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Chairman Kozakiewicz called the tele-conference meeting to order at 7:00pm.
Roll call:
Al Kozakiewicz — present
Fred Franko — present
Lynne Delesky — present
Karen Dutcher — present
Voght — absent
Matt Cooper — present
Rick Gilmour
— present
Burt Wilson — absent (alternate for P2020-04 NLH)
Attendees: Stephen Manzer, Joe Dana, Dominick Brennan, Frank Malagisi, Clayton Sitterly, Nicholas Gale
Al Kozakiewicz said this meeting was to consider three applications. He said the Planning Board had issues with P2020-07 Manzer and P2020-09 Foster which were both applications for accessory structures where there was no principal structure and both applications needed to go back to Code Enforcement Officer John Duesler for clarification. He said with regard to P2020-09 Foster that either Mr. Foster needed to combine the two parcels owned by Mr. Foster or he needed to apply for a zoning variance. He said that in the case of P2020-07 Manzer, there are no principal structures. He said the Planning Board can’t process these two applications. He said that left on the agenda the applications P2020-08 Brennan and P2020-06 Jung. He proceeded to P2020-06 Jung. He confirmed that the Planning Board had received the large survey print. He said he had been confused by the survey print’s inclusion of wetlands. He noted there was a settlement agreement with the Adirondack Park Agency. He said the APA views a lot line amendment as a subdivision. He said there were two lots, one of which is 0.270 acres and the other one is 5.379 acres. He said the 5.379 acre parcel that is part of the wetland is to be merged with the Jung property and the 0.270 acre parcel is to be retained by Jung. He noted that there was a stipulation in the settlement agreement between the APA and Jung that the parcel must be joined: The lot line between parcels 68.-1-1.1 and 67.8-1-20 is to be adjusted to increase the size of 67.8-1-20 by 0.270 acres and decrease the size of 68.-1-1.1 similarly. He then opened up the floor.
Clayton Sitterly said Mr. Gale is buying the 5.7 acre from Dave Jung. Mr. Jung wanted to extend the width of his road. The Jung portion would be combined with the other Jung parcel.
Nick Gale agreed with Clayton Sitterly.
Al Kozakiewicz said that the application was submitted as a lot line amendment, not a subdivision. Al Kozakiewicz asked the clerk if a subdivision required a public hearing.
Clerk James McMartin Long confirmed that was so.
Discussion on the parcels and whether this was a lot line amendment or a subdivision ensued.
Al Kozakiewicz then said a lot line amendment between two Jung parcels could only be submitted by Jung.
Clayton Sitterly said the Planning Board had a letter on file signed by the Jung family indicating that he is speaking on behalf of the Jung family.
[That letter is made part of these minutes, by reference.]
Clerk James McMartin Long said that letter was on the website with this application.
Al Kozakiewicz asked who the application was for, Jung or Gale.
Clayton Sitterly said the application affects both, but the application was from Jung.
Al Kozakiewicz said Jung is asking to do a lot line amendment from his 68.-1-1.1 (roughly 5 acre parcel) on to his 67.8.1-20.
Al Kozakiewicz asked for comments from the Planning Board.
Rick Gilmour made a motion to approve the lot line amendment. Matt Cooper seconded the motion.
Roll call vote:
Al Kozakiewicz — Yes
Fred Franko — Yes
Delesky — Yes
Karen Dutcher — Yes
Matt Cooper
— Yes
Rick Gilmour — Yes
Motion carried.
Al Kozakiewicz said the proposed structure was classified as an accessory structure and requires a Special Use Permit. He asked Dominick Brennan to speak.
Joe Dana spoke. He said he was here on Dominick Brennan's behalf and that he had done the drawings. He said there was a shed prior to joining the lot next door.
Al Kozakiewicz asked if there were any members of the public who wished to speak.
Clerk James McMartin Long noted that there was no correspondence and he had received word that the neighbor notification letter to Lundquist had been forwarded to the new owner.
Al Kozakiewicz closed the public portion at 7:25 pm.
Lynne said she spoke with Mr. Brennan at the site and the drawing shows the accessory structure straight back from the driveway. She asked if that was correct.
Dominick Brennan said yes, straight back behind the garage.
Lynne Delesky asked for confirmation that the drawing was correct.
Dominick confirmed this.
Al Kozakiewicz asked about the board whether this was Resort zoning district.
Lynne Delesky confirmed that it was.
Rick Gilmour said it looked good to him and the property was in great shape.
Al Kozakiewicz asked for a motion.
Lynne Delesky moved to grant the permit. Fred Franko seconded the motion.
Roll call vote:
Al Kozakiewicz — Yes
Fred Franko — Yes
Delesky — Yes
Karen Dutcher — Yes
Matt Cooper —
Rick Gilmour — Yes
Motion carried.
Motion: Al Kozakiewicz moved to accept the minutes from the July 1, 2020 meeting as published. Lynne Delesky seconded the motion. All were in favor.
Clerk James McMartin Long updated the board on the 239-m filing, the ZBA Use Variance, and a date for the Planning Board Site Plan Review for the micro-clinic.
The board discussed possible days of the week and specific dates for the public hearing for the Site Plan Review.
Al Kozakiewicz suggested a September meeting for dock regulations and design standards.
Lynne Delesky asked about storage containers.
Al Kozakiewicz said yes, storage containers as well. Further, he discussed a zoning revision requiring a Special Use Permit or Site Plan Review when a zoning variance was granted if those items were required elsewhere.
Motion: Rick Gilmour moved to adjourn. Lynne Delesky seconded the motion.
The meeting adjourned at 7:40 pm.
James McMartin Long,
Planning Clerk/Secretary
Town Board
PO Box 328
Caroga Lake NY 12032
Copyright © James McMartin Long 2017–2025