OCTOBER 13, 2020
All commissioners are in attendance
PLRT will be sponsoring a Halloween Trunk or Treat this year. It will be held on Sunday, October 25 from
12 to 2. The event will be at the Glenn Harris Memorial Park across from Town Hall.
Ana Snell and Angela Germany will be the volunteer coordinators. Ana and Angela have helped run the program in the past at Wheelerville School.
Contest to include best costume, funniest etc and a coloring page will be distributed through the school for the children to take home and bring to the event.
CDC and state guidelines will be required. All participants must wear masks regardless if their costume includes a mask. All participants will be required to sign in. There will be hand antiseptic cleaner positioned around the area. All candy/treats must be individually packaged. We recommend that a zip lock type bag be prepackaged with candy to facilitate handing it out and to minimize handling.
PLRT will hand out small pumpkins to each child.
Ralph Palcovic will contact the Caroga Lake FD about road safety and the auxiliary to possibly provide cider or hot chocolate.
Campers Corner will donate donuts.
Gene Centi to check with town with regard to insurance.
Flyers will be distributed within the next few days.
We discussed the finalization of the Outhouse Races
Chris Cernak selected a trophy for various categories. Determined we will need 20 trophies approximate cost of $10 each.. Possible categories, other than winner of the races, will be Most Unique Outhouse, Best Looking Outhouse and a Peoples Choice Award.
We agreed again on no registration fee.
Ralph Palcovic will contact Caroga FD for road safety and the auxiliary for refreshments.
Gene Centi to contact Larry Voght about plowing the course, road and parking area in addition to closing the section of East Shore Road from Lakeview to Sherman’s.
Outhouses used in the Adult races must be on 2 skis, have 3 walls, no door, toilet paper, reading material and be 4x4x8 in size.
Outhouses used in the Children races must be on 2 skis, have 3 walls, no door, toilet paper, reading material and be 3x3x6 in size.
Meeting adjourned at 8:05 PM
Copyright © James McMartin Long 2017–2025