Mention must be made to the Adirondack Park Agency Act because the Park Agency has jurisdiction over many aspects of private and public land use in the Town of Caroga. A starting point in understanding Park Agency Regulations is the Citizen's Guide to Adirondack Park Agency Land Use Regulations.
The Adirondack Park Agency Act allows any local government within the Park to develop its own local land use programs which, if approved by the Agency, may transfer some permitting authority from the Agency to the local government's jurisdiction. Caroga has an Agency Approved Local Land Use Program.
The new transcriptions, where available, do not correct spelling or typographic errors in the older facsimiles. The Town Board can pass an amending law to correct such errors.
A local law providing for placement of stop signs on East Shore Road on West Caroga Lake.
To amend Local Law #1 of 2009 to Remove the Expiration Clause of the Real Property Tax Exemption for Cold War Veterans in the Town of Caroga.
To amend Local Law #1 of 2014 a Law to Regulate Traffic in the Town of Caroga.
To set “Grievance Day” in the Town of Caroga. Sets the second Wednesday after the fourth Tuesday in May as “Grievance day” in the Town of Caroga.
To adjust the Compensation of the Town Clerk of the Town of Caroga for the Fiscal Year 2016.
To amend Section 8 & Section 9
of Local Law #1 of 2012
formerly known as Local Law #1 of 2010.
Section 8
(B) Any dog license renewal that is delinquent on the 15th day of the month following the expiration date will be
assessed a late fee of $10.00. If the dog license remains delinquent through the end of the month following the
license expiration an appearance ticket will be issued. (Added 4/13/16)
Section 9: Fees
(A) Individual Dog License Fee
$4.00 for a spayed or neutered dog (changed 4/13/16)
$12.00 for an unspayed or unneutered dog (changed 4/13/16)
To regulate livery and taxi cab services in the Town of Caroga
To submit an enclosure into the 2015 Fulton County Town of Caroga tax bills
Amanda's Law “A law regulating ice shanties in the Town of Caroga”
To Amend Local Law #1 of 1991 to Increase the Fines and the Time Period involved to Regulate Traffic on Town Roads in The Town of Caroga.
To Authorize the Award of Purchase Contracts on the Basis of Best Value.
[Amended by Local Law #1 of 2016]
To amend Local Law #1 of 2010 (Dog Licensing and Control Law)
to include Impoundment fees for the First, Second and Third occurrence.
[Amended by Local Law #1 of 2016]
Dog Licensing and Control Law.
Town of Caroga Minimum Conditions for Maintenance of Structures, Equipment, and Exterior Property.
[Amended by Local Law #1 of 2018.]
Establishing A Real Property
Tax Exemption for Cold War Veterans
To amend local law #2 of 2006. This local law shall apply to the appointment, terms, function, and powers of an alternate member appointed to serve on the Zoning Board of Appeals in the Town of Caroga.
To set Grievance Day in the Town of Caroga. Sets the Thursday after the fourth Tuesday in May as Grievance Day.
911 Road Naming and Addressing Ordinance
To amend the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map to add a new zoning district to be called “Conservation with an Adult Overlay Zone” abbreviated as C (AU) District to permit Adult Use Businesses.
To amend Local Law #1 of 1989 also known as the Town of Caroga Sanitary Code. A holding tank must be emptied by a licensed septic tanks and systems cleaning business at least once a year and/or when it becomes seventy-five percent (75%) full or except on appeal to the Sanitary Inspector. Proof of pumping must be presented to the town clerk each and every time it is pumped and no later than June first of each year.
[Amended by Local Law #2 of 2008.]
To Permit the Appointment of an Alternate
Member to the Caroga Zoning Board of Appeals.
Adult Use Moratorium.
[superseded by Local Law #2 of 2009]
To set Town of Caroga Minimum Conditions for Maintenance
of Structures, Equipment, and Exterior Property.
To Permit the Appointment of Alternate Members to the Caroga Planning Board — a Maximum of Two.
To amend section 3 of Local Law #1 of 1989, septic pumping permits.
To Regulate Dogs in the Town of Caroga.
Replaces Local Law #2 of 1991
Veterans Increased Maximum Exemption Repeal Local Law #1 of 1985.
Fair Housing Law (Prohibit Discrimination).
Regulate Dangerous Dogs.
Amend Local Law #1 of 1977: Provide Written Notification of Defects & Obstructions of Town Highways.
Establish Safety Zones Prohibiting Use of Firearms/Weapons in Established Zones.
Alter Residency Requirements for Budget Officer.
Provide Release/Return/Lien on Fire Insurance Proceeds.
Repeal Local Law #1 of 1985 (Alternate Veterans Exemption - Opt to not grant exemption) Adopt Prov. of Section 458(a) Real Property Tax Law.
Amend Local Law #1 of 1979 to regulate disposal of Garbage & Rubbish.
Regulate Dogs in Town.
Repealed and replaced by Local Law #1 of 2002
[Amended (effectively replaced) by Local Law
#1 of 2014.]
Regulate Traffic on Town Roads.
A local law providing for the repair, demolition, or removal of unsafe buildings in the Town of Caroga.
[Amended by Local Law #2 of 2002.]
Regulation of Holding Tanks.
Correct & Amend Local Law #2 of 1987 re: Term of Appointment of Assessor.
[Amended by Local Law #1 of 1988.]
Establish Office of Single Appointed Assessor in Town
Flood Damage Prevention.
This is based on a model law that complies
with the National Flood Insurance Program Flood Plain
Management Criteria for Flood-prone Areas (44 CFR 60.3[b] & [c])
as revised 10/1/1986.
Only the first page of the law is scanned.
Provide Defense of Town Officers & Employees.
Permit Material to be Enclosed with Real Property Tax Bills.
Administration & Enforcement of NYS Uniform Fire Prevention & Building Code.
[Repealed by Local Law #4 of 1997.]
Alternative Veterans Exemption Option.
Flood Damage Prevention in Town.
[Amended by Local Law #3 of 1991.]
Regulate Disposal of Garbage & Rubbish in Town.
Prohibit Discharge of Sewage on/in/over Ground in Town.
Publication of Notice & Brief Description of Ordinances of Town.
[Amended by Local Law #1 of 1997.]
Notification of Defects & Obstructions of Town Highways.
National Flood Insurance Program.
Regulate Operation of Snowmobiles.
A local law to provide for the retention of elected assessors in the Town of Caroga.
A local law to provide for the regulation of sewage disposal or treatment systems for private dwellings, requiring minimum standards governing the design, construction and installation of sewage treatment soil absorption system and treatment plants and otherwise authorizing the issuance of permits and providing for penalties for violation.
A local law to provide for the general prohibition against discharge of sewage and other offensive matter and otherwise polluting the lakes located in the Town of Caroga.
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Powers and duties of supervisor
Copyright © James McMartin Long 2017–2025