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Zoning Board of Appeals December 22, 2011 Minutes

Zoning Board Vice Chairman Ken Coirin opened the public session of the meeting at 7:00pm. Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals in attendance by roll call were:

Chairman – Pete Welker - absent

Vice Chairman – Ken Coirin – present

Frank Malagisi – present

Doug Purcell – present

Robert Kane – absent

Alternate Christine Perkins - present

Others in attendance: Greta Frasier

Vice Chairman Ken Coirin asked if there are any additions or corrections of the previous hearing minutes. The present board members replied there were none. Mr. Coirin asked for a motion to be made to waive reading and to accept the minutes as written. Doug Purcell made the motion and Christina Perkins 2nd the motion. All Zoning Board members agreed.

Vice Chairman Ken Coirin advised that the Town of Caroga Board of Appeals was meeting to hear a variance application. The hearings are two part hearings. The first part is a public session to hear the applicants and the public about the application. The second part is an open session when the board discusses the application.

Mr. Coirin advised the Town of Caroga Zoning Board of Appeals will hear Application Number Z2011-09-A by Greta Frasier and Kenneth Cronin of 2533 State Hwy 10 Johnstown (Town of Caroga), NY 12095 of the property located at 242 West Lake Rd Caroga Lake NY 12032 and identified as Parcel # 98.-2-3 for a use variance to the Town of Caroga Zoning Ordinance which is in violation of Article 4 Section 4.031 and Section 4.50 of said code. Parcel is zoned R10.

Owners Desires to: Have an agricultural use in an R3 and R10 district. Owners desire to keep livestock.

Mr. Coirin explained that the Zoning Board of Appeals originally heard the application on November 17, 2011 for an area variance. He apologized to the applicant and explained that the application should have been heard as a use variance.

Mr. Coirin asked the applicant to again explain what she wanted to do. Ms. Frasier explained that she owns an approx. 100 acre parcel and wants to construct a 24’ x 36’ barn for the purpose of having 2 horses, a beef cow, a goat, a miniature donkey and chickens. The property has no septic, no wells and no wetland and will be used for the livestock only. Ms. Frasier states that she has approx. 20 chickens now and they will also be using the proposed barn.

Mr. Coirin asked if there was any correspondence for this application and the secretary replied there was none.

With no other questions, Mr. Coirin closed the public part of the meeting at 7:02PM and went into open session.

Roll call was taken with the same results as previously recorded.

Mr. Coirin explained to the applicant that this is a use variance and changes the criteria that the Zoning Board of Appeals reviewed previously as an area variance. Mr. Coirin read a detailed description of a use variance for the Town of Caroga to Ms. Frasier. He also explained that there is no agricultural use allowed within the town. He asked the applicant if she could provide all details to show hardship as outlined in the criteria. Ms. Frasier stated that she lives on a monthly disability income and the cost of boarding the horses, goat and donkey is her reason for wanting to move the animals to her property. She stated that if she had known that this information was needed she would have had it ready for the board to review with the application.

Mr. Coirin asked the Zoning members presented for a motion to table application Z2011-09A until the application can gather the necessary information. Mr. Malagisi made the motion and Mr. Purcell 2nd the motion. All board members agreed.

Mr. Coirin advised the applicants that their application Z2011-09A for a variance was Tabled by the Town of Caroga Zoning Board. The applicant will notify when she has all the information needed and another hearing will be scheduled with thirty (30) days after receipt of the information.

Mr. Coirin asked for a motion to close the Hearing of the Zoning Board of Appeals at 7:12PM. Mr. Purcell made the motion and Ms. Perkins 2nd the motion.

Respectfully Submitted

Mary Johnson

Town of Caroga Zoning Board of Appeals Secretary

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