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Local Laws

Adirondack Park Agency

Mention must be made to the Adirondack Park Agency Act because the Park Agency has jurisdiction over many aspects of private and public land use in the Town of Caroga. A starting point in understanding Park Agency Regulations is the Citizen's Guide to Adirondack Park Agency Land Use Regulations.

The Adirondack Park Agency Act allows any local government within the Park to develop its own local land use programs which, if approved by the Agency, may transfer some permitting authority from the Agency to the local government's jurisdiction. Caroga has an Agency Approved Local Land Use Program.

Town of Caroga Local Laws

The new transcriptions, where available, do not correct spelling or typographic errors in the older facsimiles. The Town Board can pass an amending law to correct such errors.

Selected New York Laws Applicable to Towns

This section links to external resources, e.g., FindLaw, for convenience only.

Copyright © James McMartin Long 2017–2025