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About the Planning Board

Al Kozakiewicz, Chair (term expires end of 2028 as Board member, chair yearly, email: here.)
John Ivancic (term expires end of 2025)
George Hamilton (term expires end of 2026)
Karen Dutcher (term expires end of 2027)
Lynne Delesky (term expires end of 2029)
Rick Gilmour (term expires end of 2030)
Tom Wojciechowski (term expires end of 2031)
Anita Long (Planning Board Liaison to Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee)

Town Clerk Linda Gilbert (Interim Planning Board Clerk, email: here.)

The Planning Board meets on the first Wednesday of the month, but only if there is business pending. The Planning Board will meet at other times as needed. Notice of meetings will be posted on the Town Hall bulletin board and on this website’s Calendar. If it is not merely a meeting but Public Hearing, legal notices will also be published in the newspaper of record.

Copyright © James McMartin Long 2017–2025