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SEPTEMBER 30, 2020

All commissioners are in attendance.

Main topic of discussion is preparing for the Winter Outhouse Races.

Planned date will be Saturday, February 20th, 2021

Three categories of racers: Adult- mixed 5 person at least one of the opposite gender

Children – ages 10 and under

Children - ages 11 1- 16

Check in will be from 9 until 11

Races to begin about 11

Gene to follow up with American Motor Car Club

Need a liability form for participants

Entry Fee. Was decided to waive any fees this year.

Discussed getting Tee shirts printed. Approximate cost is $5.86 per shirt

Linda Gilbert suggested that in addition to registration forms at business to also include town hall.

Doug Purcell recommends setting it up on Google Forms so registration can be done via online.

Suggested to possibly add a snowman/woman making contest.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:45 PM.

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