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About the ZBA

Anthony Russitano, Chair (term expires end of 2026)
Jennifer Blowers (term expires end of 2024)
Pat Cooper (term expires end of 2025)
Lynn Hollister (term expires end of 2027)
John Byrnes (term expires end of 2028)
Doug Purcell (alternate and former Chair)

If the Code Enforcement Officer denies your permit, you may appeal the decision to the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA). The ZBA may uphold the denial, overturn the denial and grant a variance, or table the decision for a later date. If the ZBA grants a variance, that variance is subject to review by the Adirondack Park Agency. The Adirondack Park Agency reviews the ZBA decision and may issue a reversal of the ZBA decision or the Adirondack Park Agency may let that decision stand.

The Zoning Board of Appeals meets the third Wednesday of the month, but only if there is an appeal pending. The Zoning Board of Appeals will meet at other times as needed. Notice of meetings will be posted on the Town Hall bulletin board and on this website’s Calendar. If it is not merely a meeting but formal Hearing, legal notices will also be published in the newspaper of record.

Copyright © James McMartin Long 2017–2025