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State of New York
County of Fulton
Town of Caroga

Notice of Decision from the Zoning Board of Appeals

Date: August 20, 2020

A Public Hearing before the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Caroga was held on August 20, 2020 at 7:00 pm via conference call (per Governor’s Executive Orders 202.1 through 202.55) to consider Application Number Z2020-06 by Irene Sweet, PO Box 442, Caroga Lake NY 12032, for the property located at 2304 State Highway 10 and identified as parcels 83.9-4-6 in LF-2.5 zoning district, APA Low Intensity.

The property owner placed an unpermitted 10 foot by 12 foot gazebo in place of a previous unpermitted screened in structure. The square footage has been exceeded as well as an encroachment of the north side yard setback. This consideration involves the following section(s) of the local zoning ordinance. Article 4, Section I, Subsection B; District Regulations.

  1. A variance is being requested because max square footage allowed is 755 square feet, actual preexisting non-conforming square footage is 968 square feet, proposed gazebo is 120 square foot for a grand total of 1088 square feet. Total of 333 square feet over the allowed square foot allowance in said zoning district
  2. Side yard relief as per Article 9, Section VI, Subsection A equates to 13 foot 3 inches. The gazebo is placed 18 inches away from property line so an encroachment of 11-foot 7-inch variance is being requested.

The variance was denied.

Zoning Board of Appeals Chair
Douglas H. Purcell, Jr.


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