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State of New York
County of Fulton
Town of Caroga

Notice of Decision from the Zoning Board of Appeals

Date: May 16, 2019

Notice of Decision in the Matter of a Request for a Variance for

Application Number #Z2019-02

Owners Christopher & Lucia Maddalone, 525 Union Street Schenectady NY 12305, of the property located at 108 Montayne Lane Caroga Lake NY 12032 and identified as parcel SBL#83.9-2-25, for a variance to the Town of Caroga Zoning Ordinance. The proposed structure would be in violation of:

Article 9, Section VI, paragraphs A and B. The proposed replacement structure exceeds lot coverage requirements by 94 square feet. Total lot coverage allowed is 1,010 square feet with 0.33% increased coverage. The proposed replacement structure is 24 by 46 feet for a total of 1,104 square feet.

Article 4, Section IV. The proposed structure does not meet the front yard setback requirement of 16.5 feet: The proposed setback is 14.7 feet. The proposed structure does not meet one of the side yard setback requirements of 13.2 feet: The proposed setback is 13 feet. The proposed structure also does not meet the shoreline setback of 75 feet. The proposed structure would be within 52 feet of the mean high water line.

Owner Desires to: build a single family dwelling, after already having demolished the existing structure. The setback and lot coverage are at issue.

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: that a meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Caroga was held on May 16, 2019

The Zoning Board of Appeals application in the above matter was APPROVED subject to the following stipulations: show proof of building height on a dimensional elevation drawing and provide a completed SEAF.

Zoning Board of Appeals Vice-Chairperson
Kenneth Coirin


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