion about prizes. It was suggested that we go with trophies and/or medals rather than ask businesses to donate an actual prize. The topic of food vendors came up but no definitive decision was made although it was previously agreed that we should have some there.

A couple of the commissioners will get together and visit and walk the new bike trail. We will reach out to Jeremy Manning to give us a tour.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:40PM

Submitted and signed electronically on August 27,2020 by Gene Centi

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