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Date: March 13, 2020
Due to the COVID-19 National Emergency, Zoning Board of Appeals Chair Douglas H. Purcell, Jr. has declared that the venue for the Public Hearing before the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Caroga will be via Conference Call only on March 18, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. The public may join this Public Hearing conference call by dialing (toll free) 1(866)899-4679 or (long distance) 1(571)317-3117 and then entering access code 870205333 followed by the "#" key. Applicants and the public may first want to browse the application materials online before joining the Public Hearing conference call. The meeting agenda includes
Application Number Z2020-03,
by Eugene Schramm, 17 Montague Ave., Merrick N.Y. 11566,
for the property located at 166 North Shore Road West Caroga,
and identified as parcel SBL#67.20-1-23 in LFA zoning district, APA Low Intensity.
The property owner proposes to replace an existing smaller deck in the shoreline setback with a larger 8 foot by 20 foot new deck with an attached dock. The deck is a permitted structure, but it is within the shoreline setback of 50 feet. The property owner does have NYSDEC permission for the dock. This consideration involves the following section(s) of the local Zoning Ordinance. Article 5, Section II, Subsection C, Paragraph 1 states “Structures greater than 100 square feet, except docks and boathouses, shall be set back from the mean high-water mark of all lakes, ponds and navigable waters and streams in accordance with the dimensional standard set forth in Article 4, Section IV above.”
A Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) variance, if granted, may then be referred by the ZBA to the Adirondack Park Agency (APA). The APA has 30 days after it receives a complete referral to reverse the granting of the variance. If the variance is granted by the ZBA and not reversed by the APA, then building plans would be reviewed and a determination made about whether to issue a building permit.
The above application is open to inspection online at TownOfCaroga.com/apa/z2020-03_schramm/ and at the Code Office, Town of Caroga Municipal Building, 1840 State Highway 10, Caroga Lake NY 12032. Persons wishing to appear at such hearing may do so in person or by attorney or other representative. Communications in writing in relation thereto may be filed with the Board at such hearing.
James McMartin Long
Zoning Board of Appeals Clerk
Town Board Member
PO Box 328
Caroga Lake NY 12032
(518)835-3734 (home)
Copyright © James McMartin Long 2017–2025