Hearing Notices & Regular Meetings
As of January 1, 2022, the Planning Board no longer follows New York
State law in posting all Public Hearing materials online as required
by law.
Posting Public Hearing materials the day before a Public Hearing
does not constitute proper notification.
This follows the illegal removal of the former Planning Board clerk by
the Town Board.
(The Planning Board chooses its own clerks,
secretaries, and experts, per
Consolidated Laws of New York
TWN § 271(2).)
- 2024-03-20 at 7:00 PM in person at Town Hall
- Agenda not known at this time.
- 2023-06-28 at 6:00 PM in person at Town Hall
- 2023-05-24 at 7:00 PM in person at Town Hall
- 2022-05-04 at 6:00 PM in person at Town Hall
CAC application materials declared complete
- 2022-09-07 at 7:00 PM in person at Town Hall
P2022-08 Evans Site Plan Review
Owner: Michael and Tina Evans, 2909 Pleasant
Ridge Rd, Wingdale, NY 12594 of the property located
at: 101 Washington Square, Caroga Lake NY 12032 and
identified as parcel SBL# 83.6-14-7.5 in the Highway
Commercial District (APA Hamlet land use area) for a
Site Plan Review as required by Town of Caroga Zoning
Ordinance. The owner proposes to open a commercial
business in an existing structure with interior use
changes. Anyone wishing to view the application may do
so during normal business hours at the Town
Clerk’s office located in the Municipal Building at
1840 State Highway 10, Caroga Lake, NY 12032.
Anyone wishing to comment may do so either personally at
the public hearing or by attorney or other
- 2022-06-01 at 7:00 PM in person at Town Hall
- 2022-03-02 at 7:00 PM in person at Town Hall
- P2022-01 Burton Site Plan Review (reopening)
- 2022-02-02 at 7:00 PM in person at Town Hall
- P2022-01 Burton Site Plan Review
- Szurek Subdivision
- 2021-12-01 at 7:00 PM in person at Town Hall
- 2021-11-17 at 7:00 PM in person at Town Hall:
joint meeting between ZBA and Planning Board
- 2021-10-14 at 7:00 PM in-person at Town Hall
- 2021-10-06 at 7:00 PM in-person at Town Hall
- 2021-07-27 at 7:00 PM in-person at Town Hall
- 2021-07-07 at 7:00 PM in-person at Town Hall
- 2021-05-20 at 7:00 PM via GoToMeeting.com teleconference only
- 2021-05-13 at 7:00 PM via GoToMeeting.com teleconference only
- 2021-03-03 at 7:00 PM Cancelled
- 2021-02-11 at 7:00 PM via GoToMeeting.com teleconference only
- Discuss possible technical revisions to the Zoning Ordinance
- Meeting Notice
- 2021-01-11 at 7:00 PM via GoToMeeting.com teleconference only
- 2020-08-19 at 7:00 PM via Conference Call only
- 2020-08-05 at 7:00 PM via Conference Call only
- 2020-07-01 at 7:00 PM via Conference Call only
- Various
including a letter received from
ZBA Chair Douglas H. Purcell, Jr.,
and determine completeness of an application for
Special Use Permit
- 2020-06-03 at 7:00 PM via Conference Call only
- 2020-03-25 at 7:00 PM via Conference Call only
- 2020-03-17 at 7:00 PM via Conference Call only
- 2020-03-09 at 7:00 PM
- 2020-03-04 at 7:00 PM
- 2020-02-05 at 7:00 PM
- 2019-12-04 at 7:00 PM
- 2019-10-03 at 7:00 PM
- 2019-09-18 at 7:00 PM
- 2019-09-03 at 7:00 PM
- 2019-04-17 at 7:00 PM
- 2019-04-15 at 7:00 PM
- P2019-02 Walker application materials review
- Ruby Jung lot line adjustment
- 2018-12-05 at 7:00 PM
- 2018-11-07 at 7:00 PM
- 2018-09-20 at 7:00 PM
- 2018-05-17 at 7:30 PM
Copyright © James McMartin Long 2017–2025